Chapter summary: Edge manages to steal some of your time ! He's so vague tho wtf
Previously . . .
"howzabout we go to grillbs?"
You shook your head no. "Ares and Atlas are coming over tonight. It has been a while since I saw them." You say, standing up and picked the backpack from the ground. Groaning softly as you bent over to pick it up and slung it over your shoulder, stumbling back a bit from the momentum before catching yourself.
"ya saw em a day ago."
"Exactly, I miss them." You huff, walking beside Red back to the house. A feeling in your chest that you couldn't identify.
"wut now?"
Wrinkling your nose at Red's snappish tone, you turned on your head and continued walking beside Red. "I mentioned Atlas and Ares knows...if you don't believe me, you can.. I don't know? Look for confirmation there?"
Red's sockets narrowed, his hands retracting from his pockets as he shrugged. "nah, i believe ya."
Yet as he avoided your stare, you couldn't help but doubt his words. It wasn't everyday that an actual grim reaper made themselves known, especially to mortals.
You held the backpack straps tighter, feeling stupid that you brought your book outside to show—
"ey!" Red suddenly shouted, grasping your arm and pulled you back just as a vehicle drove by. "i get it, yer immortal! ya don gotta prove it!"
Furrowing your brows, you glanced up at Red before looking around, unaware how close to the house you were and how close that vehicle was about to hit you. You tore your arm from Red's hold, a small frown on your lips.
"Jeez, what's up your ass?" Pausing shortly, you shook your head and pinched the bridge of your nose. "I'm sorry.. bye?" After saying your goodbye, you continued over the lawn and to the front door (pushing yourself to walk faster) then pushed it open.
To your amazement and utter surprise, the door clicked shut behind you with a heavy thud. A soft 'wow' escaping your lips as you kicked off your shoes and giving one final glance at the deadlock, you turned and hobbled towards the kitchen.
By the time you had coffee in front of you, you were ready to keel over. The tissue formed around the stitches pulled in protest at your every move and you were exhausted. Although you didn't want to admit it, those vials of health worked wonders despite the gods-awful taste it left behind.
A soft knock on the door caught your attention as you looked down the hallway, a bit confused. Who'd knock at this house?
Slowly lowering the hot cup of coffee into the coaster, you began to slowly stalk down the hallway with light footsteps.
Grabbing a stray shoe from the shoe rack, your gaze locked on the wiggling doorknob as the doorbell ran through out the house over and over again.
Patience running thin, you dropped the shoe and threw open the door, ready to unleash off of underworld on some unsuspecting mortal.
However, the words and annoyance died at the sight of the tall skeleton. His arms crossed over his chest, his browbones furrowed and finger pressing down on the doorbell.
"Edge?" Edge raised his head to look at you, his other hand firmly pressed against the doorframe with small beads of sweat littering his skull as he huffed.
"FINALLY! I SONT HAVE ALL DAY WAITING FOR YOU TO SHOW UP!" He said with a hiss, the exhaustion clear in his wheezy tone.
"But... you're the one ringing the doorbell?" You gestured to the button he was harrassing moments prior. "Are you okay? You looked like-"
"AND?" Edge scoffed loudly.
"And what?" You bit, slowly growing annoyed.
"ARE YOU GOING TO INVITE ME IN?" Edge pressed, rolling his eyelights. "DON'T TELL ME YOUR FORGOT YOUR MANNERS."
Bristling lightly at the patronizing gaze, you took a step to the side and pulled the door wide open, gesturing him inside with exaggerated eye roll of your own.
Despite his attitude, you were grateful Edge waited to be invited inside instead of barging in.
"Sorry, but why are you here?" You asked, following Edge to the living room. He only glanced around before making his way towards the kitchen with a slight limp in his step.
"WHERE IS YOUR FIRST AID?" He asked. Ignoring your question and sat on a stool. A slight groan came from his teeth as he lifted his leg and reluctantly began to tear through the leather around his calves.
You stood there for a second, your brows furrowed in confusion as you quickly left Edge in the kitchen to retrieve the first aid kit in the bathroom. You left as quickly as you came back, a new question at the tip of your tongue as you placed the white box on the counter.
"What happened?" You asked, moving to the refrigerator to grab the leftover monster food behind a box of eggs. (The large one, Ares was afraid you'd run out) It was left over spaghetti you were going to eat later if Ares and Atlas didn't show up.
Ignoring how Edge grunted to himself, you popped the container into the microwave, set the timer and returned to Edge's side.
"Do you even need these?" You ask once again, taking the foot wrap from Edge's grasp, kneeling down to examine the fracture - it was small and barely noticeable. If Edge was visibly limping then it must've bothered him a lot . . . Does he need first aid?
Edge gave you the same glare he gave everyone— although this one seemed different from the rest, softer even.
Rolling your eyes at his silence, slowly growing more annoyed at his lack of answers.
"Look, I don't know your anatomy, so you're going to have to walk me through it." Pausing for a second, then quickly added, "but you need to talk to me."
The furrow between Edge's browbone deepened, a slightly raise of crimson dusting over his cheeks as he coughed into his fist then turned his head.
"FINE. BUT WHAT HAPPENED IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS— MY IDIOT BROTHER IS INCOMPETENT SO LEAVE THIS BETWEEN US. YES WE NEED AID, WE'RE ALIVE. SATISFIED?" Edge all but growled, the beautiful crimson colour no longer over his bones as he tossed you another compression wrap.
Easily catching it, you tilted your head in question. Edge must've read your expression because he groaned, facepalming.
"Hey! You were the one coming here! You could've went to Red instead-!"
"DONT MENTION THIS IS TO ANYBODY, AND WE WONT HAVE A PROBLEM." He cut you off, pointing a clawed finger at your face. Resisting the urge to bite his finger, you frowned.
Before you could say anything, the microwave chimed loudly. Signalling that the spaghetti was finished heating up. Ignore the threat, you got up and prepared a plate for Edge.
"I still feel like Red would know better." You said after a minute of prolonged silence. Gently placing the plate in front of Edge. "Does he even know your here?"
"ARE YOU DEAF? I SAID HE IS IMCOMPETENT." Edge snapped, unintentionally making you flinch at his volume. Edge paused, sighed and began wrapping up his bone, a white powdery substance leaking through his shaking fingertips.
"No, but I am death." Unable to stop the smile from appearing on your lips, you took the wrap from his hand and knelt down once again. Pointing at the food in front of him. "Eat. It should help."
"I DON'T WANT YOUR GARBAGE." Edge scorned, moving his leg far from you - although recoiling when he accidentally knocked it against metal leg of the stool. "IT WOULDN'T BE UP TO MY IMPOSSIBLY HIGH STANDARDS, NYAHAH!"
Rolling your eyes once more, you pushed the plate closer to him. "Sure, but monster food helps you, so I'd appreciate it if you ate a bit. . . It doesn't have to be the full plate, just enough for your body."
Edge stared at you in silence, clicking his mouth shut as you went back to tend his fractured fibula. Being careful as you worked around it - wrapping his tibula once to secure the whole thing in place.
Unable to retaliate, Edge grumbled to himself and reluctantly began scoping the leftover spaghetti in his mouth. His eyelights trained on your careful hand movements.
"A Human Nearly Ran Me Over." Edge spoke up, surprisingly in a low tone. His hold on the fork tightening. He noticed that you didn't need directions from him as you stood up, satisfied with your work. "HE NO LONGER DRIVES."
Edge refused to face you as he shoveled spaghetti into his mouth, a deep furrow in his brows and the pretty crimson back on his face.
Noticing that he wasn't continuing, you started with a simple: "What did you do?"
Edge finished the rest of the leftover spaghetti (much to your dismay) without answering. Choosing his silence as your answer while he examined your patching job. Edge hummed to himself - not giving you an indication whether he was satisfied or not.
You nodded slowly at his prolonged silence, putting the first aid underneath the kitchen sink before turning towards Edge. He continued to sit, mindlessly playing with the fork - lost in his thoughts.
"Let Red know what happened. Knowing him he's going to find out one way or another."
"SPEAK OF THIS TO ANYONE I WILL- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" The threat was lost when Edge finally glanced at you, openly mocking his words with exaggerating expressions. Edge flushed in anger, the same beautiful colour of crimson dusting his bones as he raised an brow at you.
Straightening up from being caught red-handed, you nervously laughed then forcefully cleared your throat. "Uhm- I know you're an adult but Red is your brother, I didn't have the privilege of having a sibling growing up - er.. What I'm trying to say is.. He cares way more than he lets on."
Edge tapped his fingertips against the island top, a scoff coming from him as his sockets narrowed into a suspicious glare. Edge's crimson pinpricks dropped to your chest.
Fighting the urge to cover up as a familiar pull tugged at your soul as Edge soul-checked you. The involuntary uncomfortable feeling lingered longer than it should have as Edge leaned back - looking more pissed than he did prior.
"Why do you guys do that?" You ask out of no where. Biting down on your tongue instantly once you realize what you did.
Edge's focus broke from your chest, a startled look over his features before he narrowed his sockets into a mild heated look.
"I mean- uhm..?" You coughed, turning your head away in embarrassment.
"MY BROTHER HAS NO IDEA THAT I AM HERE. I INTEND TO KEEP IT AS SO. AT LEAST UNTIL IT HEALS." Edge said, a sudden cruel grim spreading across his mouth as he leaned back - careful not to fall over as he did so.
Quickly turning to face him, you mouth opening and closing. "W-..what?"
"IT TAKES A WHILE FOR BONES TO HEAL, HONESTLY YOU CALL YOURSELF HUMAN?" Edge said, rolling his crimson eyelights.
"B-but! You're a monster! Monster food could- should've been enough!" You protested. A feeling you couldn't identify weighed heavily on your chest as Edge stood up, putting most of his weight on the island and lifting his leg off the ground.
"YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE ZERO KNOWLEDGE OF MONSTERS. NO WORRIES I WILL EDUCATE YOU WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, WENCH." He pointed a clawed finger at you, a smirk prominent on his teeth.
You blinked at the close proximity of his finger once more - this time opening your mouth and attempted to bite his finger. However, Edge quickly saw your intentions and pulled away.
Scoffing, you crossed your arms. "What do I say if Red comes to find you?"
"But you're not!" You protested, an odd heat gathered around your eyes, your vision blurring with tears — You paused and wiped away the unshod tears, looking confusingly at your wet fingertips. "Uhm, actually I don't care? Just... Gods.. leave my things alone."
Edge gawked, both at his and your confusion. The expression remained on your face as you turned and left the kitchen. Leaving Edge confused and... unsure.
"boo." Ares unenthusiastically cried, his hands twirling the large axe he hauled around, the large blade lightly scraping the floors as he stepped out of the closet. The bright single eye staring at you before squinting as Ares grinned.
"BOO!" Atlas cried, stumbling out of the closet shortly after Ares. The broom and vacuum falling onto the floor with a loud clatter. Atlas straightened up before turning on his heel (nearly smacking his skull against the doorframe.) "YOU WENT EARLY, BROTHER!"
"thought we..were scaring her?" Ares gestured towards you (who began to push the broom and vacuum back into the closet with the help of Atlas) and placed his axe against the wall.
Atlas frowned but didn't say anything to indicate that he was actually upset. "WELL, IN GOOD NEWS, WE FIXED YOUR DOOR WHILE YOU WERE GONE!" he trailed off, suddenly looking nervous. "WE.. ALSO HEARD EDGE MOVED IN???"
You smiled at the gentle giant and wrapped your arms around his ribcage, giving him a comforting squeeze before pulling away - purposely overlooking the rusty orange that coloured his stained bones and the topic about Edge. "Thank you! It was getting annoying putting the shoe rack in front of it... Are you two okay?"
"ok. sure. where did you go?" Ares asked, giving a shared look with Atlas before following you to the living room. His attention solely on your posture incase you fell over.
Raising your eyebrow in silent question then spoke your thoughts. "I went to the park with Red. He.. probably has questions for you two- OH! I also don't have my magic currently so.. I think my emotions are everywhere?"
"WAIT, WHAT? YOU DON'T HAVE YOUR MAGIC?" Atlas gasped, his small sockets widening a fraction. His eyelights dropped to your bandages, looking very unnerved - by the lack of magic or your bandages ?
A soft gasp escaped your lips as you looked at the brothers. "You guys know what happened... right?"
Ares and Atlas looked uncomfortable, their postures changed by the subject - causing you to frown a bit.
"ARE YOU HUNGRY?" Atlas cut through the silence as he turned his heel and lowered his head as he walked through the door frame, out of view and into the kitchen.
Ares' flickering eyelight scanned your body for any further and unseen injuries, when he couldn't physically see any, he forced himself to relaxed.
Atlas gave you the seeped sea tea when he returned a full five minutes later. (the sea-tea Blue was supposed to give you earlier.)
You were too busy with Red (and in addition, Edge.) that you completely forgot about Blue's sea-tea offer and the guilty realization settling in your stomach wasn't comforting as you took a sip. The bitter taste wasn't bad but it was hard to enjoy when it was salty and smelled like seaweed. (And your guilt)
"HOW ARE YOU FEELING?" Atlas asked, biting down on his glove and pulled it off, although cringing lightly when his teeth caught on one another at the motion. Atlas pressed his large bony hand against your forehead, looking serious as he hummed to himself.
Atlas gave you no time to answer any of his questions. He avoided your gaze as if you were the sun. He left for the kitchen again without another word(although greeted Edge when he passed), looking tensed and uncomfortable in long strides. Atlas nearly smacked his head on the low door frame but luckily lowered his head with a small 'watch out' from you as you watched him retreat(again.)
You looked over at Ares for an explanation of Atlas's tension. Only, Ares was already staring at you. His attention wasn't on anything else but you.
"...Are you two okay?"
"i don't know. hearing you lose your magic is.." Ares trailed, unable to finish his sentence and thought-process.
"WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT?" Edge asked, carefully walking into the living room, his sockets narrowed at Ares then looked at you for an explanation.
Pursing your lips, you glanced worriedly where Atlas disappeared. Intentionally ignoring Edge as the reckless bangs of pots and pans seemed more frequent than the last time.
Ares sighed, shoulders drooping a bit as he fell back into the couch, also ignoring Edge. You followed slowly to avoid pulling your stitches.
"magic is the very essence.. of monsters.. o-or at least i think it is." He trailed, reaching up and scratched the jagged hole in his skull. Biting your tongue, you grabbed his hand and pulled it away, giving him a comforting squeeze.
Ares squeezed your hand back and continued. "can't really get the..hole idea.. hehe," he snickered.
Unable to stop the smile from appearing, you attempted to hide it by shaking your head in faux disapproval - which only made Ares grin wider.
"We can't talk about my magic around Edge." You whispered as Edge stalked out of the living room, grumbling to himself and retreated to his temporary room. (first floor with a glass door leading to the backyard)
"why is..he here?" Ares muttered, not bothering to open his sockets as he leaned against your shoulder.
Biting your lip, you hummed an 'I don't know'. Did something happen between him and Red? Usually the two were close proximity to each other, or knew each other's exact location.
"The room he's using was actually going to be Atlas', if the two of you actually decide to move in." You pointed out. "There's also the basement floor but it has to be renovated to be inhabited.. other than the tv in there."
Ares hummed, turned his head to softly press his teeth against your shoulder before falling to lay his head on your lap, his hold on your hand tightening for a second. "heh...could put ya skeletons in there."
"Pfft- that was terrible." You snickered.
"still...laughed." Ares grinned lazily.
Atlas knew that he'd never get back what he had. The normalcy before the mass starvation. The easy days of patrolling sounded like a lifetime ago, the smiles and cheerful atmosphere turned into fear and desperation within a few short weeks as monsters grew mad with hunger, each and every day it worsened until food became scarce and they got desperate.
A twinge of hurt shot through his chest. His claws lightly scratching the metal pot at the hurt in his chest. Atlas had no idea what to cook for you and his brother, his mind wandering elsewhere.
He could hear you and Ares softly talking to one another in the living room. The soft laughter between the two of you should've been enough to remind him that he wasn't underground — that he was safe where he could potentially call home.
was it though?
Atlas moved the pots and pans, pretending that he was brewing something delicious for the four of you (counting Edge!) yet his mind drew miles of blank paper.
Atlas knew he was on the verge of panicking, he could feel it in his chest - how it caved and the rush of magic prickling at his fingertips. His spine was aching but when he fright to straighten out, all he could remember was the screams.
Not his - Gods, it was the humans that fell into their cruel reality. Their reaction to seeing him was always the same.
A cruel monster trying to get to them, to eat their meaty flesh.
What if he was trying to help? They'd resorted to... other means of escape.
How can someone come back from that?
Atlas chocked out a sob, covering his teeth before another could slip. His sockets filled with orange tears that he tried blinking away.
"Oh please!" You laughed from the living room. Your seamless voice echoing in his head as his tears leaked freely from his sockets. His hands shook terribly as he tried to open the refrigerator.
Atlas bit down despite the pain shooting through his teeth, forcing the hiccups and sobs down, trying to stay silent and he reluctantly moved around in the kitchen, trying to seem okay.
Atlas shook his head, closing the refrigerator door and sat on the stool in defeat. Letting himself sob into his hands as quietly as he could.
Atlas thought he was ready to talk about his experience underground. He thought Ares was too — but judging by the pull around his soul, Ares was in the same position he was in, just better at hiding it.
*Teutonic drops a chapter in your lap* Oh no! Where did this come from?!
*How Many are there?!
*thirty-six! Counted 'em myself.
*Thirty-six?! But last year there was thirty-seven!!