They're in town on a case and went to the morgue earlier to see the victim's body. Afterwards, they went to the house of the family the victim was babysitting for and talked to the family.
They're now at the hospital after Sam got a call.
"What happened?" Sam asks as a nurse zips a body bag up and he and another nurse roll it out of the room.
"Guy got electrocuted." The doctor says.
"Any idea how?" Natalie asks.
"Eh, maybe a loose wire or a piece of equipment shorted out. So far, we haven't found anything." The doctor says.
"Witnesses?" Sam asks.
"Yeah, guy in there -- Mr. Stanley." The doctor says, pointing into the room where Stanley is sitting in a chair and looking out the window. "He says he saw it, but he's not making a lick of sense. Senile."
"Thanks." Sam says and the four go into the room while the doctor leaves. "Um, Mr. Stanley?"
"It was just a joke. I didn't know it would really work." Stanley says.
"What would work?" Dean asks.
"All I did was shake his hand." Stanley says, holding his hand out and holding a joy buzzer.
They're in the motel room with a large uncooked ham on the table. Dean puts a pair of goggles and a pair of gloves on. He picks the joy buzzer up.
"You ready?" Dean asks the twins.
"Hit it, Mr. Wizard." Sam says. He, Larissa, Jacob, and Natalie both hold goggles up to their eyes. They made the girls stay in the bathroom.
Dean holds the joy buzzer to the ham and electricity cackles and steam rises. Soon enough the ham is blackened and Dean takes away the joy buzzer. Sam, Larissa, Natalie, and Jacob lower their goggles as Dean flips the dark plastic visor on his goggles up.
"That'll do, pig." Dean says. "Safe now, munchkins." He calls to the girls who walk out of the bathroom.
"Whoa! You cooked a whole ham with that thing?" Libby's jaw drops.
"Cool!" Ophelia grins.
"What the hell?" Sam mutters as Dean takes his goggles off.
"That shit isn't supposed to work." Natalie says.
"This thing doesn't even have batteries." Dean says, taking his gloves off.
"So... so, what? Are-- are we looking at cursed objects?" Sam asks.
"Sounds good." Dean says. He pulls out a knife and cuts off a piece of ham. "Maybe there's a powerful witch in town. Is there any link between the, uh, the joy buzzer and the itching powder?"
"Uh, one was made in China, the other Mexico, but they were both bought from the same store." Sam says.
Dean hums as he eats another piece of ham. He holds a third piece up to Sam who shakes his head. He holds it out to Natalie who also denies it. Dean shrugs, eating the piece of ham. Ophelia and Libby hold their hands out, Dean tearing ham off for them.
"Ah-- no." Sam pulls Libby away.
"But daddy." She whines.
"Honey, it just... it's not... it's weird." Sam says.
"But they're eating it. Please." Libby gives him puppy dog eyes. "I haven't had food since lunch. Just a snack until dinner." Sam frowns, knowing how are snacking for her is now, still recovering from how she wouldn't eat when she drank demon blood.
"Okay." Sam mumbles. Libby grins and takes some ham from her uncle.
They go into a joke store and look around.
"Twinnies!" Dean calls. Both turn to him, only to find him holding a whoopee cushion and grinning. Sam sighs and shakes his head like a disappointed father and turns away. Natalie rolls her eyes, shaking her head.
"Hey, I used to have one of those. It pissed Jo and Rissa off so much." Jacob laughs.
"God, you two are so immature." Natalie mutters.
"Well, get ready. Cause he's gonna buy it." Ophelia says.
Dean takes the whoopee cushion up to the checkout counter that has a display of rubber chickens next to it.
"Welcome to the Conjurarium, sanctum of magic and mystery." The owner says, walking up.
"You the owner?" Sam asks.
"Yep." The owner nods.
"You sold any itching powder or joy buzzers lately?" Natalie asks.
"Yeah, a grand total of one of each. They aren't exactly big ticket items. Look, you four here to buy something or what?" The owner asks.
Dean pulls out some cash and holds up the whoopee cushion, giving the owner the money.
"So, you get many customers?" Jacob asks.
"Kids come in. They don't buy much, but they're more than happy to break stuff. These days, all they care about are their iPhones and those kissing vampire movies. The whole thing makes me just--"
"Angry?" Larissa guesses.
"Yeah." The owner nods. "Yeah, I am angry. This shop has been my life for twenty years, and now it's wasting away to nothing."
"Which is why you hate them." Jacob says.
"I suppose." The owner says.
"You wish there was something you could do about it." Dean says.
"Yeah, I guess I do." The owner shrugs.
"So you're taking revenge." Dean says. He grabs a rubber chicken and slaps it onto the counter.
"With this." Dean holds the joy buzzer up before pressing it to the chicken which electrifies. The owner lets out a yelp and jumps back.
"Oh! No!" He exclaims.
The rubber chicken melts, the owner staring at it in horror, making noises of shock.
"I, um... I don't think it's him." Natalie mutters.
"Yeah, something tells me this guy is not a powerful witch." Sam says.
"Sorry. Sorry." Dean tells the owner before the family quickly leave.
Natalie, Sam, and Jacob walk out of the hospital room and to Dean who is talking with a nurse, Larissa standing near.
"Kill me, please." Larissa begs them, walking over. Sam softly laughs.
"Sorry. I, uh, I like you alive." Sam tells her, gently patting her on the head.
"Oh. Jen it is." Dean says and the nurse smiles. Sam clears his throat, the nurse walking off. "What's up with Toothless? Cavity creep get ahold of him?"
"Yeah. Close. He wrote up a description." Sam says. ""Five foot ten, 350 pounds, wings, and a pink tutu."" Sam reads from his notebook. "Said it was the tooth fairy."
"So he's obviously whacked out on painkillers." Dean says.
"Maybe. Whatever it was got past locked doors and windows without triggering the alarm." Sam says.
"Come on. Tooth fairy?" Dean asks.
"And it left 32 quarters underneath his pillow. One for each tooth." Sam says.
"Well, I will see your crazy and raise you some. There's a couple of kids upstairs with stomach ulcers -- say they got it from mixing Pop Rocks and Coke. Another guy... his face... froze that way."
"What way?" Sam asks. Dean glances around before he pulls out the sides of his mouth and crosses his eyes. He lets go after a moment.
"He, uh, held it too long, and it-it stuck. They're flying in a plastic surgeon." Dean says.
"So, I mean, if you add all that up..." Sam says. "I got nothing."
"I thought sea monkeys were real." Dean says as they start walking.
"They are. They're brine shrimp." Sam says.
"No, no, no, I mean, like in the ads. You know, like the sea monkey wife cooks the pot roast for the sea monkey husband, and the sea monkey kids play with the dog in a sea monkey castle -- real. I mean, I was six, but I believed it."
"Okay." Sam says.
"Point is..." Dean stops making the other three stop. "Maybe that's the connection. The tooth fairy, the pop rocks and coke, the joy buzzer that shocks you -- they're all lies that kids believe."
"And now they're coming true. Okay, so whatever's doing this is-is reshaping reality. It has the powers of a god. Or--"
"Or a trickster." Sam rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, with the sense of humor of a nine year old." Dean says.
"Or you." Sam says, walking off, as Natalie snorts and Larissa laughs.
Sam, Libby, Natalie, and Larissa walk into the motel where Dean is sitting at the table and eating a sandwich, the ham mostly gone. Jacob and Ophelia are sitting on one of the beds and coloring.
"Dude, seriously-- still with the ham?" Sam asks.
"We don't have a fridge." Dean says, his mouth full of food.
"Well, I found something." Sam says, putting a map down. Dean stands up and Sam points to different red X's on the map as he talks.
"Um, tooth fairy attack was here, Pop Rocks and Coke was here, then you've got itching powder, face freeze, and joy buzzer. All located within a two mile radius." Sam says.
"So, we got a blast zone of weird, and inside, fantasy becomes reality." Dean says.
"Looks like." Sam nods.
"And what's the A-bomb at its center?" Dean asks.
"Four acres of farmland... and a house." Sam says.
"Our motel isn't in that circle, by any chance?"
"Yeah. Why?"
Dean holds his right hand up, his palm covered in hair.
"Ugh, dude--" Sam protests.
"Oh, my God." Natalie groans in disgust.
"Oh, God, I'm gonna puke." Larissa mumbles.
"That's not what I think it is, is it?" Sam asks.
"I got bored. That nurse was hot." Dean grins.
"Okay, we-- we weren't here for that. I had no idea that's what he did when I took her out to get snacks." Jacob says.
Natalie groans in disgust, covering her ears, squeezing her eyes shut.
"What is it?" Ophelia asks.
"You know you can go blind from that, too." Sam says.
"Give me five minutes. We'll go check out that house." Dean says, walking to the bathroom.
"Hey, do not use my razor!" Sam orders.
"I don't get it. What'd he do?" Libby asks.
"Nothing." Sam immediately says.
"Then why are you guys so disgusted?" Libby asks.
"Libby, you're not finding out." Sam says.
"Come on. Why don't you guys ever tell me anything?" She whines.
"Because you're six." Sam says.
"Being six is stupid." She pouts.
"Well, you better enjoy it while it lasts." Sam tells her, kissing her on the head.
"How can I if you guys don't tell me anything?" Libby huffs.
"I don't get it either, and I'm nine." Ophelia says.
"Good." The four adults chorus.
They get to Jesse's house and are in their FBI clothes. Sam bends down to pick the lock, but stands up when the door opens, a boy standing there.
"Can I help you?" The boy asks.
"Awkward." Jacob quietly sings.
"Hi. Uh, what's your name?" Sam asks.
"Who wants to know?" The boy asks and the five glance between each other.
"The, uh... FBI." Dean says as they show the boy their badges.
"Let me see that." He takes Dean's badge. He examines the badge before giving it back to Dean and they put their badges up.
"So, what, you guys don't knock?" The boy asks.
"Are your parents home?" Dean asks.
"They work." The boy says.
"Well, you mind if we ask you a few questions, maybe take a look around the house?" Sam asks.
"I don't know." The boy says.
"Come on. You can trust us. We're the authorities." Dean says, holding his badge up again. The boy glances between them and the two women give him reassuring smiles while the three guys attempt to do the same.
~ ~ ~
They walk into the kitchen and the boy goes to the stove, turning it off.
"What's that?" Sam asks, nodding to the pot the boy is dealing with.
"It's called soup. You heat it up and you eat it." The boy says. Larissa snorts, quickly hiding it with a cough.
"Right. I-I know. It's just, um... I used to make my own dinner, too, when I was a kid." Sam says.
"Well, I'm not a kid."
"Right. No, I-I know. Um... I'm Robert, by the way." Sam holds his hand out.
"Jesse." The boy shakes his hand.
"Jesse, nice to meet you."
"Did you draw this?" Dean asks, holding up a drawing of a bearded man with pink wings and a pink tutu. Jesse nods.
"It's the tooth fairy." He says.
"That's what you think the tooth fairy looks like, huh?" Dean asks.
"Yeah. My dad told me about him." Jesse says.
"Huh." Dean hums.
"What, didn't your dad tell you about the tooth fairy?" Jesse asks.
"I wish." Natalie mumbles. "Well, maybe I shouldn't, actually. God knows how graphic he could make it."
"My dad?" Dean chuckles. "My dad told me different stories."
"Well, the tooth fairy isn't a story." Jesse says.
"What do you know about itching powder, Jesse?" Dean asks.
"That stuff will make you scratch your brains out."
"Pop rocks and coke?"
"You mix them, and you'll end up in the hospital. Everyone knows that." Dean pulls a joy buzzer out, holding it up. "You shouldn't have that."
"Why not?" Dean asks.
"It can electrocute you." Jesse says.
"Actually, it can't. It's just a wind up toy. It's totally harmless. Doesn't even have batteries." Dean says.
"So it can't shock you?" Jesse asks.
"Nope. Not at all, I swear." Dean says.
"Oh. Okay." Jesse says.
"I mean, all it does is just shake in your hand. It's kind of lame. See?" Dean holds the joy buzzer to Jacob's chest and it buzzes. Larissa smacks Dean in the arm. Natalie's eyes widen, panic filling her, but slightly relaxes when nothing happens and Dean takes the joy buzzer away.
"What did you say your name was again?" Dean asks Jesse while Natalie gives him a murderous stare and Jacob looks like he's having a crisis.
~ ~ ~
"What the fuck, Dean?" Natalie asks as they leave the house.
"I had a hunch. I went with it." Dean shrugs.
"You risked my boyfriend's life on a hunch?" Natalie asks.
"Well, I would've done it to you or Sam, but, uh... well, I don't have any attachments to Jacob, so." Dean shrugs.
"Dean!" Natalie exclaims.
"Relax. He's fine." Dean says.
"I'm gonna kill you." Natalie says.
"No, you won't." Dean argues. "Look, now we know who's turning this town into Willy Wonka's worst nightmare."
"The kid." Sam says.
"Yeah. Everything Jesse believes comes true. He thinks the tooth fairy looks like Belushi, uh, joy buzzers really shock people, boom, that's what happens." Dean says.
"Yeah, but convince him the joy buzzers don't actually work, and they go from killing machines back into shitty toys." Sam says.
"He probably doesn't even know he's doing it." Dean says. They look back at the house, seeing Jesse looking at them through a window. Dean waves at him. "How is he doing it?"
Dean, Natalie, and Jacob are in the motel room and look over when the door opens, Sam and Larissa walking in.
"So, dug up what I could on Jesse Turner. It's not much. Uh, B student, won last year's Pinewood Derby. But get this. Jesse was adopted. His birth records are sealed." Sam says.
"So you unsealed them, and?" Dean asks.
"There's no father listed, but Jesse's biological mom is named Julia Wright. She lives in Elk Creek, on the other side of the state." Sam says.
They get to Julia's house and Dean pushes the gate open, the group ignoring the "No Trespassing" sign. They walk to the front door and it has two deadbolts. Dean rings the doorbell.
"Whatever you're selling, I'm not interested!" Julia calls through the door.
"We're not salesmen. Agents Page, Plant, Lee, Bonham, and Jones. FBI." Dean says. They pull out their badges, holding them to the peephole.
"Put your badge in the slot. Your partners' too." Julia demands. Dean grabs them and does so. After a moment, the locks unclick and the door opens. Julia hands back the badges.
"What do you want?" She asks.
"Um... we just had a few questions. About your son." Sam says.
"I don't have a son." Julia says.
"He was born March 29th, 1998, in Omaha." Sam says. "You put him up for adoption?"
"What about him?" Julia asks.
"We were just wondering, um, was it... was it a normal pregnancy?" Sam asks. Julia doesn't say anything.
"Was there anything strange?" Dean asks and Julia slams the door shut.
"Stay away from me!" She shouts.
"Mrs. Wright, wait!" Dean pushes the door open and they follow her inside. Julia runs to the kitchen and shuts the door.
"We just want to talk." Dean says, pushing the door open. Julia tosses salt at them, staring at them as nothing happens.
"You're not demons?" She asks.
"How do you know about demons?" Dean asks.
~ ~ ~
Julia is sitting at the dining table with a cup of tea and the others are also sitting down.
"I was possessed. A demon took control of my body, and I hurt people. I killed people." Julia says.
"That... that wasn't you." Sam says.
"But I was there. I heard a woman beg for mercy. I... felt a young girl's blood drip down my hands." Julia says.
"That's how you knew about the salt." Dean says.
"Yeah, I picked up tricks. It was in my head for months." Julia says.
"How many months?" Larissa asks.
"Nine." Julia says.
"So your son..." Natalie trails off.
"Yeah, the whole time. The pregnancy, birth -- all of it. I was possessed." Julia says. "The night the baby was born, I was alone. And the pain was-- the pain was overwhelming. I-I screamed and it came out with a laugh because the demon was happy. It used my body to give birth to a child. When it was over, something changed. Maybe the-the demon was tired or if the pain helped me fight it, but..."
"Somehow, I took control. And the demon wailed inside me. It pounded against my skull. I thought my head was gonna explode. But I knew. I knew what I had to do. And when I was alone with the baby... a part of me... part of me wanted to kill it. But, God help me, I couldn't do that. So, I put it up for adoption, and I ran."
"Who was the father?" Dean asks.
"I was a virgin." Julia says.
The five hunters look between each other.
"Have you seen my son? Is he human?" Julia asks.
"His name's Jesse. He lives in, uh, Alliance. He's a good kid." Dean says and Julia nods.
~ ~ ~
"So, now what?" Sam asks as they leave the house.
"We need help." Dean says.
They walk into the motel room and find Cas. Ophelia is lying in one of the beds and Libby is asleep in the other bed.
"I take it you got our message." Sam says, sitting at the table.
"I still say he needs a bell." Ophelia says.
"Angels don't wear bells." Cas states.
"Well, break the cycle and start wearing one." Ophelia grumbles. "Next time I wake up to you standing in the room like a creep, I'm throwing you throw the wall." She threatens.
"I'm much stronger than you. Your powers have little effect on me." Cas says.
"Okay, okay, all right." Dean intervenes. "No threatening the nine year old."
"It's lucky you found the boy." Cas states.
"Oh, yeah, real lucky. What do we do with him?" Dean asks.
"Kill him." Cas states making the five stare at him. Ophelia turns back to look at him.
"What?" Jacob quietly scoffs.
"Cas." Dean says.
"This child is half demon and half human, but it's far more powerful than either. Other cultures call this hybrid cambion or katako. You know him as the antichrist." Cas explains.
Cas sits at the table causing a fart noise. The noise continues when he shifts around. Jacob quietly laughs.
"That wasn't me." Cas says. Cas pulls out a whoopee cushion.
"Who put that there?" Dean wonders, acting clueless.
"Mm-hmm. Yeah, I'm sure you don't know." Natalie rolls her eyes.
"Anyway, I don't get it. Jesse is the devil's son?" Sam asks.
"No, of course not. Your Bible gets more wrong than it does right. The antichrist is not Lucifer's child. It's just demon spawn. But it is one of the devil's greatest weapons in the war against Heaven." Cas says.
"Well, if Jesse's a demonic howitzer, then what the hell's he doing in Nebraska?" Dean asks.
"The demons lost him. They can't find him. But they're looking." Cas says.
"And they lost him because?" Dean asks.
"Because of the child's power. It hides him from both angels and demons. For now." Cas says.
"So he's got, like, a force field around him. Well, that's great. Problem solved." Dean says.
"With Lucifer risen, this child grows strong. Soon, he will do more than just make a few toys come to life. Something that will draw the demons to him. The demons will find this child. Lucifer will twist this boy to his purpose. And then, with a word, this child will destroy the Host of Heaven."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. You're saying that--that Jesse's gonna nuke the angels?" Dean asks.
"We cannot allow that to happen." Cas says.
"Wait." Sam protests, standing up. "We're the good guys. We-- we don't just... kill children."
"A year ago, you would have done whatever it took to win this war." Cas says.
"Things change." Sam says.
Dean steps forward, putting a hand on Sam's arm, and stepping between the two before it gets violent.
"Okay. Hey, look, we are not going to kill him. All right? But we can't leave Jesse here either. We know that. So... we take him to Bobby's. He'll know what to do." Dean says.
"You'll kidnap him? What is going on in this town, it's what happens when this thing is happy. You cannot imagine what it will if it's angry. Besides, how will you hold him? With a thought, he could be halfway around the world."
"So we--"
"So we tell him the truth." Sam says, cutting his brother off. "You say Jesse's destined to go dark side -- fine. But he hasn't yet. So if we lay it all out for him-- what he is, the apocalypse, everything-- he might make the right choice."
Nobody says anything for a few moments.
"You didn't. And I can't take that chance." Cas says. Sam glares at him as he vanishes.
"Damn it." Sam whispers.
They get to Jesse's house and kick the door open, rushing in.
Jesse points to the floor and there's a small action figure wearing Cas' trench coat and holding a silver knife. Dean picks it up and looks at the others before looking at Jesse.
~ ~ ~
Dean sets the Cas action figure on the mantle. Jesse is sitting on the couch while Sam is sitting on a chair and the others are standing up.
"Was he your friend?" Jesse asks.
"Him? No." Dean denies.
"I did that. But how did I do that?" Jesse asks.
"You're a superhero." Dean says.
"I am?" Jesse asks.
"Yeah. Yeah. I mean, who else could turn someone into a toy? You're Superman -- minus the cape and the go-go boots. See, my-my partners and I, we work for a secret government agency. It's our job to find kids with special powers. In fact, we're here to take you to a hidden base in South Dakota, where you'll be trained to fight evil."
"Like X-Men?" Jesse asks.
"Exactly like X-Men." Dean says and he chuckles. "In fact, the, uh, guy we're taking you to... he's even in a wheelchair. You'll be a hero. You'll save lives. You'll get the girl. Sounds like fun, right?"
Dean is flung against the wall and then Natalie and Jacob are. Larissa is flung across the room and she crashes onto the floor.
"They're lying to you." Julia walks in. Sam stands up and she flings him against the wall. Jesse stands up.
"Stay right there, dreamboat. And the twin. Can't hurt you. Orders." She tells Sam. "You guys on the other hand?" She glances between Larissa, Jacob, and Dean. "Hurting you is encouraged. And there's no rules about these two." She glances at Jacob and Larissa.
She flicks her wrist and slams Dean against one wall and then the opposite one. She flings Jacob across the room and he crashes into the staircase.
"Leave them alone!" Jesse shouts.
"Jesse. You're beautiful. You have your father's eyes." The demon says.
"Who are you?" Jesse asks.
"I'm your mother."
"No, you're not."
"Mm-mm. You're only half human... half one of us."
"She means demons, Jesse!" Dean yells. The demon holds up a hand and clenches her fist and Dean groans in pain. She leans down to Jesse.
"Those people you call your parents -- they lied to you, too. You're not theirs -- not really."
"My mom and dad love me."
"Do they? Is-- is that why they leave you alone all day? Because they love you so much? These people -- these imposters -- they told you that the tooth fairy was real and that your toys could hurt you and a hundred other things that aren't true. They love you so much, they made your whole life a lie. Look into your heart, Jesse. You've always known you weren't theirs. You've always known you were different. Everyone has lied to you. They're not FBI agents. And you're not a superhero."
"Then what am I?"
"You're powerful. You can have anything you want. You can do anything you want."
"Don't listen to her, Jesse!" Dean says and the demon holds a hand up making him groan in pain.
"They treated you like a child. Nobody trusted you. Everybody's lied to you. Doesn't that make you angry?" She asks.
Jesse clenches his fist and the room starts to rattle. The fire flares up and the lights flicker.
"See? It does make you angry. But I'm telling you the truth, Jesse." The demon says as stuff starts to shatter. "Wouldn't it be better if there were no lies? Come with me and you can wash it all clean. Start over. Imagine that... a world without lies."
"She's right. We lied to you." Sam says. "But I'll tell you the truth." The demon raises a fist and there's a crunching noise.
"I just want... to tell..." Sam tries to talk.
"Stop it." Jesse orders and Sam drops to the floor, gasping in air. "I want to hear what he has to say."
"You're stronger than I thought." The demon says as Sam stands up.
"We lied to you. And I'm sorry. So here's the truth. I'm Sam Winchester. That's my brother, Dean, and my sister, Natalie. And that's her boyfriend, Jacob. W-we hunt monsters."
"Except when you are the monster. Right, Sammy?" The demon asks.
"And that woman right there, her name is Julia. She's your mother. But the thing inside of her, the thing that you're talking to -- it's a demon." Sam says.
"A demon?" Jesse asks.
"He's done nothing but lie to you since the moment you met him. Don't listen to him. Punish him." The demon says.
"Sit down and shut up." Jesse demands. A chair scoots up behind the demon and she's forced into it silently and she struggles to talk.
"There's, uh, kind of a... a war between angels and demons, and... you're a part of it." Sam says.
"I'm just a kid." Jesse says.
"You can go with her if you want. I can't stop you. No one can. But if you do... millions of people will die." Sam says.
"She said I was half demon. Is that true?"
"Yes. But you're half human, too. You can do the right thing. You've got choices, Jesse. But if you make the wrong ones, it'll haunt you for the rest of your life."
"Why are you telling me this?!"
"Because I have to believe someone can make the right choice, even if I couldn't."
Jesse thinks about it for a moment. He clenches his fist, turning to the demon.
"Get out of her." The chair flies back against the wall and black smoke pours out of Julia's mouth and goes up the chimney. Dean and Larissa drop to the floor.
"You okay?" Jacob goes over to Natalie.
"Yeah. Yeah, I think so." She groans in pain.
"How did you do that?" Dean asks.
"I just did." Jesse says.
"Kid... you're awesome." Dean says.
"Is she gonna be all right?" Jesse asks, looking at Julia's unconscious form.
"Eventually." Dean says before picking up the Cas action figure. "Look, uh, truth is, he's kind of a buddy of mine. Is there any way you could turn him back?"
"He tried to kill me." Jesse says.
"Right. Uh... but he's a-- he's a good guy. He was just confused." Dean says. Jesse doesn't say or do anything. "Okay. It's been a long night. We'll... talk about it later." He puts the action figure on the mantle.
"What now?" Jesse asks.
"Now we take you someplace safe, get you trained up. You'd be handy in a fight, kid." Dean says.
"What if I don't want to fight?" Jesse asks.
"Jesse." Sam says, walking forward. "You're powerful. More powerful than... pretty much anything we've ever seen. That makes you--"
"A freak?" Jesse asks.
"To some people, maybe. But not to us. See, we're kind of freaks ourselves." Sam says.
"I can't stay here, can I?" Jesse asks.
"No. The demons know where you are, and more will be coming." Dean says.
"I won't go without my mom and dad."
"There's nothing more important than family. We get that. And if you really want to take them with you, we'll back your play. But you got to understand... it's gonna be dangerous for them, too."
"What do you mean?"
"Our dad... he would take us with him wherever he went." Dean says.
"Where is he now?" Jesse asks.
"Dead. A demon killed him." Sam informs.
"Look, Jesse... once you're in this fight... you're in it till the end, win or lose." Dean says.
"What should I do?" Jesse asks.
"We can't tell you. It's your choice. It's not fair. I know." Sam says.
"Can I go see my parents? I-- I need to... say goodbye." Jesse says.
"Sure." Dean says and Jesse goes upstairs.
"He's been up there a long time." Dean notes after a bit. They go upstairs and find Jesse's room empty.
"He's gone." They turn to find Cas.
"Where?" Sam asks.
"I don't know. Jesse put everyone in town back to normal -- the ones still alive. Then he vanished." Cas says.
"Hey." Sam grabs a note.
"What does it say?" Dean asks.
"That he had to leave to keep his parents safe, that he loves them, and he's sorry." Sam says.
"How do we find him?" Dean asks.
"With the boy's powers, we can't. Not unless he wants to be found." Cas says.