That's stuck up there, so I'll do this first.
1. What do you like to do in your free time?
I'll give you one guess love.
2. Who is the most fascinating person you've met?
My older sister FantasyDreamer163
3. What was the last book you really got into?
It's called 'Queens Shadow' and it's really great.
4. What are some movies you really enjoyed?
My sister (Same as above), one of our church friends, and I all had a Maze Runner marathon a little bit ago which was amazing.
3. What amazing adventures have you been on?
My sister (Still same as above) and I went up to the top of a waterfall in Virginia once which was amazing. It was really great.
5. What are you kind of obsessed with these days?
My wine glass.........................................
7. What TV series do you keep coming hack to and re watching?
8. What hobbies would you like to you into if you had the time and money?
I think getting back into gymnastics might be kinda cool.
9. Among your friends. what are you best known for?
I'm the pure mum of the group, the mostly innocent one. The nice one.
10 What music artist do you never get tired of?
Wilbur Soot's. Easy.
11. What are some obscure things that you are or were really into?
Uh......... mixingawholebunchofrandomthingstogetheroutsideandpretendingitwasfood?
12. What are some things everyone should try at least once?
String cheese in canned chicken soup. pickles and tomato soup, and popcorn and tomato soup.
13 What are you always game for?
Eating chocolate, or spontaneous trips somewhere with my big sister (RubberduckyQueen)
14. Where's the strangest place you've ever been
My home, or my kitchen whenMillerandDraculaandDrysdaleallgettogetherinthere, orDraculaandDrysdalearejusttryintomakemuddiebuddiesbutitreallyisn'tworkingandtheyhavetohidetheevicancefromAmyinanemptypeanutbutterjar.
15. Where would your friends or family be most surprised to find you?
In the bonus room. I don't go there often.
16. What do you like but are kind of embarrassed to admit?
... I like it when... well... I like it when me and the guys I based Casey Tambell, Peter Michel, Thomas Farris, and Isaac Sturdivant all get together and just hang out.
17. What is the meat beautiful view you've seen
Once in Virgina we hiked like 7 miles to a cliff top to watch the sunrise, that was breath taking.
18. What's been the most significant plot twist in your own life
Well, I've had a lot of friends move away in my life Stevie (Who the cat Stevie Connalee is based off of) being the most significant of those friends. But (I mean, obviously covid, and starting high school and whatever) but deciding to make writing my thing. I'm going to go to college and study creative writing, become an author. And that's been the biggest plot twist in a while.
19. How much social interaction is too much for you?
I can do social interaction. It's fine most of the time. The thing is, depending on my mood it changes. But if I'm in a good mood, I haven't really reached my point, then again I don't normally associate myself with people I don't know.
20. What pets have you had?
Frogs like 4 years ago, and that's it.
2. What's your favorite international food?
Chicken Paprika from Hungary!
22. How many siblings do you have?
4! 2 older (RubberduckyQueen and FantasyDreamer163) And 2 younger. Melody and Kate.
22. Who is your favorite author?
Oooh, that's hard. John Green. Yeah, never mind that wasn't hard.
24, What was the last show you binge watched?
N C I S BABY!!! AndalsoPhychandZumbo'sJustDesertsbutNCISwasmorerecentIguess
25. What's your favorite app on your phone? baby! I'm ElizaLGWDC37 on there if you wanted that information.
But what I wanted to say was that I'm sorry you lot've been waiting for an update for so long. But I promise one is coming either today or tomorrow. However, I've been given a new writing project that might take up a good chunk of my time. But I promise I will keep writing here!
Also, there are a few chapters coming out I'm super excited about. Mathcounts, Wedding, Vermont, Prom, and Confrontation! I hope you guys are excited about those too.
Anyhoo, just wanted to apologize for the long wait, I should get back to writing.
Love you!!