"Cameron's little sister!" |...

By afmendesaf

32.3K 511 47

Cameron Dallas and Audrey Dallas are super close considering there siblings. Cameron can be very protective w... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
i love you all
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
Hey Guys!!!

chapter 5

883 18 1
By afmendesaf

Audrey's POV

I opened my eyes and cameron was sitting at the edge of my bed. "morning." I said. "hey." cameron said hugging me. "you okay?" I asked him. "yeah I'm fine. I was waiting for you to wake up, so we can go out up dad at the airport." cameron said. I nodded and we got off , he left the room and I got ready in the bathroom.

"daddy!!" I yelled. I ran into my dads arms. "oh honey I missed you guys so much!" dad told us.

"hi dad!" cameron said hugging dad. we got into the limo and drove home.

"Alrighty let me drop my stuff inside and we can go to the station to get mom." dad said. my mom is a soldier in the army. everyone I know looked up to her, she's one of the top leaders in the army. all of her army mates are close to us and we treat them like family. today they're all coming home! my mom is taking some time off to come with us for the tour. my mom is my hero and she's such an strong inspiration.

I went inside and went up to my room, and into my closet. I grabbed my 'welcome home mom our hero!' sign and ran downstairs back to the limo.

when we got to the station, we waited for the buses to come with the soldiers. I was super excited to see my mom again.

finally the buses arrived, and they all piled out one by one. we waved to them and some came over to hug us. the last few people came out of the buses, and my mom was no where to be seen.

"dad?" i said, my voice cracked. I looked at my dad and he looked around. "dad!" cameron said. my dad wasn't paying attention, he ran all over the place looking for my mom.

"audrey." Cameron hugged me. "she's okay." he reassured me. "she might've been drafted again. it's alright sis." he said. I began to cry. dad came over and hugged us. I rolled my sign back up and we were stopped by the General, who works with my mom.

"what are you guys doing here?" general Steven asked. "for my mom." I told him. "no one told you?" he asked, his eyes saddened.

"told us what?" dad said. "Macy died. she was shot in Afghanistan. but she died as a hero, she saved us all from being bombed. it was a very horrible day for us all, she was our family. I'm so sorry." general Steven said, looking down at his hat.

I was in shock, my mom is gone. forever. she's never coming back. I never said good bye. she's never going to see my first day of high school, first high school dance, prom, high school graduation, first college, my fiancé, my wedding, her grandkids, everything. she missed my 13th birthday. I want my mom to be here right now.

I cried into Cameron's shoulder, cameron cried into my hair, and dad cried into the both of us. General Steven, hugged us and he sat down to eat with us.

I was to upset to do anything, I ran outside to the buses and looked by the bunkers, where the bags are. the only bags left was moms. I ran to them and opened them up. they smelt like dust and dirt, but I smelt my mom, vanilla.

"oh mom." I cried, hugging her shirt. I heard cameron appear and he kneeled beside me and took the shirt from me and he hugged it. I looked at him and we hugged, crying at the same time.

"come on kiddos, you're going home now." general Steven said helping us up and picking up moms bags. we nodded and hugged him goodbye, he apologized to us again.

I got out of the limo and walked inside.

"WELCOME -" the whole magcon family said. I glared and ripped down the decorations that said 'welcome home' 'we missed you' they all yelled at me and I ran upstairs crying. I ran into my bed and never came out. the door opened and cameron and dad came in, they shut the door and laid down with me.


love you xoxo thanks for reading 😌💖 Im not sure what to write haha.

-j 😊

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