"Bois!" Tommy yelled running into Phil's house with Tubbo following behind.
Tubbo's laughing so hard his legs almost give up but he grabs the wall and laughs more.
"Tubbo fucking wiped out!" Tommy said and half wheezed half laughed.
"Why were you outside in the snow with no coat on?!" Phil yelled completely ignoring the fact that there was something funny going on.
"We had a snowball fight!" Tommy said.
"Get warm, your going to get a cold. And please, be quiet. Ranboo isn't doing too well." Phil said grabbing blankets from the couch.
"He's here?" Tubbo asked.
"Yeah, he got here an hour after you left and has been here for two days." Phil said as the two boys sat on the couch. They both were secretly freezing but didn't want to admit it.
"Why?" Tubbo asks.
"Some guys at the school fucking beat him up. It's pretty bad..."
They sat there talking for a while then they put on a movie. Tubbo and Tommy wanted to hang out with Ranboo but Phil knew it wasn't a good idea. They'd make him laugh too hard and he'd start coughing and not be able to breathe.
Phil wanted to take him to the ER but Ranboo insisted he was fine. Phil knew he wasn't though.
He could barely get up, he has a hard time breathing, coughing up blood, his chest hurts and he's so weak.
"Yes, dad?" I said answering a call I got from my dad, honestly a little scared because I haven't been home in a while and he was probably pissed.
"Where the fuck have you been?!?" He screamed through the phone. I could tell he was yelling louder than I actually heard through the phone.
"My friend's house."
"Just because it's the weekend doesn't mean you can just fucking disappear!?"
"Yes, sorry dad. I had bit of a... problem."
"I want your ass fucking home, now! I don't care about your shitty ass problems." He yelled.
He hung up and I let out a breath I didn't know I was even holding.
I stood up from the bed Phil let me stay in. It hurts so bad to walk or stand, but it probably would hurt worse if I don't get home soon and my dad takes his anger out on me.
I walk downstairs and see Tubbo, Phil, Tommy, Techno and Wilbur all in the living room chilling.
The either were starring at me because my hair was sticking out every possible direction or because I looked like I was dying, in which i was.
"Where are you going?" Wilbur asks as soon as he saw me.
"Home," I say.
"Are you sure? Are you still hurt? Do you need a ride? " Wilbur asked me, I first didn't understand what he was saying because of his accent and he was talking fast. I stood there for a second and tried to process what he just said.
"A ride, maybe." I didn't want to bother him though, "I could just walk though, it's not that far."
"Come on, Bud.," He said and got up from the chair he was in, "I'm not busy, at all. And you live on the other side of town."
He grabbed his keys, put on his coat and we both walked outside into the car.
"Winter's almost here," He started, "Do you have warm clothes? I don't want you to be cold."
"I have uhm, hoodies," I say. Who's gonna tell him I'm not gonna be here that long for winter.
I'm probably not going to make it another month if I'm going to be honest. My dads gonna get worse because my mom has been trying to reach out to him again, the kids at school probably won't leave me alone, and the world is just not the place for me.
If the world was a place for me, I'd be happy.
I'd be living with both of my parents where dad didnt hit me because he has nothing better to do other than drinking. And my mom wouldn't just give up on me for some hot rich guy she met a "work".
I'd be going to the skatepark with Spencer and the rest of the guys and they would act like I'm actually a part of their group, not some fragile doll that if you touch it slightly too hard it breaks. The guys were now scared of saying anything that could make a negative reaction to me after Spencer told them about my fucked up life.
If this world was a place for me, WIlbur wouldn't have to worry on the days I walk home if I was planning to cut myself and go slightly to deep, or even if I'd just give up on everything.
Phil wouldn't have to ask me:
"Did you get dinner?"
"Do you have enough plasters, so in case?"
"Did you get any food?"
"Is anyone being mean to you?"
"Did you get breakfast?"
"Do you need to spend the night tonight?"
"Do you need to stay here for awhile?"
"Did you get lunch?"
"Do you need a break?"
I didn't answer the questions right, I would say that I had food, the people were nice to me, I wanted to go home, and I don't need a break. I'm doing just fine.
I'm sorry dad, I stressed you to much and you started drinking. His drinking just got worse and worse, and its my fault.
I'm sorry mom I drove you almost insane so you went to "work" all the time just to get away from me. You found a good guy with money I hope. I hope he's treating you right and your happier.
I'm sorry Spencer I'm not your ideal friend. I'm not cool at all and your probably ashamed to take me out anywhere with the rest of the people, its okay though, go without me. Your probably happier without me following you around.
I'm sorry WIlbur, I'm sorry that I worry you. I leave you wondering Is he dead? Has he gone to deep? He could be gone. The truth is though, you don't need to worry about me though. I'll be fine, we all will be. Even if he worries for me, he won't have to soon.
I'm sorry Phil, I'm sorry that your the one who has to take care of me along with Tubbo and the others. I'm sorry you have to feed me and now worry if I'm laying in the grass somewhere having a hard time breathing and blood everywhere.
And I'm sorry Tommy and Tubbo that you have to worry of your going to loose one of your friends because he can't handle anything.
He's gonna be g-
"Ranboo, Bud. Wake up," I feel Wilbur shaking me. "You fell asleep, I said your name like 10 times."
"Sorry, I'm really tired. I could sleep last night." I say and take off my seat belt.
"Thank you so much, Wilbur." I smile and open the car door.
I walk up to my house and Wilburs car is pulling out the driveway. I opened the door only to be greeted by my dad.
"Why the fuck do you have a black eye?!"
"Y'know, fights." I say and walk into the house.
"Why did I have to have such a dumbass child." He sighs and goes back to the living room.
I'm surprised he didn't yell or hit me...
That's very odd.
I don't care though, I just want to sleep.