An Idol's journey: An AKB48 F...

By MightyBrand3464

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Ayumi Tanaka, a Japanese American girl who always had a passion for dancing for as long as she remembered. Fa... More

~Ayumi Tanaka (Ayu-chan)
Japanese Idol Horikoshi High
~Team B
~Team A
~Team K
Minor Characters (So far)
Hellish Sensei
Rising Tensions
The Shout of Diamonds
Bonus Chapter: Ayu-chan's singing tour
Surprise Birthday
Ayumi's First Interview
Boarding School
The Battle of the Idols
New Formations
Onwards to Korea
Performing in Korea
Majisuka Love and Rock n Roll
Sakura Festival
(Bonus) Jurina's Happiness
Beach Time!!!
Gomen ne Summer
~Seishun no Flag
A New Rival
Heavy Rotation (300 read special)
A New Leaf (Bonus)
Idol Battle Royale
Vegetable Sisters
~Heavy Rotation Live interview
SNSD in Japan!?
~Beginner Live
~Gyu Warota
Mai Oshima's second return
~1! 2! 3! 4! Yorushiku
SDN 48: The Beginning
Nippon Awards Opening
A tearful farewell ft Hello Project
Natural Love with Perfume
LDH Dance Power!!
A Pink Clover Type of Love
Jpop Avex Style
Conclusion with AKB48!!
~B sides Bonus
Ayumi's singing tour 2 (500 read special)
~Dear J/ Tomochin's debut
~Gossip Girl SDN48
~Chance no Juban
Project Shoujo Opening
~Valentine Kiss (Warota 7)
If (French Kiss)
Sakura Festival 2
A Rocky Graduation
Idol History Part 1: Early Beginnings
Part 2: The 1970's
First Day of Highschool
Update on Project Shoujo
Chance No Juban Live
Battling Against Your Friend

Season of Cherry Blossoms

50 2 17
By MightyBrand3464

Five months later, February 2009

The success of Oogoe Diamond firmly cemented their position in the idol market as now people flock at Akihabara to see AKB48 perform daily. The single also marked the official debut of Jurina and Ayumi as they received many new fans just to watch those two perform.

During the five months Ayumi grew accustomed to her role as idol. Since they were the newest team, they were the last to perform around 7 o'clock until 9 when they have to pack everything and leave. It was a fun experience. She really got to know her teammates as they now built a sisterly bond with one another. She enjoyed performing on stage, singing with captain Urano and talking with Mayu, Rino and Natsumi who became her close friends here. She really felt like she finally found a place where she really belonged and the fact her teammates were so supportive made it all better.

It was the month of February where the echos of love filled the hearts of many young students as they all prepared to send their love letters towards their not-so-secret crush. Nearing the age of thirteen love isn't something she was worried about not that it matters. She dreams somewhere along the way in the journey of life she finds a boy of her own. She found it hilarious that Jurina have several love letters. The hot-headed girl proceeded to rip them all out and made a big fuss about the entire day. Eventually the girls waved goodbye to Mizuki before taking off the Akihabara.

"Wow you're serious you're telling me little Jurina-chan had a whole set of love letters!" Mayu laughed.

"That's not the whole story she ripped them all out and cursed a storm, she nearly got herself detention because of that. You should've seen her she was lively" Ayumi added making her teammates laugh even her harder.

"That totally sounds something she would do!" Sasshii laughs holding her stomach to calm down her laughter.

"Careful Ayu-chan she has a growing fan base I feel bad for the poor boy whose heart she breaks" Yukirin adds.

"I told you to shut up about that now I'll never hear the end of it!" Jurina shouted embarrassed as the girl laughed. Suddenly Akimoto appeared as he gave them patted the two rookies on the head.

"I think we had enough teasing girls, the senbatsu elections are about to begin and you all can't be late so let's save the chit chat for later" he reminded them.

"We wouldn't want to miss to election shall we" Urano reminded the girls as Team B arrived towards the main auditorium as the other teams were in their respective teams. Team B sat in their respective seats. Akimoto observed all the teams were already seated so he began speaking.

"Konichiwa it's a pleasure to see all of you again I'm sure all of you are excited for our next single: Juunen Zakura. As you know it's been about four years since our group has debuted and I and now most of our original members are finishing their final years in high school. Make you wonder how everything will be in ten years. That is the question that has been brought up to my mind lately, our newest addition are only middle school students. I wonder how both girls will be when they grow up. Will they still be here as idols or they move on to other endeavors to pursue another career and that what I want the theme is this song will be."

"Now then onto the current senbatsu elections our main three centers are Atsuko Maeda, Jurina Matsui, and Ayumi Tanaka." Akimoto announced as Ayumi stood up in shock.

"E-Eh I actually get to be in the center this time" Ayumi stammered out in shock.

"Well naturally I choose the two of you, you're both our newest rookies and this single was inspired by how you two will grow up in the next ten years. As for Maeda she had the highest votes, her appearance in the last single help boost our reputation so she will star as the group's main center."

Maeda got up as she gave a courteous nod "Thank you sensei I will do my best" she said in a monotone voice.

"Onto the senbatsu results, from Team K: Yuko Oshima had the highest votes as expected with Erena Ono coming in a close second thanks to her cute appeal" Ono made an audible gasp and Oshima calmed her down. "Tomomi Kasai, Asuka Kuromochi, and Sae Miyazawa" Akimoto finished as the team congratulated the surprised Kuromochi even Ayumi gave her a thumbs up of approval.

"Team A: Tomomi Itano scored first place, Mai Oshima, Kitahara, Kojima, Shinoda, Takahashi, Reina Fujie, Maeda, Minegishi, and Miyazaki

"From Team B: Yukirin, Sashihara, Watanabe, and Tanaka" Akimoto announces as Jurina raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Did he just forget about me?"

"No Jurina-chan he would never-

"For the final part of the team is our newest team from Nagoya Team S which include our star rookie Jurina Matsui and another member named Rena who also shares the same last name. Feel free for you two to get yourselves acquainted." Akimoto finishes as the girl question from the far end stood up and walked towards Matsui offering her hand.

"Nice to meet you Jurina-chan I'm Rena it's crazy we both share the same last names!! I come from Sakae in Aichi Prefecture I heard a lot about you that you're also a part of our teams it's nice to meet you" she eagerly shouted. Jurina just blinked at what just happened before feeling a nudge from Ayumi. "Sure, I guess, nice to meet ya" she waved the new girl's hand before sitting back to her seat.

"It's so cute to see Jurina-chan flustered to like that" Mayu laughs.

"Some things never changes" Sasshii added.

"Again! Why am I never chosen for to participate am I doing something wrong here" Natsumi sulks feeling sadden she wasn't picked again.

"It's okay Naachan I'm sure someday we'll participate together." Ayumi tried to cheer her close friend.

"Well that takes care for the senbatsu election, but before we finish this meeting, I wanted to announce our first ever subunit based of the original one from the Onyanko Club named: Watarirouka Hashiritai and just like the original it will consist of four members" Akimoto announced surprising everyone including the girls who weren't told of this.

"A subunit how come I never heard of this?" Yukirin questioned.

"I don't know Yukirin, but I wonder who will be in it?" Sasshii added curious.

"For our four members, our leader will be Mayu Watanabe representing the group" he announced shocking Team B as Mayu tried to process what she heard.

"M-Me!?" Mayu shouted.

"As for the next three members they will be Haruka Nakagawa of Team Aika Ota, also from Team A, and Natsumi Hirajima from Team B" Akimoto finished as the poor girl just at him like a lost puppy as she blinked several times before shouting in shock."

"EEEEEEHHH!?" she shouted in disbelief. "But how!! I didn't do anything!?" Natsumi tried to understand before her tirade was stopped by Urano. "See child now you have an opportunity to participate you should be proud of yourself."

"I guess I should be thankful I didn't think I would be chosen, but I'll do my best captain" Natsumi replies.

"For Mayu-chan's case we'll need to divide her routine so she can also prepare for their upcoming debut, no worries she will still participate with girls. And that is all I have to say, may you all have a good day today" Akimoto finished as the audience applauds before resuming their everyday routine.

"Well Naachan your prayers were answered and you get to be with Mayu-chan congratulations!" Ayumi gave her a hug.

"Thanks Ayu-chan I hope I do well in the new group."

"Don't worry Naachan I'll get you up to speed" Mayu crossed her shoulders in a confident pose as the group began to prepare for their next single. Instead of a nearby facility, this new training ground was at a nearby high school. Driving on a school bus the girls all conversed to themselves. The trip was pretty lengthy as the bus passed through the major city of Tokyo. Instead of seeing sidewalks and skyscrapers, she saw the hilly countryside where all the farmers lived. It beautiful watching the many hills straddling the endless horizon.

"~Wow it looks so beautiful" Ayumi gasped as she was sitting next to the window next to her best friend.

"That's the countryside figured you never been to one before. Tokyo and all the other cities got their fair craziness, but once you actually walked outside of the city and its a whole different world." Jurina replied.

"You been there before Jurina?"

"Yeah I thought I already told you I'm not from Tokyo. I'm actually from the smaller city of Kasugai near the city of Nagoya in Aichi Prefecture. Back home you have a mixture of city and country wrapped up into one.

"Wow that explains the accent I was almost confused when we first met since you talked differently" Ayumi said.

"Oi I can speak pretty fine ya know it's just the accent comes outta there sometimes ya understand me!!" Jurina replied with a tick mark.

"You said it again you really are from the country."

"Here one example you do the word: Totemo for very, in the Nagoya dialect it'll be "Dera" instead" Jurina explained.

"Hey y'all forgettin about me here. I'm also from Aichi Prefecture but was born furtha south in Toyohashi" Rena Matsui spoke for the first time since the trip.

"That's kinda far from Kasugai."

"That's right you're the other girl from the new sister group with Jurina-chan ano..."

"Rena Matsui little one nice meet ya Ayu-chan heard a lot about ya" she shakes her hands in rapid succession to the latter's embarrassment.

"Yo jiji where are we going to practice, I noticed we been here for nearly an hour" Jurina asked curiously before feeling a blow to the head from Oshima.

"His name Akimoto sensei rude little brat" Oshima chimed in.

"Oi what the hell lady I wasn't even talking to you this time what's the deal" she rubbed her head in pain as Akimoto laughed.

"Great for you to ask young Jurina since the theme is about a ten-year future, you all will rehearse outside a full-fledged high school given to us by the superintendent." Akimoto explained as the girls began to cheer before his glare shut them up.

"Now girls while the outside scenery sure will be breath taking and I know you are all excited, we will be using only the back side of the campus. Before I dismiss you, all may I remind you not to wander too off campus or you will be forced to sit out during rehearsal. I genuinely hope I don't remind you again good luck out there" Akimoto said with a stern glare before the door open as each of the girl walked out. At the back of the seat laid a sleeping Maeda who was leaning next to Takamina who just yawned as they both feel asleep during the lengthy trip.

"Yo Acchan let's get up we already made it" Takamina said nudging Maeda's shoulder causing the stoic to rub her eyes open.

"Have I missed something" she said trying to adjust her surroundings before she felt a hard slap onto her lower back.

"You're finally awake Acchan I was worried we were going to be late now let's hurry everybody is waiting for us!" she dragged her friends hand out of the bus following the rest of the girls as they all walked towards the changing room.

Their new uniforms consisted of a long-sleeved turquoise sweater with plaid pattern decorated with a colorful ribbon worn over it. It was worn over a plain white shirt like a vest, with others being sleeveless. They matched it over the same-colored skirt with the same pattern of plaid, and stylish boots that went halfway towards the knee. Ayumi's was one of the few that included a plaid beret cap.

"Wow I look a girl scout with this beret!" Ayumi commented on her new outift as they were all led outside.

"~Aw you look so cute Ayu-chan you're like a little angel" Tomochin squealed hugging the young girl tightly before being dragged away from Kasai who was getting embarrassed by her hyper teammate.

"You look so pretty Tomo-chan, I see you let you're bangs grow out" Ayumi commented Kasai's hair who bangs made her look more Japanese.

"Why thanks!" she made a dramatic pose "What happened to your hair why did you cut it short?" She noted Ayumi's hair was now in a bob cut style only reaching just below her shoulder in a wavy like fashion.

"Oh, this I wanted a fresh new look and since we're going to dancing a lot, my long hair will just get in my way so I thought why not d-does it o-okay" She replied feeling conscious about her hair.

"It's looks good on you Ayu-chan makes you look a little older" Kasai answered as the rest of Team B returned.

"Mayu-chan where were you!" Ayumi cried out right in her face. The girl in question just shoved her away. "Relax will ya I was just had to have a talk about Akimoto sensei about the subunit" she answered.

"Did they tell you anything?" Rino asked.

"Nothing too major only that I will attend half of time and then I have to return back to rehearse for my debut as Warota Hashiritai. I'm glad I'll get to see Naachan again she's been pretty lonely without us as it's leader its my duty to make her feel at home" Mayu put her chin in thought.

"That's a bummer we'll only see you half the day is Naachan already practicing?" Rino replied.

"As far as I know they already begun. I think it's going to be some basic workout or something" Mayu cringed as the rest of team B felt very sorry for their clumsy teammate who will have to endure another workout routine. Suddenly there were broken by an older feminine voice, but Ayumi recognized her from the phone call she had the day she was recruited.

"~Ara ara so all you girls are here that's good I was beginning to worry we were a little late. Nice to see meet you all here my name is Seiko Matsuda but you all know me as Seiko-chan" The woman now introduced as Seiko spoke out as the staff bowed respectfully.

"That voice you're the woman from the phone call I had!" Ayumi pointed out as the all the girls had their jaws wide open.

"T-The Seiko-chan actually called you!?" Mayu screeched out causing her voice to crack out.

"What is she famous?" Ayumi replied nervous from the glares.

"She's like totally big deal here she is like the idols of idols! Her nickname is "The Enteral Idol" from the Showa era!!" Mayu yelled.


"That's right you're not from here, that was the name of Emperor Hirohito who passed away in 1989. Right now, it's considered the Heisei era at least since then. Back to what I said I want to know what stunt you're trying to pull Akimoto sensei? How come I wasn't informed of this" Oshima said looking at Akimoto suspiciously who just adjusted his glasses slyly as if he knew what she was truly saying.

"Well, aren't I flattered here but the answer your question young lady yes I was at one point, but that long ago and I already retired from that business. Now I'm the official telephone lady for Akihabara Entertainment Agency" Seiko introduced herself gracefully as her aura shined bright.

"So, this is the aura of experienced idol could we match that could I even compete with it?" Ayumi thought intimidated.

"Well then let's begin by the end of the day you will be tired out" she smiled sweetly as the girls all began stretching, first their arms and then stretching their legs. Ayumi being naturally flexible had no problem so did Jurina. Rino who beside her struggled to maintain the form, while Yukirin did several flawless poses stretching her hands to her toes in a butterfly position. Ayumi then saw the other girls who were doing alright with the exception of Kojiharu, Mii-chan, and Kasai whose legs were shaking as they struggled to maintain form.

"Good it seems most of you girls are flexible enough with some needing to do more work, but I'll get you into shape soon enough, now then onto cardio portion we have get these legs of ours warmed up is we want to practice effectively try to follow my rhythm girls." Seiko says as she began performing cardio dances to which the girls follow.

Compared to their hellish training they've endured from Mariko, this was much more casual as they felt more laid back while still having enough workout to get their legs warmed up. It was quite a refreshing exercise.

"Great job I'm glad all you girls are keeping up with the program, now I will explain to you what an idol is" Seiko began stopping her workout.

"Explain to us? But we already know what an idol is, isn't it have appeal for the fans" blurted out Kojima before Mariko covered.

"Sorry Matsuda-san I wasn't expecting her to speak out like that" she nervously said before the lady flash a smile again.

"No worries, Mari-chan your teammate is on right track, but that's not the answer I'm looking for. An idol does a lot more than looking cute towards the fans. She also needs to display confidence, charisma, and appeal is part of the equation you all also need to have the motivation and drive to always preserve that even when during difficult. An idol is also your friend that will cheer you up no matter what." Seiko explained.

"~Wow so this an experience idol, I feel like I'm learning so much" Mii-chan's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm.

"Yes, while an idol's journey certainly is fun one given the right motivation, it is also a difficult and a very demanding career. I'm sure some of you experiences from crazy fans or anti fans that could ruin your day, but don't let that get you down. The important thing is to get up and keep smiling for the fans because at the end of the day your fans will always have your support. Just remember to always work towards your goals serve them with smile" Seiko finished as she took a slight breather.

"Alright since you girls were so good today, I'll show you one of my famous songs and we can all dance together." Seiko said putting a cd inside the player as she began to dance to the music.

~A watashi no koi wa minami no kaze ni notte hashiru wa
A aoi kaze kitte hashire ano shima he

"I can't believe we get to see the great Seiko-sama in action!" Kojiharu squealed as the other girls watched at her bubbly performance with cuteness overload too much for the girls.

"For a retired idol she has amazing vocals. I see why they call her the eternal idol" Ayumi thought.

Anata to au tabi ni
Subete wo wasurete shimau no
Hashai da watashi wa Little Girl
Atsui mune kikoeru deshou
Suhada ni kirakira sangoshou
Futarikkiri de nagasarete mo ii no
Anata ga suki!
A watashi no koi wa minami no kaze ni notte hashiru wa
A aoi kaze kitte hashire ano shima he

They were surprised to see Ayumi singing rather on key which caught the attention of Matsuda who was in awe at the child's level of singing.

"For such a small girl, she possesses a powerful voice, I see why Akimoto-san has taken a great interest in her" Seiko smiled fondly at the young girl as the dumbfounded girls all stared at their star rookie. You can even hear Akimoto snickering in the distance mentally proud at his new rookie.

Namida ga koboreru no
Yasashii me wo shite minaide
Utsumuki kagen no Little Rose
Hanabira furete hoshii no
Nagisa wa koi no MOSUGURIIN
Futari no hoo ga chikaduite yuku no yo
Anata ga suki!
A watashi no koi wa minami no kaze ni notte hashiru wa
A aoi kaze kitte hashire ano shima he

"Amazing as always Ayu-chan you never fail to surprise me" Yukirin congratulated her.

"Fufufu Takamina you better watch out I think you might have some competition ahead" Tomochin laughed.

"Don't ahead Tomochin this kid is still green, she has a long way before she gets to my level calm down" Takamina scoffed.

"That was very impressive little girl for such a young child, you possess quite the vocals, I see why Akimoto-kun chose you. You have potential little girl I will be looking forward where you'll go, but alas it's time to call this a day I hope you all learned something and take it to heart. I'll be looking forward seeing you girls tomorrow" Seiko finished as the girls all made a collective before leaving.

"You sure are quite the cheeky one Akimoto-kun I didn't realize the little girl I called on the phone was the same girl you mentioned. Do you have any plans for her" Seiko asked the producer before turning to face her.

"Not currently at the moment, but we will see how things go. I don't want to show too much favoritism towards her so I'll leave it to her to grow as an idol. I'm confident she'll become out ace given a few years. I'm looking forward for this new generations of idols maybe we could reach out onto other nations in the future" Akimoto replied before the two adults took off.

" AYUUU-CHAAANN! JURINAAA!!!" Natsumi enveloped Ayumi and Jurina another one of her tight hugs

"It's alright Naa-chan it was only for a few hours hopefully Mayu-chan kept you company how did it go?" Ayumi asked as the otaku pursed her lips in thought. "It went well thank you for asking, only that the workout was too much!! I can barely stretch and I'm so hungry now!" Natsumi cried.

"Oi who are you talking to Naa-chan I was looking for you and who are these girls?" said a small girl walking towards the group. Standing at 5'2 (157) cm, she a tad shorter than the other girls who towered above her, but despite that she put on a smile that would melt hearts upon first sight. Her noticeable dimples and larger eyes made it even cuter. She wore a white beret with a large blue ribbon attached to it.

"Is it possible to be this cute? Wow Mayu-chan has some competition now" Ayumi stifled out.

"Who this shorty you sure you're in the right group?" Jurina muttered out as the small girl grew a tick mark as she got up to her face.

"Who are you calling shorty I have you know I'm older than you! You should call me senpai kid" she blew raspberries as Jurina eye twitched.

"Who the hell are you calling shorty!!" she got even closer as electricity appeared metaphorically getting really close their faces butting heads.

"Sorry about don't mind Jurina she gets anxious meeting new people" Ayumi shook off embarrassed. "So you're one of the girls teamed up with Mayu and Naachan my name Ayumi Tanaka and this is Jurina Matsui it's nice to mee you" Ayumi offered her hand which the short girl accepted.

"At least you're nice unlike someone here" she shook back before making a cute pose. "I'm Haruka Nakagawa from Team A pleased to meet you kouhai.

"Haruka-chan where are you? We're have to leave soon the theatre is about to close" an even shorter girl standing at whopping 152 cm (5'0) arrived with twin pigtails similar to Mayu's only her was curled gracefully. Seeing far taller girls made her tense up as Jurina glare didn't help the girl.

"G-G-Gomenesai e-excuse me f-for m-my friend here" she bowed nervously free recomposing herself. "Aika Ota, I heard a lot about you Tanaka-san you're the new member from Oogoe Diamond it's nice to meet ya" she stuttered out leaving the two with an awkward silence, thankfully Mayu came in saving them.

"Relax Aika-chan geez you're just as bad as Ayu-chan on her first day" Mayu huffed as the short girl blushed.

"Guess you two couldn't live without me you two now let's walk home I think we all had enough dancing for today I'm feeling sore" Mayu says as the girls walked back to their respective homes.

"Yo how did go?" Jurina asked.

"Mou you still can't bother to call me by my first name we're not strangers anymore and you're rude considering I'm still your senpai!" she huffed in frustration.

"Yeah whatever maybe at some point anyways how was it, poor Naachan got her ass handed today by the way she's picking her legs" she laughed.

"That's not funny Jurina you're such a meanie! I'm not athletic like the rest of you!"

"I mean she's not wrong Naachan you're the last one who completed the workout and Urano sensei was nice enough to let you finish early. You going to have to do better if we're supposed to perform our debut." Haruka chimed in as Naachan let out a tired sigh in defeat as the girl waved their respective goodbye all tired from their day of work.

For the next month the routine was more or no I'm less the same, Seiko guided the girls through different routines and gave many tips on being an idols as well as getting to sing several of her old songs. Compared to the brutal workout she was used to, she got openly converse with their teammates as well as Seiko herself. Ayumi learned she had daughter around Oshima's age who trying to establish her own career away from her mother's shadows. Seiko reminded her of her own mother, the way she talked, the way she carried herself in front of other, the only difference was she was hard working in her job. You could tell she enjoyed her life.

One Month Later

"Alright girls congratulations before we began to shoot our newest single you girls deserve a little show for your hard work" Akimoto announced as the girls applauded. The four girls all waved at the audience of the entire AKB48 group. They wore dark blue blazers, maroon plaided miniskirt, low stockings and shoes which was pretty ordinary compared to the elaborate costumes the main girls wore which was a more decorated version of the outfits worn during training.

"I can't believe we get to see Naachan's first official performance look how cute she looks with ponytail" Ayumi whispered to Sashihara.

"I know what mean, but Mayu-chan is going to be main star of this performance" she whispered back.

"Quiet you two they're about to start" Yukirin silenced the two.

"Well then, it's to unveil Warota Hashiritai's first single "Hatsukoi Dash" Akimoto finished as music began to play. Naachan and Aika was visibly shaking being their first ever performance in front of a large audience. It was much different than dancing in front of camera in an empty gym. Mayu and Haruka both gave a reassuring smile calming them down as the quartet stood side by side.

watari rouka de oikakete
itoshi no kare ni
hatsukoi dashu

The girls gave their respective cheers to the audience as all the girl began cheering. Naachan felt like she was in cloud nine as she gave more energy in her cheers. The girls made a small circle stepping counterclockwise while pointing towards the audience. Suddenly Mayu stepped forward ready to begin the song.

(Mayuyu): akogare no senpai wa
gakkou jyuu no ninki mono
mawari ni torimaki ga ite
ga-do ga kata sugiru
ha-to ni chikazukenai
kyoushitsu wo nozoitari
sakka- no renshuu mitari
kaeri ni machibuse shitari
tooku kara renaichuu
(all)zannen na kataomoi
(Naachan): sukito itte mitai kedo
(Haruka) ima wa ienai

(Aika) koi wa choukisen

Let's go!

(All): watari rouka de oikakete
itoshi no kare ni
hatsukoi dashu
saki wo hashitte furimuite
ishun dake demo
dokusen shitai

(Mayuyu): dareka wo suki ni naru to
jitto shite irarenai
kare no kao mirarereba
mainichi ga happy
jita bata n kataomoi
(Naachan)hanashi kakete mitai kedo
(Haruka)mune ga ippai

(Aika) koi wa okubyoumono

Let's go!

(ALL) watari rouka de hohoende
kizuite hoshii hatsukoi dashuu
kokurareru hito, kokuru hito
minna hashitte seishun re-su

The sound of the electric permeated throughout the campus as the girls danced joyously.

"I never seen Naachan so energetic before she usually has a harder time keeping up with us" Sashihara commented.

"She can be isf she is motivated and that is what Mayu is here for" Yukirin explained.

(Mayuyu) nante suteki na situation
sure chigai zama
"suki desu" mode

(ALL) watari rouka de oikakete
itoshi no kare ni
hatsukoi dashu
saki wo hashitte furimuite
ishun dake demo
dokusen shitai

"NICE JOB MAYUYU!!" Takamina congratulated Mayu as all the other girl congratulated Mayu. Naachan felt sidelined as always before she heard someone call her name. Looking up



Once the four girls went back to their seats, Akimoto walked back in the front in the audience as his main group of girls started walking forward while the rest of the girls began cheering loudly in anticipation. The camera crew was already editing the intro where Mayu, Tomochin, and Kojiharu were talking about their future while Ayumi, Maeda, and Oshima sat on the other end conversing about the future of the group. It was quite the scene worth recording as Ayumi reflected on her own hardships of being an oversees Japanese and how the difficulties of learning both cultures before expressing her desire to be a music artist in ten years.

"Onto the main event it's time to unveil our latest onto the fans: Juunen Zakura where we all ponder where we will be in next ten years. It's something the girls each think about and it's something I hope you fans think about as well. The world is constantly changing and many things in our lives will take place but remember all the people you share memories with because those bonds worth cherishing. Without further ado let's begin" Akimoto gestured the cameramen to begin filming as the music began playing. The immediately put on their poker faces as they all pointed towards the camera, making a few hand gestures swinging clockwise stopping halfway to make a wave motion.

~dokoka de sakura no hanabira ga
harari to kaze ni mau you ni
dare ni mo habataku toki ga kite
hitorikiri de arukidasunda

[Sae/Oshima/Miyazaki] kimi to aeta koto ga
[Shinoda/Sas/Kas] sugita kisetsu no imi
[Itano/Takamina/Mai] sono egao ga mabushikatta
[Fujie/Mii-chan/Kitehara/Mocchi] issho ni ikenai kedo
[Kasai/Ono/Watanabe/Rena] sonna ni nakanai de
[Maeda/Kojiharu/Jurina/Ayumi] boku wa wasurenai

The group made perpendicular cross motion before swinging their left arm upward and finishing their set by skipping to the beat.

"Wow it's so catchy I wish I could've been part of them" Natsumi sulked.

"It's alright Naachan be glad you still got to participate. I never thought sensei would create a subunit this soon, but it does make sense now that we're established. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you grow. Alas I hope to join you girls a few more times before my inevitable graduation" Urano observed the girls while saying the last sentence more to herself as Naachan gave her a curious glare before watching group.

juunen go ni mata aou
kono basho de matteru yo
ima yori mo motto kagayaite...
sotsugyou wa PUROSESU sa saikai no chikai
sugu ni moetsukiru koi yori
[Juruna/Ayu] zutto itoshii kimi de ite

They pointed towards the camera flashing their brightest smiles. Tomochin gave a subtle wink towards the camera as the man recording blush slightly at her gesture. Akimoto sweat dropped at Tomochin's antics.

imamade deatta dare yori mo
HONTO ni kimi ga suki dakara
jibun no sono yume taisetsu ni
motto kimi wo mamoreru you ni

At one shot, Mai Oshima stood next to Tomochin, before Jurina and Mayu stood across from each other before Ayumi and Ono walk in between singing their lines. Minegishi appeared at the end of the sequence singing her heart out, showing her improved vocals courtesy from Takamina's training who could be seen giving her subtle thumbs up in approval.

tsurai koto atte mo
[Jurina/Ayu] umaku ikanakute mo
sugiru haru wo kazoenagara
samishiku naru keredo
mirai wo shinjire ba
boku wa ganbareru

juunen go ni mata aou
kono sakura saku koro
nani ga attatte koko ni kuru
sotsugyou wa SUTAATO sa eien no michinori
ima wa kanashimi ni kurete mo
zutto te wo furu kimi de ite
Cherry blossoms!
nando saite mo
kyou to iu hi wo
wasure wa shinai

Ayumi, Maeda, and Jurina stood in the front row dancing and leading the other girls to follow. Ayumi felt excited being in the center as she could see her captain and Naachan waving towards her. She gave the audience a subtle wink albeit more innocent causing the girls to cheer.

juunen go ni mata aou
kono basho de matteru yo
ima yori mo motto kagayaite...
sotsugyou wa PUROSESU sa saikai no chikai
sugu ni moetsukiru koi yori
zutto itoshii kimi de ite

dokoka de sakura no hanabira ga
harari to kaze ni mau you ni
dare ni mo habataku toki ga kite
hitorikiri de arukidasunda
motto kimi wo mamoreru you ni

"I hope I'm still singing like this in the next ten years and hopefully all my friends will be there to see me shine" Ayumi thought fondly as they all finished their final pose.

juunen go ni mata aou

The crowd of girls applauded at the fantastic show Urano and Natsumi included who both call their teammates names.

"You done it again Akimoto-kun I'm so proud of these girls, they learn so fast especially the little one Ayumi. I can see her do wonderful things in the future. I'm assuming that's where you got your idea from" Seiko faced Akimoto who gave devious grin adjusting his glasses.

"You are quite the nosy one Seiko-chan, but yes it's already been two years and out group is finally taking off here. With more hard work I'm confident we can extend our reach beyond Japan one day, but right now we'll have stick to Akihabara and Saeke. I'll have to begin training our rookies which means Jurina will have to take a little trip near Nagoya. I'm sure she'll find this trip nostalgic" Akimoto finished as the girls began to walk back towards the bus along with the crew with another.

"So, you have the video recorded?"

"Yes sir we just need to add the finishing touches" the cameraman responded as he took his leave but not before being reprimanded by the producer.

"Next time to try not to get distracted, I know my girls can be quite attractive, but do remember you have a job to do understood" Akimoto said sternly.

"Yes sir" he nodded nervously before putting his camera aside.

"Do you really have to good hard on him, he's only a cameraman" Seiko asked feeling empathy for the young man.

"I'm not mad at him for watching the event, but he also needs to remember he has a job to do especially when we're filming a major release like this" Akimoto replied as the adults were the last one to get one the bus sitting in the first row. Ayumi was happy she got to participate on yet another single as the main center this time with her best friend and Maeda. Speaking of Maeda, she fell asleep next to Takamina again tired from their long day. They didn't notice Mariko taking a picture of the two of them as she giggled at her new teasing material.

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