Thank you to everyone who took the time to read my first story. Thank you for every support, praise or criticism. I love you all very much.🥺💞
A big thank you goes especially to my friend S. H., who is my faithful reader and is my motivation to keep writing.❤️❤️
I would like to inform you that I will take a short break for now, but then I will continue to write a new story. Those who like thrillers and similar types have something to look forward to.
I'm honestly looking forward to the second story more, I hope you will like it too. 😊
PS:If by any chance anyone has any ideas, advice or anything they want to ask, feel free to write me, I'll be happy for it.💙
That would be all from me for now, I love you with my whole heart. I wish only the best ✨
Your Rebeka