Go Within * Connection to You...

By PotentialCoach

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Are you feeling stuck, not quite yourself, more negative than positive, anxious, worried, bored, numb or apat... More

Go Within: Connection to Your Inner Self
Internal vs. External Work
Observation: Self-Assessment
The Disconnection: Self-Assessment
The Disconnection: Others as Mirrors
The Disconnection: Our Judgments on Others
Blocking the Connection
Blocking the Connection: Blame
Blocking the Connection: Distractors
Blocking the Connection: Beliefs
The Connection
The Connection: Gratitude
The Connection: Forgiveness
The Connection: Granting Self-Permission
The Connection: Self-Care
The Connection: Compassion
The Connection: Meditation, Mindfulness and Prayer
The Connection: Serve Others
The Connection: Imagination
The Connection: Creative Pursuits
The Beginning

The Disconnection

5 0 0
By PotentialCoach

Section 1

The Disconnection

There are most likely multiple ways of knowing if you are disconnected from your Inner Self, I will focus on two categories, self and others, and the way to assess your current connection with your Inner Self within these two categories. Both of these require self-reflection, but one is examining your own thoughts and emotions and the second one mandates a look at your perception of others. You will take into account your own judgments on others and use those in your life as mirrors, reflections of what you may be going through in your life.


Acknowledging where you truly stand within different states of being, specifically physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states will help you realize your level of connection. If you are living connected to your Inner Self then things will be on the positive side with all of these states. If you are disconnected, then you will be more negative in nature.


People in your life offer great insight to you without them even knowing. Just by being in your life you can discover things about yourself. These individuals can act as mirrors to help you understand where you stand in your life. Assessing others in your life as either mirrors of what you are experiencing or to assess your own judgments on others may not be straightforward, so I will offer an example.

Say you notice that a friend of yours is constantly complaining that nothing works out for them, people are always treating them poorly and they keep getting passed up for job promotions. To use them as a mirror, doesn't necessarily mean that you are just as negative and always complaining, but what they are doing is using the victimization mind. You can use that knowledge to assess your own life. Is there an area of your life that you are playing the victim?

The following examination will help you determine when you are disconnected or connected to your Inner Self.

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