SpiderFrost was requested by @superhotpotato. I wrote this to challenge myself since I usually don't write huge age gaps. Hope it's what you were looking for.
"We don't want you anywhere near him." Steve said to Peter, "He is dangerous, just because he says he wants to change doesn't mean he really does, he's the god of mischief after all."
That was a few days ago when Mr. Fury announced that Thor would be bringing his brother to Earth. He had said that Loki wanted a second chance. The director had decided that the best place for him to stay was the tower, where the avengers could look over him. The boy didn't know the rest of the team's opinions, but he knew that Steve and Tony didn't like the idea, they both were worried about the Asgardian hurting Peter. Peter however thought exactly the opposite. He wanted to meet Loki, and he was definitely willing to give him another chance.
After another day Peter was sitting in his room listening to the conversation happening in the living room with his super hearing. He heard his dad and the super-soldier coldly introducing themselves. Bruce's and Wanda's voices were a little bit more welcoming. The boy couldn't see but could feel the silent stares Auntie Tasha and Uncle Clint were giving him. Vision's, Sam's and Rhodey's voices were neutral. Uncle Bucky's voice was the most open.
When they all introduced themselves Tony trying to get rid of the man as soon as possible spoke: "Alright, your room is on the floor belove, Friday will help you find it, you can go now," Peter flinched at how rude his dad's voice was. He had heard Thor heading back and imagined how lonely the other boy must feel.
"Friday in which rook is Loki?" The boy asked.
"Room 9113," The AI announced.
Peter headed out of his room. In the living room, where Tony and Steve were still sitting, he stopped.
"Ned got a new lego set! He texted me to come to build it, I'm going to his house," He said almost jumping in fake excitement.
"Have fun, kid," Tony said chuckling.
"Bye, dad!" He yelled rushing to the elevator.
"Floor 91," the boy spoke to the ceiling.
He got out of the elevator, walked to the 13th room on the floor, and stopped. What was he going to say? 'Hi, my dad thinks you're too dangerous, so he wouldn't let me meet you. That's why I sneaked out of my room to come here!' Didn't sound all that amazing and Peter wanted to leave a good impression.
When the boy walked in Loki didn't raise his eyes from the book he was reading, even though he noticed the presence. Peter didn't know what to get out of this nonexistent reaction.
"What ya reading?" He asked when he got to the couch and sat next to the older boy.
"A spellbook," Peter liked the sound of the other's voice he put his head over the book but didn't understand the language it was written in.
Loki closed the book and Peter leaned back. Their eyes meat "What's your name?" Asked the dark-haired boy. The other was a bit shocked by the newfound undivided attention, "P – Peter."
"That's a nice name. Why are you here?" Loki asked in a calm manner.
"I-I- my dad wouldn't let me see you, because they think you're dangerous, but I think that everybody deserves a second chance, so I told him, that I'm going to my friend's house, so he would let me go and then I came here," 'real majestic' the boy thought to himself, but the other smiled weakly.
"That's nice of you," Loki said 'nobody is ever this nice to me' he added in his head.
After that Peter came to Loki's room quite often. They talked and Loki showed Peter some magic and sometimes thought Peter how to make some simple illusions, which would help him in fights when he could master them. Loki told Peter funny stories about Thor and Asgard and all the adventures he had been on. The boy was a good listener, but after an exhausting night of patrolling, he fell asleep while listening to one of the ancient stories. He fell asleep on the older boy's shoulder.
For a few seconds, Loki blushed and froze at the same time. He relaxed a bit but didn't move. Nobody had ever trusted him enough to fall asleep in his presence. But this innocent boy did. Loki raised his hand and traced it through the younger boy's hair. Peter smiled in his sleep and brushed his head against the other's shoulder.
Loki had thought that this would be a short nap, but after half an hour he got really tired from sitting perfectly still. The boy put his hand to stabilize Peter's head while he got up. He then took Peter in his hands, bridal style, and laid him down in the bed. For a while, the god just stood there admiring the cutest thing in the whole 9 realms. Another while went by while he decided whether to go sit on the couch or lay next to Peter. He decided on the lather.
Loki noticed how one of the curls that had fallen in front of his eyes slowly moved when Peter breathed calm breaths. After a few moments of a little bit creepy staring, he fell asleep as well.
After a while, Peter woke up, took in his surroundings, realized that the clock showed three in the morning, and shot up. He needed to get to his own room before dad would start wondering where he went. Not wanting to wake the other up he slowly walked to the door, looked back one last time to see Loki sleeping. 'He's cute' Peter thought. It was too early for him to realize what he was feeling.
When Loki woke up and didn't see Peter he got panicky. Where did he go? Did he didn't like that Loki had laid down in the same bed? Was he angry at him now? The clock showed 9:30 in the morning.
The rest of the day was quite panicky for Loki until Peter came into his room.
"Thanks for letting me sleep here yesterday," The boy said as he sat back down on the couch with two bags of candy in his hands.
The relief Loki felt at this surprised the god himself. The rest of the day was spent joking around and eating candy.
The next few months went by and both of them noticed that they didn't need anybody else present, they felt full when they were together. They didn't feel time when they were together. It was like all they needed was each other. Both of them had realized that they have some kind of feelings for each other, that weren't all that platonic. But they didn't talk about it out loud. Both of them were afraid of rejection. Until one day.
They were sitting in Loki's room and Peter was trying his hardest to make the room full of glow worms. Only light shining in the room was from the window, that had its sighed set on the New York streets.
"Concentrate, you can do this!" Loki said.
"How can I concentrate when you're right in front of me? Huh?" Peter asked loudly without realizing what he was saying. the other boy looked gorgeous sitting, his face illuminated in the weak lights.
"You want me to go sit somewhere else?"
"No, stay," the brunette blushed.
"Close you're eyes and try to find the links," The older boy said.
'Links. Connections. What were they for glowworms? Nature. Forest. Park. Nothing happened. Glow-worms. Romantic movies. Night. Picnics. Jars. Love. Romance. Light. Loki. What?' Where Peter's thoughts.
"Open your eyes. you did it!" the younger boy heard the voice.
He did. The room was filled with twirling, moving yellow lights. Peter laughed a bit and kept the smile on. First Peter's eyes looked around the entire room, but then they landed on the boy in front of him, who was smiling a proud smile like he was the one who just made a believable illusion for the first time in his life.
"What are you smiling bout?" He asked, but didn't get the answer.
From the previous short conversation, Loki was now a little bit more confident in his feelings being similar to Peter's. This little bit more was all he needed. The god of mischief leaned forward and kissed the shocked boy. For a second Peter looked at the black-haired boy whit wide eyes but then leaned forward himself.
They were there. And each other was all they needed. They felt like there was nobody else in the universe. Nothing else in this universe. Just the two of them and this moment. And that was all they needed.
This was getting kind of long so I decided to write two parts. The second one will be out from tomorrow to Thursday.