Extreme mood fluctuations characterize bipolar disorder. These can range from tremendous highs (mania) to severe lows (depression). You will feel tired, melancholy, hopeless, or irritated most of the time, have a lack of appetite, problems sleeping, waking up early, and have suicidal thoughts during the manic depression. A person suffering from bipolar disorder will experience a quick or mixed cycle. During manic or depressive periods, a person with bipolar disorder may have odd experiences, such as seeing, hearing, or smelling things that are not there (hallucinations). They may be surprised by their actions when the experience is ended. However, they may believe that other people are being negative and not helpful.
Behind the smile
By Senseigotthesauce
My pen is my release It's an orgasm to my soul -A collection of poetry and articles about my personal exper... More