
By Blazet19

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This is an Izuku Yagi story and the inspiration for this story is from @Hexcss Izuku Yagi is a boy born in a... More

New Beginning
Two Years
UA Exam and First Day
Sports Festival
Welcome to the League! (Also Important AN)
Internships and Hosu
Meeting Family
Why We Follow Him

Training Camp

3.5K 77 25
By Blazet19

Chapter 11
Training Camp
~Izumi POV~

    Just how?

    How could I let this happen?

    How could I let them take her?

    I should have been there to save her.

    Why do I keep losing the people I care for?


    I'm supposed to be a hero, right?

~Izuku POV~ An hour before
    I stood in front of the squad I had designated for this mission. Their two goals were to cause chaos and kidnap the target. Though I made sure to give them restrictions. We might be in the middle of the woods, but they are ordered not to kill anyone not included in the mission, like campers or hikers.

    "You all have your objectives?" I ask.

    "Yes!" They said and I motioned for them to start.

    Hell was about to rain down and I couldn't wait to see it.

~Izumi POV~
    I was outside talking with Miss Aizawa. We were also with another Class B student. I believe her name was Neitai Monomee. I was speaking with my teacher because of my bad grade on the written test of finals. My score was a 58. As we were chatting we heard rustling coming from the trees. Everyone prepared into a stance ready to fight when, to our surprise, an older boy came running out.

    He looked to be a few years older than me, with dark black hair and blue eyes. Though what had me worried was that he was clearly injured. All three of us relaxed our guard and ran up to him. As we got closer, I could see patches of stitched scarred flesh all around his body. Blood was seeping through his stitches. I could not help, but feel like I had met this guy before. Aizawa knelt down to tend to him.

    "Are you alright?" I asked.

    "How did this happen? Who did this to you?" Aizawa.

    "Hurry up and answer, we don't have all day." Monomee said as Aizawa and I both shot her a glare.

    "Who did this to me?" He asked us. Though it didn't sound like an actual question. He brought his hand up and he spoke next.

    "Disgusting heroes like you." He said as blue flames shot out of his hand. Aizawa and I were lucky enough to react in time, but Monomee did not get so lucky. I watched as her body was burnt to ash in a matter of moments. Not only that, but how could he have a quirk? He was clearly a guy so it made no sense.

    While I was thinking, he brought his hand up and prepared to send fire again, but seemed unable to. Looks like Aizawa managed to erase his power in time. Suddenly he was also wrapped in plastic and sent crashing to a wall with Aizawa pinning him. She started questioning him and tightening his binds, but all he did was laugh. Suddenly his body started tearing apart and all that was left was a mud like substance. Though he did say one last thing before he disintegrated. He seemed to stare at me as he said it.

    "Prepare, because your sins are coming back!"

~Toga POV~
    We had our orders and I was prepared to follow them, but I was secretly hoping to find Izu's biological sister first. I wanted to give that bitch a good cutting. It was sad though as we aren't allowed to kill her. She may not be the target, but Izu wants her alive for the time being. From what I heard with our communicators, Mustard has already knocked most of Class B out and is currently fighting two more of them.  As I was running through the trees I saw two students running. From the description Mina gave us, these two are Uraraka and Tsuyu.

    I jumped down and instantly slashed at Uraraka. I aimed for her fingers, but failed as she was suddenly wrapped in a tongue and pulled away. I tried to switch directory and slice the tongue through, but I only managed to leave a thin cut. They watched as I brought my blade up to my mouth and licked the blood. Absolutely delicious.

    "Who are you?" They asked, looking slightly terrified at me licking the blood.

    "Names Himiko Toga. Let's be friends." I said as I ran at them again with a crazed look in my eyes. I have already tasted their blood and I want more.

~Spinner POV~ w/ Magne
    Mangne and I were tasked with keeping the heroes, known as The Wild, Wild Pussycats busy. What was originally two on four turned into a two on two fight. We gave the blonde one a nasty head injury, but before we could finish her the others started to guard her. Then the one with green hair managed to get past us so she could help the hero students. I'll give them some credit though, they got over us males having quirks rather quickly. That's a pro for you, I guess. There was a student with them with red hair, but left as soon as she was ordered.

    During our fight a student came running up and I had to block a punch with my swords. Once I got a look, I realized who it was. The girl our boss said was the first to push him down his path. His own sister. The hero known as Mandalay spoke.

    "What are you doing here? Run now!" She ordered.

    "I can't just leave you to fight these villains when one of your own is injured." Izumi spoke.

    "We will be fine, there are others in this forest that you need to help. Go find them!" The other hero known as Tiger demanded.

    Izumi's face contorted into distraught as she clearly did not want to leave them, but suddenly her face went pale and she said something I could barely hear before running off. It didn't matter as it would've been a hindrance fighting her without trying to kill her, but I believe she said, 'Kota'.

~Dabi POV~ w/ Twice
    This was a pain. Simple as that. Of course I had to get paired up against a justice crazy maniac. Who apparently can turn her body parts into weapons. At one point one of my clones managed to get behind her but she bent over and machine guns came out of her rear completely obliterating my clone. I have managed to get a few burns on her, but she still has that creepy smile on her face.

    "Her face is going to give me nightmares. I love it!" Twice said.

    "Just focus on making more clones, please. I already have burnt patches all over my body, I do not need bullet holes to match them." I said.

    "Aye aye captain! You are not my boss!" Twice said, contradicting himself, but nevertheless still made the clones. I sighed as I heard the girl yelling about justice,and I hoped Mr. Compress would finish this task so we could leave. This mission was mainly used to obtain the target, but also to scare and humiliate the U.A. school. Killing was not necessarily an objective.

~Third POV~ w/ Momo
    Momo was currently fighting against a nomu creature with a couple of students from Class B. The battle was hard as they could not do much of any harm to the nomu. Near the end, they thought they were going to die. Surprisingly though the nomu stopped attacking them and turned to leave. With some quick thinking Momo made a tracking device and had a student from Class B use her quirk to wield the tracking device to the nomu.

~Third POV~ w/ Katsuki, Shoka, Kirishima, and Hitosha
    These three were currently fighting Moonfish and having a hard time. The only tactic that even came close to working was Hitosha antagonizing him, with Kirishima acting as a shield. Shoka would provide long range support with her ice. Katsuki would sneak up to deliver close range attacks. Well she was supposed to sneak, but ended up yelling and had to have Shoka protect her with ice. They were having trouble because Moonfish's teeth were near indestructible. Hitosha may be able to gain his focus with her taunts, but he is not answering her questions. Shoka's ice barely managed to slow him or his teeth down. Kirishima's quirk was starting to wear as she had been using it for an excessive amount of time. Katsuki kept at it without acknowledging that she was doing no damage.

    Eventually they decided to back up and hopefully formulate a plan. At least Shoka, Kirishima, and Hitosha did. Hitosha had to hypnotize Katsuki to get her to listen and retreat with them. They managed to get some distance, but knew it wouldn't provide them much time. Once Hitosha released Katsuki she was met with a punch to the face.

    "Do that to me again bitch and I will make sure to send an explosion up your ass!" She yelled, and HItosha just glared before replying.

    "If I didn't, you would have gotten yourself and maybe us killed as well!" She yelled.

    "Stop fighting! Both of you need to work together in order to beat him." Kirishima said.

    "How the hell does a man have a quirk anyway?" Katsuki asks.

    "Now is not the time for questions, we need to think of a plan." Kirishima said.

    "You all should just listen to me. It is your best chance at survi——" Shoka was cut off as Kirishima rushed forward and pushed her out of the way as teeth slammed into Kirishima's body and she was sent flying to a tree, unconscious. Suddenly Hitosha wrapped both herself and Katsuki in her capture weapon as something similar happened to them. They were hit hard, but looked to remain conscious. Then Shoka looked up at Moonfish, his teeth bared and this maniacal grin on his face. Shoka knew she would be able to summon her ice in time before the teeth pierced her body. As she waiting her demise, Moonfish's head suddenly jerked upwards as he fell down.

    His lower lip was cut to shreds as it looked like some invisible force launched his jaw up. He was on the ground in pain as blood spewed out of his mouth. It was not over yet as suddenly a foot indent was on his face and Shoka heard a crash. His nose was clearly broken and he had been knocked out. Luckily not dead as his chest was still rising up and down. Then his body was flipped on his stomach to make sure he did not choke on his own blood. At this point Shoka already knew who had saved her. She was saved by Tooru.

    "Your teeth may be tough, but you have got a jaw like glass." Tooru explained. Suddenly Shoka was yanked up as Tooru continued, "Now what was that about me being weak?" She asked.

    "......." Shoka did not reply and just looked away ashamed.

    No one noticed the shadow of a figure closing in behind the two as his fingers reached to touch one of them.

~Izuku POV~
    Things were going smoothly so far. I even ran into a hero with an interesting quirk. I snatched her up quickly and had Kurogiri send the hero to AFO. The target should be captured and secured soon and the mission would be over. I would like to get out of this costume, but I can't risk anyone seeing me yet. There was one thing bugging me though. Where was Muscular? Everyone had been doing their jobs. He was supposed to destroy the camp and then meet up with Spinner and Magne to help deal with the heroes. I decided to find him to see what he was up to. Admittedly, I was slightly hoping he would give me a reason to kill him. Imagine my surprise when I see him about to kill a kid no older than 5.

    "Stop." I commanded as he turned to look at me.

    "Oh, hey." He said looking bored.

    "What do you think you are doing?" I asked, leaking off killing intent.

    "Me? Just gonna teach this brat a lesson. Well... actually I was just gonna kill the little shithead." I focused solely on the kid for a second and realized he was the son of one of the heroes that Muscular killed.

    "We are not in the business of killing children. Return to the mission or I will dispose of you." I ordered. I honestly just wanted to kill him, but what kind of leader would I be if I did not offer a chance.

    "No." He said

    "No?" I repeated to him.

    "No. I don't think I will. How about I kill you instead then kill the boy. Honestly now that I have my power it should be too hard." He said with a sinister smile.

    "......*sigh* very well." I said.

    "Oh? So, you're going to let me kill the kid." He said as the mentioned kid somehow got much paler than before.

    "No, I mean very well let's get this fight started. I have wanted to dispose of you for a while now anyway, but you cannot say I didn't give you a chance." I said.

    Muscular growled as he began to launch himself and prepared to attack with his fist. Strength. That's all. Physical Strength is all he currently has that is better than me. Sadly for him that won't be enough. Even with that, with the rate I am progressing I won't take long for me to surpass his strength. Anyways, I have agility, energy, mind, and most importantly drive that far surpasses his.

    I dodged his fist and ducked, aiming a punch right into his face not protected by muscle. He was pushed by several meters. I could have hit hard, but I wanted to get close to him. My punch worked as intended though as to make him lose concentration. Due to his loss in concentration, the muscles around his joints became weak and I took the time to quickly deliver crushing blows to his elbows and knew completely pulverizing them. He was now writhing in pain on the ground as his limbs became useless.

    "Y-you bastard! How dare y—" he cut himself off as he looked into my eyes though the eye holes in my mask. What he was was coldness that sent chills though his bones, or what was left of them. He saw me prepared to finish this. He saw he was about to die.

    "W-wait wait! Please! I will listen from now on. I'm sorry. I am begging you, just——" He could not finish his sentence as suddenly my hand was around his throat. I lifted up his useless body and started directly into his terrified eyes. He was gurgling as I tightened my grip. Finally I felt it was time to end this. Using my strength, I crushed his neck as he went still with his eyes nearly popped out of his head, still with a terrified expression.

    I turned to look at the boy. Suddenly I smelled something. The boy had apparently pissed himself. I could not really blame him though as I am sure most kids would probably react similarly. I decided to not point out the fact that he wet himself. I did truly feel sorry for the boy though as I can accept that I am partially at fault for the loss of his mother. So making a quick decision I decided to walk up to him. He flinched as I placed my hand on him.

    I unlocked his quirk. He probably won't realize it till later. I know very well that this won't make up for the loss of his mother, but it is the best I can and will offer. I refuse to hinder my mission to make up for unintentional action. It doesn't much matter anymore as after this night the world will know that men do have quirks now.

    "Let him go." Someone ordered from behind me. I turned my head and saw Izumi.

    "I had no intention of harming him. In fact I just saved him." I said, making sure to keep my composure.

    "Save him?" She asked, still keeping her guard up.

    "Yes, save him. I assume you came here to do the same thing. Sadly if I had not arrived when I did he would have been killed long before you arrived." I clarified and pointed at the body of Muscular.

    "That man was going to kill him?" She asks. Can she really be that dense?

    "Yes, coincidentally that very same man was the one who killed his mother." I said as Izumi's eyes widened in both shock and realization. She suddenly whispered something, but I could still hear her.

    "He was telling the truth." She whispered. I also happened to get good news in my earpiece as she whispered this.

    "Anyways, I will be off now." I said.

    "You really think I will just let you leave?" She asked, bringing herself back together.

    "Well you really have no choice. As a hero you should prioritize getting this kid to safety. Wasting time fighting me could leave this child at risk." I clarified as she clearly did not know anything about being a true hero.

    "I—wha—but......." She messed up her wording. She clearly could not find a defence against my claim.

    "I shall take my leave now." I said as a portal opened for me to go through.

    "Wait!" She called and I turned towards her once more getting impatient as fury rose up into me.

    "what?" I asked.

    "Why did you save Kota?" She asked. Kota? Ahh, that must be the boys' names.

    "I am a person that likes to focus on their goals and will do many things to accomplish them. I do, however, have morals. The boy's death would serve no purpose to me nor does killing a child sit right with me morally. If anything, saving the boy gave me a reason to get rid of an insubordinate buffoon. You Miss Izumi Yagi, daughter of All Might, should stop looking at heroes and villains in black and white." I said before turning and entering the portal.

~Toga POV~
    They had managed to cut the girls quite a bit when I got the call back order. I had to wait for her though. I noticed her a few minutes ago awaiting a signal. Once I gave it, I sprung into action and threw two knives at both of them. Using the time they were distracted I rushed forward to bring my knife to the brunette's neck. Before it could hit though my knife in hand was covered in aced. I acted surprised , when in fact it was all a part of the plan. Mina needed some good insurance so as to not be suspected by the U.A. Staff, and what better way than to have her 'save' the life of one of her classmates. Not only will this solidify the trust they have for her, but this could also light up the load of bullying she still suffers while still acting as a spy. A brilliant plan thought up by Izu. Once she jumped out into the clearing I took my leave with an act of surprise and irritability.

~Izuku POV~
Once I was through the portal and back at the base, I instructed everyone else to return. Mr compress was the first to return obviously as his objective was of most importance. He looked at me and I could tell he was smiling behind his mask. Bringing up a blue marble in front of him, I could not help but grin.

    "Shoka Todoroki has been obtained."


Merry Christmas, hope you are all having a wonderful holiday(whichever holiday you celebrate).

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