You, Boba, and Jango Fett ๐Ÿ’–๏ฟฝ...

By JessicaStephen7

422 6 0

Just different stories about Jango Fett x reader, cuz I love Jango Fett hope you enjoy ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™ and some with B... More

Cafe meet
You Are Worth Saving
New Beginning
Arla and Jango
Jango succeeds in killing Padme

Boba and Jango

64 1 0
By JessicaStephen7

Jango fett walked through the gleaming white halls of Kamino, behind a tall Kaminoen.

"Jango Fett, thanks for agreeing to do this. I assure you that the cloning process is perfected and All we need is samples of your blood of course!" The Kaminoen, called Taun We, stated as she led Jango through the halls of the facility. Jango just nodded, lost in his own thoughts.

She had told him her name, Taun We, but Jango hadn't bothered to pay much attention to that. He still wasn't quite sure what drove him to accept thier idea of cloning him. He didn't really like the idea of an army of himself working with and fighting for the Jedi, but then again, what business of it was his, who cared as long as he got paid.

"These facilities are all top of the line and designed with rigorous training courses! Each Clone will be given accelerated aging, to make sure that they are ready to be used by the Jedi when they arrive for thier army!" Taun We blabbered on and on, and Jango almost tuned her out.

"Accelerared aging?" He asked instead.

"Yes, so in ten years, a Clone will be 20 years old, it quickens the pace you see, so we don't have to wait ages for them to grow up!" Taun We explained.

"Ah!" Said Jango, nodding his helmeted head.

Taun We led Jango into the cloning facility, where another doctor was waiting.

"Is it alright if we take the blood samples now?" Asked Taun We.

Jango nodded. "Yeah, go for it!" He agreed, and he allowed the doctors to prick him with multiple different needles and draw his blood. Jango watched in mild fascination as his own blood filled up the needles and left his body. It sort of hurt a bit, to get Stabbed with all those needles, but Jango was used to pain. When they were done, they bandaged Jango's cuts up and examined his blood samples.

"Now the matter of payment of course! We can talk about how many credits you want per blood samples if you want to!" Taun We said, but Jango slowly shook his helmeted head.

"I don't want credits, I want the first Clone for myself! Unaltered!" Jango told her.

"Unaltered? But then-" started Taun We.

Jango cut her off. "I know what I want!" He cried. "I want an Unaltered Clone! No advanced aging! And no other DNA added in!"

Taun We nodded. "Yes, sure, of course Jango! The incubation process will take awile for the child to grow, and we will let you know when it is ready!" She told Jango.

Jango nodded his head again.


Months later, Jango Fett was back inside the doctors lab, but this time for a much different reason than donating his blood. As he watched, a doctor came in and gave Jango a small bundle, a baby, his baby. Jango looked down at the tiny baby in his arms, the Unaltered clone he'd asked for. The baby looked up at Jango with the exact same brown Eyes and cooed at him. Jango hadn't even realised he'd started crying until he felt the hot tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Boba. Your name is Boba!" Jango murmered, tears running down his cheeks. "My little Boba Fett!"

The end! Next part coming soon! 😊💖

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