Living With The Creepypastas

By SinisterAce

129K 4.4K 1.8K

Kira lives a normal life, if you consider throwing things out the window and eating a lot of candy and not ha... More

Little Pests 'Sneaking' Into Kira's Apartment
Breakfast With Eyeless Jack And Jeff The Killer
Home Of The Creepypastas
Crazy Creepypastas
A Green, Gassy, Jumping Bean?
Video Games Marathon!
Waking Up The Game Playing Survivors And Dead Rat
Kira's Period
If The Creepypasta Guys Have Periods (even Charlie and Smile)
Old Witch Miley Cyrus (New Miley Cyrus)
Craziness Virus Causes A Tutu
Jane's Driving And The Carnival
Baby Creepypastas
Kira Goes Killing And She Killed Many People?!
The Day The House Was Full Of Craziness
To The Past
Peanut Butter Pocky Sticks
The Vacation Of Kira And Jack In A Resort (Part 1)
The Vacation Of Kira And Jack In A Resort (Part 2)
One Hell Of A Christmas Party
Some Kind Of A New Year Party
Old Witch Miley Cyrus (New) Returns (Part 1)
Old Witch Miley Cyrus (New) Returns (Part 2)
The Holy Cheese (Part 1)
The Holy Cheese (Part 2)
The Holy Cheese (Part 3)
The Holy Cheese (Part 4)
The Holy Cheese (Part 5)
The Holy Cheese (Part 6)
A Day With Ruby
Genderbend (Part 1)
Genderbend (Part 2)
Genderbend (Part 3)
Creepypastas And Kira Go To: Walmart
Laundry Day
Sequel or Nah?

When Kira Is Out...

1.5K 58 3
By SinisterAce

Kira: Bye, guys! I'll be out for a while! *runs out the mansion to somewhere*

Slendy: *at the door, waving bye at her* Be safe! *closes door and goes to kitchen to continue cooking*


Jeff: .... To tell you the truth, it's boring without Kira here. *sitting on a bean bag chair upside down*

BEN: I know right. *slumped on his bean bag chair while playing his video game*

Masky: *sees a peanut butter pocky stick and starts crying*

Hoodie: *pats his back* It's alright.

EJ: *looks at Masky* She's been gone for 2 minutes. Stop crying.

Masky: BUT I MISS HER SO MUCH!!!! EVERYTHING REMINDS ME OF HER!!!! *wails and runs upstairs to room*

Hoodie: *sighs and follows him upstairs*

Sally: *talking with Charlie* It's soooooo boring without Kira, right, Charlie?

Charlie: *nods* I miss her, dare I say it, craziness.

Smile: WOOF WOOF WOOF! (Translation: I KNOW RIGHT!)

Charlie and Smile: *fabulous high five*

BEN: *pauses game and jumps on coffee table* I WANT KIRA TO BE BACK!!!! *has fist in the air*

Creepypastas: YEAH!!!!! *has fist in the air also*

BEN: *looks at Masky, Hoodie, and Slendy weirdly* How did you guys get here already?

Masky, Hoodie, and Slendy: Our Kira senses are tingling for Kira to be back.

Creepypastas: YEAH!!!!

1 Hour Later.....

Kira: I'm ba--..... *looks at scene*

Welp, the scene Kira is looking at is the mansion burning on the inside, creepypastas thrashing the place, and a banner with a 'We Want Kira Back' written on it with a picture of her with it.

Creepypastas: *sees Kira* Kira! Welcome back! *circles around her*

Kira: *gives them a 'wtf happened when I was gone?' look*

When the fire is out, the creepypastas and Kira went to live in an apartment temporarily until the mansion is rebuilt.


A/N: I know it's short, and I am sorry because of it. I haven't updated in a while because of events happening in our school. A lot of fun events! Aaannnddd, the finals are coming. Well, I'm dead. WHERE did Kira go? Mmmm, find out in future chapters! And did ya guys know this book is coming to an end?!?!!

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[Completed] Creepypasta. Enjoy!