an: bit boring at the beginning but I just need to get this out the way. Also, new cover?
Meissa Lestrange
"Should I wear the sparkly gold dress or the tight red one?" Daphne asked, standing in front of the floor length mirror, holding each dress against her by the hangers.
"Very Gryffindory choices Daphne," Pansy commented, eyeing her. Daphne's cheeks flushed pink as she looked away and back into the mirror. Pansy walked over, wearing a pale blue dress. I continued rummaging though my wardrobe. "Meissa, what are you wearing?"
"Uhh," I looked though my choices. I owned quite a few black dresses. Correction, only black dresses. My closet was slowly loosing color. "Not sure..." Pansy gently pushed me aside and took over searching though my clothes.
Pansy clicked her tongue. "Mei, you seriously have no color in here. Creed's sweaters sticks out like a pixie in a cloud of fairies."
Daphne let out a gasp, joining Pansy and I by my wardrobe. She flopped down on her stomach on my bed. She decided on the red one, it hugged tightly against her body. I had to take a deep breath to refrain from telling her to get off my bed.
None of them ever understood why I had a problem with people getting on my bed without asking. I didn't fully understand either. It just irked me.
"Speaking of Creed, we're finally meeting him!" She clapped her hands together all giddy. "Are you guys dating or.. just messing around?"
I didn't answer. We just snogged, got high in hidden alcoves behind tapestries, studied, and occasionally went to Hogsmeade together. I wouldn't say they were dates, maybe. Nothing official was said about it. I really liked being around him.
I decided on a short, tight, long sleeved, v-neck dress; black of course. It had black, sewn in, vines across the cups and sleeves. I slipped out of my clothes and into the dress. It hugged in all the right places and really made my breasts pop. I admired myself in the mirror for a bit.
"Meissa, you have great tits." Pansy groaned suddenly. "Look, it had to be said. Like.." She stepped behind me, her chest pressing up against my back, and gave them a squeeze. "They're so perfect."
"Are you guys talking about Mei's tits?" Milli called from her side of the room and walked over to join us near mine. "I've got to say, they are some of the best I've seen. They're so naturally.. plump and look soft as hell."
"Meissa, I want yours. Mine are kinda small." Daphne rolled over onto her back, placing her hands on her chest.
Pansy pouted, looking down at hers. "Mine too." Her hands were still cupping my breasts.
"Pans," I said. "Would you mind removing your hands? I need to finish getting ready." Pansy was getting a little too close for comfort. I still felt uneasy around her after our fight.
"But they're so warm.. but fine." Her hands lefts. The rest of the girls walked away to finish getting ready.
I darkened my eyes with eyeliner, making it winged. I picked up my wand and decided to straighten my hair. Since it was waist length curly, it was now halfway across my arse. I accessorized with silver and emerald jewelry, my M snake cuff, and shiny, crystal embedded heels. A little excessive for a common room party but wealthy Purebloods are know for being excessive.
"Girls, you ready?" I asked, stepping around my bed to the center of the room as I put on earrings.
"Ready!" Pansy and Daphne chorused, joining me in the center. Milli came around a second later.
The boys were gathered in the common room, we decided the girls would sneak out first instead of in a huge group. We all wore our house robes over top our outfits incase we got caught.
We got though the dungeons unnoticed but as soon as we turned the corner at the top of the stairs, a cat with beady little eyes sat right in the middle, flicking its tail. They, the girls, for whatever reason decided to huddle around me.
"Mrs. Noris." Milli breathed in my ear, her voice barely above a whisper. "What'd we do."
"Run for it." My lips curled up into a grin. The girls ran, heels clicking loudly on the stone. I just stood there smiling, looking at the cat.
Mrs. Noris stood and walked over to me, purring as she circled my legs. I bent down to give her a little scratch under the chin, just where Lysithea used to love. Carefully, I stood up and stepped over her, continuing the rest of the way to the Hufflepuff common room, taking my time.
"Meissa, oh thank Merlin. We were so worried you got caught." Pansy exclaimed as I turned into the dead end where the barrels lie. I merely smiled, saying nothing. It was fun to watch them panic as they ran in heels.
Was it cruel? No... maybe.
I lightly moved Pansy aside so I could tap the pattern onto the barrels to open the common room. I told Draco the pattern so hopefully he didn't forget, otherwise the boys would get drenched in vinegar. The password was suggestively simple for the party.
Tap the top left barrel twice, tap the left bottom once, move to the middle and tap, and finally tap the top right once. Even if they did forget, someone would check outside every ten minutes.
"I'll catch you girls later, I'm going to find Felix," I called over my shoulder as I made my way into the Hufflepuff commons, dropping my robe onto one of the many hooks along the wall.
The lights were dimmed, allowing for the colorful party laser charm to take full effect. Music blasted all throughout the room, people gathered by the center to dance, leaving the many sitting areas available to sit. Those in the sitting areas were either passing around a splif, a bong, a pipe, or chatting and taking shots. Some were even doing little games.
I spotted Felix sitting in an arm chair with a cup in hand, seated around his friends. I could only assume it held some type of alcoholic beverage. I noted the punch was spiked with giggle water as I passed.
What I didn't notice was a girl walking up to him. Felix hadn't noticed me yet since his back was facing me. The girl was very clearly flirting with him by the way she twirled her straight, reddish blonde hair between her fingers. My eyes narrowed on her.
Felix was mine.
I marched over and immediately leaned down to give Felix a peck on the lips. He froze not realizing who I was for a moment before a hand slid up my jaw, pulling me closer. I pulled away smiling and smirked at the girl before turning back to Felix, making myself comfortable on the arm of the chair.
"Sorry I'm a bit late," I turned towards the girl. Now that I was up closer, she seemed pretty familiar. "Who are you?" I asked, putting on my best innocent act. She was practically glaring at me.
"Oh, um, Marietta Edgecombe," she mustered out. She was Cho Chang's friend. She looked between Felix and I. "Are you two.. dating?"
I glanced down at Felix only to find him staring up at me with wide eyes. I looked to the cup in his hand and took ahold of it. I brought it to my mouth and took a drink.
It burned my throat as it fueled my body with a sort of burning rush. I held the cup out back to Felix and he took it gingerly.
Fuck it. If he won't say anything, I'll call the shots.
I turned back towards the girl smiling genuinely. "Yes, we are." Her smile immediately faded and she was somehow glaring at me even harder than before. She flicked her hair over her shoulders and stalked off.
What was her problem?
"Are we?" A voice said quietly. I turned to see Felix looking at me very carefully as if I had just played a cruel joke on him. My mouth went dry. Maybe I messed up and we were only fooling around. He bent down to place the cup on the floor.
Carefully, I brought my hand up to move the hair away from his eyes. "Should I not have said that? I saw her talking to you and I kinda just... reacted. I'll go get her back if youuu-" Felix's arm snaked around my waist, pulling me into his lap. My legs dangling over the arm of the chair. He cupped my chin as he brought his lips to meet my own.
"I don't want her, I want you Meissa Lestrange," he stated as he pulled away. Then his cheeks went red while his eyes went wide as if he were suddenly aware of what he said. "That- that is if you'll have me. I mean- you don't- I meant-" I cut him off as he stuttered, gripping both sides of his face as my lips crashed down on his.
I pulled away, opening my mouth to answer but was interrupted by someone making 'oohing' noises. "Alright Felix! Finally. Lestrange, you won't believe how much this guy talks about you. My ears were honestly going to fall off." My face heated up as I turned to see who had spoken. It was a guy I had seen Felix walking to classes in the hall with.
He stood up and held a hand out. "Anthony Rickett, 7th year, at your service." I shook his hand as Felix stuck his head in the crook of my neck out of embarrassment. "Although, now that I think about it, I do believe we met before but maybe we were too stoned to remember." He sighed, flopping back down on the sofa he previously sat in.
Suddenly a rolled up wad of paper smacked Anthony right in the face. I turned to see a girl with a notebook propped in her lap, pencil in hand. I glanced at the pencil curiously since everyone mostly used quills at Hogwarts. "Leave them alone Rickett. Hi, I'm Abbey Palace, nice to meet you. I'm in my sixth year here but, I'm most likely not coming back next year since I'm pursuing my art." The pencil now made sense.
Everyone else introduced themselves but I didn't quite catch their names since I was too focused on checking the entryway to see who'd show up. The boys arrived but I kept glancing at the entryway.
"Who are up you waiting for?" Felix whispered in my ear, making goosebumps pop all over my skin.
I laughed it off nervously. "What are you talking about?"
"You keep glancing at the entrance, you must be waiting for someone."
I took a chance and glanced at the entrance once more. A girl who usually had unruly curls stepped through, followed by three red heads, one raven hair boy, and the quidditch commentator Lee Jordan. Grangers eyes seemed to widened as she took in the scene before her. My eyes went to her hands as they nervously fidgeted in front of her. I turned back toward Felix.
"I invited a few friends from Gryffindor house to tag along, I'm gonna go say hi if that's alright." I told him, pecking his cheek as he nodded. I stood up off his lap and made my way over to the Gryffindor group.
"Lestrange!" The twins chorused in greeting, flashing their teeth. Both of them were dressed in suits and carried briefcases. It seems they really take their so called business seriously.
"Thanks for telling little Ronny here about the party," George started, resting a hand on his younger brothers head and ruffled his hair. "It will really help our business to bring in more sales."
"Say," the other twin said, stepping towards me. "Think you could sample something of ours later tonight? Promise we won't give you anything that would ruin your appearance physical."
"Fred, that sounds a little suspicious mate," Lee Jordan spoke up from beside him, also in a suit, no doubt to help his best mates.
I offered Fred a smile. "Why not, it couldn't hurt. Could it?" I paused before saying the last part. What did I just agree to?
"Brilliant Lestrange!" The twins said at once, grinning from ear to ear. The twins and Jordan said their goodbyes as they started off on their search for clientele.
"You straightened your hair," a soft voice suddenly spoke. I turned to look at Granger curiously before glancing down at my hair, picking a strand up between my fingers. I dropped my hair, looking her up and down.
She wore a light pink cotton sweater and tight, short skirt I didn't think she owned. She kept reaching to pull it down. Her cheeks flushed pink as I met her honey brown eyes.
"Glad you three could make it," I said grinning. "I trust you made it here without and disturbance?" My eyes glanced over to Potter as he stuffed a familiar, old looking, sheet of old parchment into his pocket, along with his wand. I pretended not to notice. Weasley went to open his mouth but was interrupted as I felt a large hand, covered in rings, land on my shoulders.
"What are you three doing here?" He snarled. "Talking to Meissa as well?" I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and spun around to face him. I was almost his height in heels, just a few inches short.
"Oh relax Draco, it's a party for fucks sake. Put your stupid rivalry aside and enjoy the party." I crossed my arms, giving him a look.
Draco's jaw hardened. "Associating with Mudbloods and Blood-traitors, Mei? You need to watch yourself before they turn you into one of them." My eyes narrowed at him. My hands trembled with rage. How could he even think I'd allow myself to become a Blood-traitor.
Next thing I knew my hand smacked him across the face, a nice red spot forming. My hand then wrapped around his wrist. I gripped it tight enough so that he couldn't pull away.
I turned to the trio and flashed them a smile. "Excuse us." I said. With that I spun around and began pulling the six foot, platinum blonde wizard behind me. My nails dug into his skin whenever he tried to pull away. I didn't let go until I reached Felix's dorm where I shoved his tall arse into and slammed the door.
"What the bleeding fuck Meissa!" He growled, holding his bleeding wrist in hand.
I took a step towards him, holding my finger in his face in warning. "How dare you think I'd allow myself to stoop that low. I would never, ever, betray my kind. How could you think that of me!" His grey eyes darkened as he looked down at me.
"What am I supposed to think? You're not acting yourself, you associated more often with them last year. Hell, maybe you're lying about all that shit about you not remember last year. How the fuck does one's memories disappear?" He smacked my hand away, taking a few steps back to put some distance between us.
I began pacing the room angrily, resisting the urge to smack him once again. I paused only for a second when I noticed the blood under my fingernails before resuming my pacing. My left arm began to feel like someone was pinching it over and over again. I chose to ignore the pain. Tucking my hair behind my ears, I turned my attention back towards Draco.
"You think I'm making all of this up?" My voice dangerously calm before slowly rising. "You think I am purposely lying about not having my memories? Fuck, Draco! Tell me why I'd be bloody lying? What is the reason? Why would I do that? What did I gain?" He didn't answer and just continued to stare at me. "What? Can't even answer now? In case you haven't noticed, I'm fucking losing it. My whole fourth year locked itself away in my mind and I don't even know why. I've started remembering some things, like how I killed my cat! I loved Thea, you know this. I can't figure out why'd I'd kill my damn cat just because some stupid man told me to. Maybe I even killed someone. And that damned box in your father's study has something that would help me, I'm bloody sure of it."
"Wait a second, you killed Thea? How? You said she was missing." He looked at me for a second, concern running all over his face.
"How else, Draco? Think!" I sighed irritated, beginning my pacing once again.
"That's not possible, maybe she's just run away. If you used the curse, you would have told me. If anything happened last year you would have told me."
A strained sounding laugh filled the room, emerging from my throat as I spun around to face him. "Ever thought maybe I just didn't tell you?" His face hardened, any previous concern gone.
"No," he started, stepping forward to close the space between us. "That's not possible, we've told each other everything since we were kids. You wouldn't keep something that big from me." He met my eyes. His silvery grey ones searched rapidly for something. "You wouldn't." He repeated, his voice much softer this time.
The way his face immediately fell tugged at my heart strings. I needed to calm down, I shouldn't be getting angry.
My heels clicked loudly against the wood floor as I took a few steps towards Draco. I reached out and placed my hand on his chin, rubbing my thumb along his cheek bones. "You're right, I'm sorry. I would never purposefully keep things from you." I whispered softly, reaching down to grab his left arm. I held it in my hands gently, turning it over to see the extent of the wound I caused. My nails dug pretty deep, he was still bleeding.
Channeling my magic, I waved my hand over his wrist. The skin immediately sewed itself back together and looked as if it were days old.
"Since when could you intently perform wandless magic?" I just shrugged and tugged him toward's Felix's bathroom. I really didn't know, it was easier this year than it was in the past.
I washed the blood off his wrist in the sink. When I finished, that was when he decided to speak again. "Who's dorm even is this?"
I looked up to face him in the mirror. My appeared shocked me. Dried blood caked my cheeks like tears. I couldn't even get angry without blood spilling. I want to know what the fucks going on with me. I pushed the thought away since that wasn't important now.
"Felix's," I hummed lightly, grabbing the wash cloth off the metal hook, wetting it before wiping my face. At that moment the door of Felix's dorm opened slowly.
"Meissa?" A familiar voice called. Draco spun around as the door clicked shut. The bathroom door creaked open. I continued cleaning my face. "Oh! Uh, hey." Felix exclaimed in surprise as he was met directly with Draco.
"Felix Creed meet Draco Malfoy, my baby cousin, and Draco meet Felix, my boyfriend." I said happily, hanging the rag back on the hook before spinning around, smiling. Draco held his hand out and Felix took it.
Draco looked from me to Felix. "Boyfriend?" He questioned. "Since when?"
I reached forward towards Felix, taking his hand in mine, pulling him towards me. "About forty minutes ago?"
Draco nodded, giving me another look. "Right. Nice to meet you Creed. Let's meet up properly some time. I'll see you back in the crowd, Mei." Then he left with a nod.
Felix turned towards me and cupped my face in his hands. My stomach felt all weird at his affection. I gladly welcomed it though, wrapping my hands around his wrists.
"You okay?" He whispered, leaning his forehead against mine.
"Bloody brilliant," I mumbled, tilting my head up to meet his lips. I sucked at his lips gently for a few minutes, not going any further. I pulled his bottom lip between my teeth as I pulled away. "Come on, let head back. I need a drink." I tugged his hand behind me, leading him out his dorm and down the hall into the common room.
After I'd gotten a drink, I found my friends huddled together in the small study room of the Hufflepuff commons. I dragged Felix along as I walked towards to where they were. They seemed deep in small conversation, passing around a joint amongst one another.
I took a sip from my cup as I stepped into the room. "Hi," I smiled, greeting everyone. Blaise's eyes flicked over to me immediately from the sofa, an empty spot right next to him. His dark eyes looked me up and down, taking in my appearance.
"You straightened your hair," he spoke, his voice low. I pulled Felix along and pushed him down onto the sofa, sliding in between him and Blaise.
"Oh really? I didn't notice." I jokingly sneered, taking the joint from him, placing it between my lips. I offered it to Felix but he declined so I passed it to the person across from us.
Theo. He took it gladly but I didn't notice him glaring at Felix as he took a drag.
"I heard you slapped Malfoy," Millicent spoke up from the floor, cradling a brown, glass bottle, between her hands. She was hiding a grin. She lifted the bottle up and took a swig.
I could feel everyone's eyes on me as their heads snapped in my direction. "Don't look at me, look at Draco. He upset me." I lifted my hands up, leaning back against the cushions.
Draco sat in an arm chair. His left hand flexed on the arm. I could feel his eyes trying to burn a hole though my skull as I stared into my cup, swirling the liquid around. Pansy began bombarding Draco with questions wanting to know what happened. I noticed Daphne wasn't in sight. Blaise on the other hand began talking with Nott and Milli, Crabbe and Goyle pigged away on sweets.
I scooted closer to Felix, resting my head on his shoulder. His arm snaked around my waist.
"Is this really what your friends are like?" Felix asked, leaning down to whisper in my ears.
I hummed for a minute, thinking of what to say. "Sort of. Most of the time they act pretty dignified and believe they are better than everyone because of pureblood supremacy, as you know. Milli's the only half-blood. But when they aren't in public, yeah, we act pretty normal out of sight."
"Define normal." Felix chuckled. "You're all dressed formal."
Humming slightly, I whispered, "Wealthy purebloods never dress down."
Suddenly Goyle and Crabbe gasped very loudly, making everyone in the room turn towards them. "Polyjuice potion turns you into someone else right?" Goyle spoke.
"If you have a piece of whomever you're turning into, yes." I answered, giving the two idiots a curious look. "What are you two on about?"
"So, what if, a guy drank a potion and became a girl-" Crabbe started.
"Crabbe, if this is going where I think it is, I swear I will-" Milli interjected, taking a long swig out of her bottle.
"Hear us out," Crabbe continues, "and a girl became a guy, we'd find out how sex feels for the opposite sex!" Both him and Goyle nodded excitedly at their discovery. Everyone else went quiet.
Draco looked absolutely disgusted. Blaise on the other hand was amazed. Everyone else was a mixture between the two emotions. I turned to look up at Felix. His eyes were wide in bewilderment. I burst out laughing, leaning forward to set my cup down onto the coffee table so I wouldn't spill. Everyone else followed along, joining my laugh.
"They are actually onto something though," Blaise said, jumping up from the sofa. "Come on, you can't deny they aren't. Agree with me, Meissa, darling." He held a hand out for me.
"Zabini," I began, sitting up to place my hand in his own. His smile grew as he pulled me up to stand with him. I gave him a smile, fueling his hope. "No. That's just freakishly weird." Immediately the smile on the Italian wizard dropped. I couldn't help but giggle as he sighed in defeat. "Monstres," I muttered under my breath in French as I dropped back down on the sofa.
"Hey!" Blaise exclaimed as he sat back down next to me. "I know what that means. I'm not a freak, I don't know about these two," he said gesturing to the pair of idiots still stuffing their faces. "But I know I'm not."
"Bien sur!" Sure! I said, taking a freshly rolled joint from off the table, placing it between my lips. Who knows what happened to the last one. Felix grabbed the lighter and lit it for me. I smiled at his gesture. I inhaled, breathing out a cloud of smoke, enjoying the relaxing feeling that slowly worked it's way up my body.
"Il est un monstre." He is a freak. A voice chuckled. I turned to see Theo smiling as Blaise looked at him with fake betrayal. "Que puis-je dire, je ne peux pas mentir." What can I say, I cannot lie.
I couldn't help but laugh, it was probably due to the fact my mind was slightly fuzzy. I held my hand out to offer the joint to Felix, who took it gladly this time.
"You speak French?" I heard him whisper in my ear. His breath tickled my ear, making me giggle slightly at the feeling.
"Oui," I confirmed. "My father's family, the Lestranges, are French. I spoke French first before English." I went to speak more but suddenly loud 'whooping' sounds rang throughout the Hufflepuff common room. The Weasley twins jumped, actually jumped, into the room, stopping themselves at the yellow sofa I was sitting on.
"Hey there Lestrange!" The twins chorused, both of them standing behind where I was seated. "Heyyy, no way, Felix Creed!" They chorused once more, shaking hands with Felix. "My man."
"Weasleys! How was your night?" I asked, looking up at them. They took that as an invitation to hop onto the sofa, making all five of us now pretty cozy on the sofa. They quite literally hopped, throwing themselves over the back over the sofa onto the cushions.
Blaise hopped up off the couch and joined Theo on the love seat across from us.
"I'm done for the night, got to work on an essay." Milli declared, placing her bottle down on the coffee table. "I'll take these two with me." She grabbed Crabb and Goyle up by the back of their shirts and walked out the open room.
Draco and a giggling Pansy left right after them. I rolled my eyes as the two left. Pansy was probably just looking for the right moment to leave with him.
"What can I do for you Weasleys?" I asked, looking between the two as I sat up. The twins wrapped an arm around the back of the sofa of where I was seated.
"Think it's time for Lestrange to sample one of our products, isn't it Georgie?" Fred said, grinning from ear to ear.
"Perfect time, Freddy. What do you say Lestrange?" George asked, grinning just as much as Fred, if not more.
Tapping the bottom of my chin with my pointer finger, pretending to be deep in thought, I shrugged. "Why not. Where are your briefcases though?" I asked, looking between the two noticing the case gone.
"Don't you worry your pretty little head, we sent those up with Lee back to Gryffindor." George continued, patting the top of my head as if I were some type of domestic animal. If I wasn't buzzed, I may have hexed an ear off.
"Yeah, almost ran out of stock." Fred added. "We've got what we want you to test right here." He pulled a small tin container out from his suit jacket.
"You two aren't about to kill my sweet Mei-Mei, are you?" Blaise asked, looking between the two twins suspiciously.
"Of course not dear Zabini, we would never harm a fellow student." George did his best to try and reassure the Slytherin but it didn't help. Blaise continued staring.
"So, Mei-Mei," Fred continued, opening the tin box. He stole the little nickname only my closest friends used. What lay inside the tin looked to be a treacle tart. "Care to try our Truthfully You Treacle Tart?" The red headed older wizard asked.
I took the tin from him, carefully examining the tart. I was about to answer before hearing boots click on the wood floor. I turned to see Granger and Potter stepping into the room, their Weasley nowhere in sight. Potter held a brown, cold, butterbeer bottle in his hand, much like the one Milli had that she left on the table. Granger simply held a cup with what I assumed to be spiked giggle water punch.
"Lovely, more Gryffindors." I heard Blaise mutter under his breath.
I gave them a sly smile. "Granger, Potter, come on in. There's an empty arm chair right there but I'm afraid one of you will have to take to the floor." The two argued shortly for a minute before Harry reluctantly sat in the arm chair Draco just sat in and Hermione sat on the floor by him.
"Come on then Lestrange, don't keep us waiting." One of the twins said. I didn't catch who since I'd unintentionally been staring at the two the whole time they'd walked in. I collected myself and looked to the tart in my hand.
"If I die, Lucius will sue the hell out of your family." I stated, picking the tart up out the tin, taking a rather generous small bite. I didn't feel anything. I felt completely normal. I checked my skin, my hair, and noticed no difference. "What's this meant to do anyways?" I asked, looking over to George, who sat on my right, Felix watching me carefully from beside him.
"What do you think of me, love?" He asked, a genuine intrigued look on his face. I gave him a questioning look.
"I think you're not bad to look at, Weasley." I said honestly. "I also think you're quite funny too but I would have never admitted to your face till now. But for the love of Merlin learn to do your hair. But what's that go to do with the tart?"
"Oh nothing," he grinned, flattening the hair on the top of his head. He winked at his brother. "Take it from here Freddy?"
"Of course Georgie." I turned to look at Fred, still wanting my question answered. "Now, Mei. What do you think of me?"
I gave the other twin a quizzical look. "Really?" Fred nodded. "Fine. You're not too bad yourself Fred. Your hair's nicer and more tamed compared to George. You're maybe just more funnier than him too. What's this got to do with anything?"
"Woulda thought you'd be more insulting if I'm being honest." Fred said. "Somebody else want to ask a question?" My eyes flickered over to Granger. I noticed she was giving the twins a warning glare.
Blaise poured a shot of firewhiskey and downed it. "Fuck it. "What do you honestly think of me, Mei-Mei?"
"I think you're bloody brilliant. I think your quite handsome but I've never said aloud since it would go straight to your ego. You're my best mate, I love you more than anything. I'd fuck up anyone who hurt you. You've got your fair share of issues though." Blaise poured two more shots, handing one to me so we could cheers. I rolled my eyes as I downed the drink.
Granger was next to ask a question. "Favorite subject? And why."
"Boooo." The twins exclaimed.
"Defense Against the Dark Arts. Well, used to be. I enjoyed learning defensive and offensive spells. Actually, maybe not DADA. Arithmancy or Astronomy, actually. Divinations is unpractical, it's better to be able to precisely and accurately be able to predict the future with numbers rather than getting tea leaves read and get told you have the Grim." I heard a few laughs, Potter included. I knew Harry's so called Grim tea leaves from third year was just Sirius. "As for Astronomy, it's not just about the stars and planets, it's the meanings behind them." Granger nodded along to everything I said, as of she were truly listening. I didn't know why I was blabbing so much. I would have just said potions any other time.
"Interesting," I heard her say. Potter looked as if he wanted to say something as I locked eyes with him. He ended up leaving the room after we stared at each other for a few moments, whispering something to Granger before he left. My guess was he either wanted to talk about my lost year or our the so called 'relationship' we had. Possibly Sirius. Neither could be discussed in public.
I turned to look at Nott. He was the only one who hadn't asked a dumb question yet, besides Felix. He pulled a muggle fag box from his pocket a took one out before pocketing it again. He snapped his fingers and it lit. He took a long drag.
"Ils vous ont glissé du sérum de vérité." They have slipped you truth serum. He spoke in French. "C'était dans la tarte." It was in the tart.
I stared at him blankly, not wanting to look offended by what the twins had done. If I could, I'd murder those two redheads in an instant the second I had the chance.
"J'ai une question pour vous. Mais, je ne sais pas si je dois demander." I have a question for you. But, I don't know if I should ask.
I clicked my tongue. "Demande-le." Ask it. It was only fair.
"Si vous insistez." If you insist. He turned around slightly, throwing the fag into the fireplace behind. "Est-ce que tu m'aimes ou pas?" Do you love me or not?
"Bien sûr—non." Of course—no. I went to immediately say 'of course' before I found the word 'no' escaping past my lips.
"Pourquoi non?" Why no?
I didn't even have time to think before words came spilling out of my mouth. "Je t'ai aimé. Passé."
I loved you. Past tense.
"Qu'est ce qui a changé?" What changed?
"Tu." You. I paused, trying to fight the truth from spilling out. "Et moi. Nous avons changé." And Me. We have changed.
It was true. We both changed. He started growing distant since third year. How did he expect me to have supposed love for him after he'd grown distant? Whatever was there was just a stupid crush, puppy love if anything.
I found myself clenching my jaw. "How could you ask if I loved you? I hardly know you anymore, Theodore." I found myself standing up in anger, making my way over to the yellow loveseat he sat on. He stood up, joining me standing. "You've changed, you grew distant." I jabbed my slim finger hard in the middle of his chest as I said 'you.'
Hardly any space was between us. His face was just centimeters from mine.
His brown eyes just seemed burn into my own green eyes. He was searching. Searching for something he wouldn't find. I knew he wouldn't find what he was looking for.
"You've changed too, Meissa." He breathed. I could smell the tobacco in his breath.
I felt my body trembling. It took me a second to realize I was laughing. I don't know why I was. The situation was no where near humorous at all. Yet, I was laughing. Laughing as if it were the most funniest thing I'd ever experienced. As if the whole situation were a joke only I understood. I took a few clumsily steps back, bending over as I laughed harder, clutching my stomach as it began to ache.
About a minute later I finally stopped. Theo just looked at me blankly.
"Leave." I seethed in English, malice heavily detectable in my voice. He made no signs of intending to move, "Fucking leave Theodore." He stared at me for a second, his brown eyes void of any emotion. He bent down for a second, grabbing a bottle of some alcoholic beverage and eventually left. My eyes flickered over to Blaise for a moment. He looked torn between going after his mate or staying here with me. I plastered my best fake smile on my face.
"Fred! George!" My voice now overly enthusiastic. "Truth Tarts? Really?" I placed my hands on my hips.
"All's fair in love and jests!" The twins chorused. Jumping off the sofa and leaving the room in the same manner they'd sat down. It was best that they'd run off.
"Well, interesting night." Blaise said suddenly. I heard him shuffle around on the love seat as he stood. "I'm heading back to Slytherin, come with?" He asked, a hand gently pressed against my back. I shook my head lightly, declining the offer. He pressed a gentle kiss to the side of my head before leaving, coat in hand. I remained standing awkwardly, bringing my thumb up to my mouth, unconsciously biting my nail. It wasn't a habit I intended to make.
"I've got N.E.W.T's to study for in the morning," I heard Felix say. I glanced up to see him standing. "I'm gonna turn in for the night. Good night, Meissa." He walked over, pressing a short kiss to my lips. Before I knew it he was gone. Leaving me and Granger left in the room.
Her eyes were wide as we made eye contact. She was terrible at hiding her shock from the whole ordeal. Felix didn't speak French, no one did, so he couldn't have known what was said and he probably did leave just to get rest. Or, he picked up on the tension between Nott and I. I could still feel it in the room, you'd have to hack at it with an axe to break though.
Scoffing, I placed a foot on the table, lifting the end of my dress up to pull my wand from the garter I tucked it in. I softly muttered quiet cleaning spells since everyone decided to leave me and Granger all alone with a mess. Thankfully she helped. The room was clean thoroughly in under three minutes. Two joints were left on the coffee table. I vanished one, placing the other between my lips. I tapped the tip of my wand to light it.
I needed to get that snapping flame trick from Nott.
I turned to face Granger. She was playing with her wand in her hand as if it were nothing more than a mere stick.
"Come along now, Granger. I'll walk you back to your common." I said, meeting her gaze, pulling the splif from my lips as I blew a cloud of smoke. I didn't give her much of a chance to answer before I turned and exited the room. I was about halfway to the Hufflepuff entrance, maneuvering around the students still left, as I heard quick, light, footsteps hurrying after me. "Accio cloak." My cloak flew into my waiting hands. I hung it over my arm.
"You don't have to walk me. I'll be fine on my own." She spoke, standing next to me. I looked down at the shorter girl, towering over her.
The sides of my lips curled into a small, amused smile. "Don't protest Granger." I walked past her until I was out into the hall. I didn't even wait for her when I began my trek towards the moving stair cases. Once again, hurried footsteps clicked softly on the stone floor as the short, Gryffindor, girl caught up to me.
I continued to take drags on the joint as we walked, making sure to not blow smoke clouds where Granger was walking. In a matter of silent minutes, we reached the stair cases.
I noticed she was clutching her arms close to her as we waited for the first stair to click into place. She shivered ever so slightly. Rolling my eyes, I placed the joint between my lips to free my hands. I grabbed my Slytherin robes off my arm, wrapping it around the shorter girl's shoulders. I avoided her gaze. I cursed silently as the stairs seemed to be taking forever to turn and click into place.
Dropping what remained of the joint onto the floor, I transfigured them into plain slippers. My feet were killing me in these heels. I effortlessly kicked my heels off, hooked the straps onto my fingers, and slipped into the slippers. They were a little scratchy and burnt looking since it was made from a joint. I felt Granger's eyes on me the whole time. Finally, the first step clicked into place.
We both stepped onto it.
Only now did she decide to speak. "Can I ask you something?" The stairs locked onto the next platform. We both stepped on it.
I turned to look down at her. "You already did," a sly smile forming on my lips. She clutched the front of my cloak closer around her.
"Why are you so.. different from the other Slytherins?" Her brows furrowed as she questioned. Her eyes widened as she realized what she said. "I just mean you don't seem to constantly bully those you feel are lesser than yourself, unlike most of your house."
"Hoping the tart would spill the truth?" I jeered, tilting my head slightly. The second staircase clicked into place. I stepped onto it.
She hummed lightly to herself. "No," she held onto the railing as she climbed the moving stairs with me. "I knew the truth serum would wear off by now."
Of course the whole tart situation was a plan.
The second staircase clicked into place with the third floor platform. Four more floors to go until we reach the seventh.
I sucked on my teeth. "So, what exactly was the plan? Hope I'd spill secrets about you-know-who?" She froze in her step. "Sorry to disappoint, Granger. Voldemort's a little secretive. He.." I leaned down towards her ear, "..doesn't like his secrets being shared."
Smirking, I stepped back and onto a staircase as it began to move. Granger quickly got over her shock and tried to quickly hop onto the stairs. Only, her balance wasn't stable and she began failing her arms to try and not fall. She leant backwards more, about to fall off the stairs.
I hooked an arm around the small of her back, pulling her against me. Her heart was practically beating out of her chest. I could feel it.
"Careful there Granger," I said, my voice a whisper, staring into her honey brown eyes in the dim light. "Don't want the stone floors being soaked with your filthy blood now, do we?" Humming lightly, I let go after making sure she wouldn't fall again. We continued the rest of the way to Gryffindor without another word.
The Fat Lady was no where to be found in her portrait by the time Granger and I reached the top of the steps. Who knows what time it was now. My arm suddenly burned as if it were on fire. I gripped onto the railing to support myself, squeezing my eyes shut at the pain.
Hisss. Hisss.
Suddenly I was gliding across cold, stone floors. I could see familiar the familiar black brick, Ministry walls in my mind. There was a door. The Minitry's sigil right on the doorknob in the middle. Past that door was what seemed to be a room filled of orbs. Glass orbs for divinations. Then there was a man with that unmistakable Weasley red. It was as if I were actually there. I had the sudden urge to sink my fangs into the man. Fangs? Suddenly I lunged forward in a serpentine movement, attacking the man. It was Arthur Weasley.
I sunk my fangs deep into the man over, and over, and over again. Snake like bites covered the man, blood pooling out of the wounds.
I forced my eyes open. I couldn't stand to see anymore. All of that blood.. Was it real?
I was panting heavily as if I'd just gone for a run. I was crouched over on the floor, gripping a bar on the platform railing. My knuckles were white from how hard I'd been holding on. I heard a faint thud. I must've dropped my heels, they weren't in my hands anymore or on the floor. They'd plummeted towards the ground below.
"Lestrange? Are you alright? Lestrange? Meissa!" A voice said, sounding very far away. A hand gripped my chin gently, forcing my face up. My eyes focused on bushy brown curls. Granger let out a soft gasp. I smelled blood.
I thought I heard multiple hurried footsteps from behind the door. Granger suddenly configured a handkerchief from her wand and frantically began wiping my face. She stuffed the now bloodied handkerchief in the pocket of my robe she was still wearing as the portrait swung open. Out came a worried looking Professor McGonagall, a confused Weasel, and a panic stricken Potter.
We locked eyes the second he stepped out from the portrait. He knows I know what he saw.
"I must attend to a rather urgent matter. We will deal with this in the morning Miss Granger and Miss Lestrange." With that the three hurriedly left down the hall.
After they left, I cried out in pain. My arm burned hot. I not so gently shoved Granger away so I could have so space. I immediately began ripping my left dress sleeve off, starting at the shoulder. Nothing looked amiss on my skin besides the same two old scars. One black line and one normal looking line. It just kept on burning. I scrambled up off the floor and hastily began back down the staircases. I heard a set of footsteps follow me.
I quickly spun around to see Granger hurrying after me. "Do not follow me." I seethed though the pain, glowering down at her. I didn't wait for an answer as I hurriedly began running. It was luck I didn't misstep and fall.