Our Story

By DelacourGirl

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For Ri Jeong Hyeok and Yoon Seri, love and devotion declaration came naturally. But what comes next after hap... More

Chapter 1: Reunited
Chapter 2: Being Together
Chapter 3: United
Chapter 5: Days of Our Lives
Chapter 6 : Consequences
Chapter 7: Decisions
Chapter 8: Journey to Another Beginning
One Shots Chronicle - "One Room"
One Shot Chronicle: "First Times"
One Shot Chronicles: "Detention"
One Shot Chronicle: "Jealousy"
One Shot Chronicles: "Destiny"

Chapter 4: Blessings

1.3K 76 9
By DelacourGirl

It had been 3 months since Ri Jeong Hyeok came back from Switzerland. And already he was on his short ends. Even with his big speech that they should focus at the time they could spend together instead of their time apart, he found himself cursing his past-self for saying such stupid nonsense.

Because in reality, he missed Yoon Seri. Missed her so much he started to see her in every long haired woman that he saw on the street. He missed waking up to her and watched her snoring in her sleep (to which she completely denied). He missed making her breakfast in their kitchen, and having her wrapped her arm around him from behind as a thank you. He missed getting ready to bed with her, making love to her, hearing her whisper his name reverently when they were playing a gentle game, or shout his name when they were being energetic.

Thankfully, this time he was more prepared. He had taken thousands of pictures and videos of their time together and smuggled it back to North in a micro SD card within his suitcase. The same copies he had made sure to upload to Seri's cloud storage so she could see it everywhere. Every night when he got home to his apartment after a day-long rehearsal or jamming session, he would go straight to his computer and play her video. They were not special videos by any means, some even show Yoon Seri in her pajamas or doing something she would scold Jeong Hyeok if she knew he kept it in video; like when she spilled her tea onto the carpet or eating hot food too fast she would exhaling breath from her mouth filled with foods.

While their goodbyes in the first two years were not easy by any means, this year Ri Jeong Hyeok found it extremely hard to get back to his routine after his time with Seri. Last year, it took him 5 weeks to acclimated back to his routine which basically consisted of waking up, going to Orchestra for rehearsal or some composing-related work; sometimes he would drop by at his parents house for dinner or otherwise he would go straight to his apartment, looking at her photos, sleep, and repeat it the next day. Until all 50 weeks went past and he could go back to Seri.

But this year felt particularly hard for him to get back to his routine, which surprised him because as a former trained elite troops, he thrived on routine. And maybe that was the cause of his restlessness; his three months with Seri had truly thrown him out of the loop. Three months is more than the total period of time he had ever shared with Seri since the day he knew her, combined. He once read that it took 2 months to build a habit by doing the desired behavior repetitiously. That was why most military training where they focused on a specific skill, like sharp-shooting or combat in cold weather, would take at least 2 months to beat it into the soldier.

Therefore, he already had Yoon Seri embedded in his routine. And it scared him.

What if he couldn't bear being separated from Yoon Seri from now on? What if the only way he could function normally again was making sure he had some form of contact with his wife during their time apart? What would he do then if he really could only spend a quarter of the year as a husband, while the rest 3 quarters he had to spend it pretending he wasn't tied in every way possible to the woman of his life?

Only then did the full realization of the consequences that he and Seri were warned about by Seri's mother. Something he had always subconsciously aware of, but chose to neglect because he overestimated his ability to endure longings. He had been doing this for the past 5 years, living separately with Yoon Seri for 50 weeks at a time, he thought. Surely he could do this for the next 5, 15, 30 years more with only 39 weeks apart.

What a childish fool he was.

And what about Yoon Seri? Would she feel the same? Would she feel thrown out of balance too? Or would her companies be sufficient to distract her enough until she had no time to miss him? Did she eat and rest well? Surely her mother would prevent her from burning down her kitchen in her condo, and would she have a good fire alarm system?

More questions swirled inside Jeong Hyeok's mind, each more absurd than the other. But one thing that struck him was; how was Yoon Seri fare? That was one question he could not bear unanswered. Therefore he was determined to find out the answer.


He tried to pull any resource that he had. His connection in the Orchestra, his former associate in the Military, even begged his father to get his access to the web; just for the sake to see how Yoon Seri fare. His father grumpily gave his son his access and reminded him to be very careful because everything was monitored and would be traced back to him.

So he tried to scour the net on what was going on with Yoon Foundation, something he assumed to be safe even if the records were linked back to him and his family; he was one of their yearly participants anyway. But there was nothing new on the website, just regular updates of the scholarship program, its awardee accomplishment and another opportunity for new applicants. Nothing said anything about its founding chairwoman.

On another desperate effort, he tried scouring the South gossip portals. Yoon Seri wasn't a nobody there, so there must be something out there they posted about her whereabouts. But still nothing, zilch, zero. Nothing said about Yoon Seri, Seri's Choice CEO and heiress of Queens Group. There was some news about Queens Group, but those were nothing of his interest; just a few scope on business pages that Queens Group now expand into medical equipment industries and made investment in China and Russia.

It wasn't often that he was on wits end, and this was, unfortunately, was one of his.


He was at one of his rehearsals when he saw Seo Dan. It had been a long time since he last saw her. Though they ran in the same musical circle in Pyongyang, they had never crossed paths. She smiled when she saw him and motioned for him to come over.

Pleasantries were exchanged. It turned out Seo Dan was there to join an audition for a cello position in the Orchestra. She had been playing solo for quite some time, so she wanted a new experience in joining a like-minded group like Orchestra and played in an ensemble again.

They ended up having a coffee together in the break room and truthfully, he was curious to how she was faring. Especially after he learned what actually happened between her and Gu Seung Jun 5 years ago from Seri.

"You look good, Ri Jeong Hyeok-dongmu," Seo Dan said, glancing towards him from her coffee cup.

"You too. How's your mother and uncle, are they healthy?" he asked. Since he was discharged from the military, he hadn't seen Seo Dan's uncle.

She nodded, "They are well", then added, "I'm sure you know that my mother has remarried last year"

"Ah yes, please give my congratulations to her, I couldn't attend the reception last year.." he said, but was interrupted by Seo Dan.

"Yes, because you were in Switzerland" she said and stared at him with her renowned glare. But something in her eyes told him she was actually amused and knew more than she let on.

"Yes I was," he stated carefully then looked at her, trying to gauge how much she knew. But before he said another word, Seo Dan added.

"So how was Switzerland? I hope she was doing fine?" she smiled. To which Jeong Hyeok smiled; of course she knew.

"It was good," then added hesitantly, not sure how much he could let on to her, "At least it was good when I left 4 months ago"

"Ah, it's been 4 months already? It must've been hard for you" she offered her rare genuine smile, "Didn't you hear about anything from there?"

He shook his head and gave her a look, "It's not like we are subscribing to a monthly newsletter, aren't we, Seo Dan-dongmu?"

"No, of course not, but I thought you can get from another channel?", and he knew by channel she meant his father.

"I've tried, but still no words," he said, then became quiet. He didn't know how to talk about this without sounding too whiny in front of Seo Dan. Sure, his situation was not pleasant, but she had lost the man she loved forever in the front of her eyes; after losing a fiance she had waited for 7 years, no less. So he just kept quiet and looked at his interlaced hands on the table.

Seo Dan stared at the man she thought she would spend the rest of her life with and couldn't help feeling how stupid she was back then. Sure, he was handsome and well-built. But seeing him right now, and even remembering from 5 years ago, it was clear that he belonged to someone else.

She had gone to several Orchestra performances, when Jeong Hyeok was either playing in ensemble or solo. And one of the songs that struck her the most was a piece called 'Saudade' which was composed by Jeong Hyeok. The song was both serene and playful, making her understand a feeling of a man who loved a cheerful woman, but sad because he couldn't be by her side all of the time. And seeing him right now gave him the same impression. Then she saw his finger.

On his left hand there was a gold band encircling his ring finger. Sighing and smiling, she pulled out something from her purse and gave it to him.

"I was invited to this event," she said while Jeong Hyeok was scanning the content of her pamphlet, "It was organized by my old university. They told me that they were searching for international participants"

"I could give you a recommendation to one of my professors if you'd like to come," then she added, smiling when she saw the shocked expression on Jeong Hyeok's face, "It's in Russia"


Even with Seo Dan's recommendation and his father's connection, it took him a month to get the permission he needed to go to the International Russian Chamber Music event; just in time before the event started in the next few days. He would go with Seo Dan, who would be performing at the event while he would be joining in the screening process for next year participants. It was an opportunity in itself for him to establish his career, and open up other opportunities to perform abroad. He could not thank Seo Dan enough.

Seo Dan left a few days before him, since she needed to rehearse before the event. So on the plane alone, he pulled out the black credit card Seri gave him 5 months ago and hoped her plan would work.

It was almost midnight when he landed at Sheremetyevo International Airport, and he immediately went to a coffee shop. Being a North Korean, he never used a credit card in his entire life. Trying to look as if he had been using it all the time, he gave the shiny black card to the barista and trying to calm down his expression when the barista gave him a slightly startled expression. When the barista had successfully swiped his card and gave it back to him, he exhaled a deep breath.

At his hotel, he was thinking perhaps it would be best if he used the credit card there as well; so Seri would know exactly where he was staying. So he went to the hotel restaurant, and ordered himself a cup of coffee and snacks. Needless to say, he didn't get a good sleep that night.


The next two days flew by with his activities at the music event. He met Seo Dan a couple of times, but they hardly spent time together because she was busy preparing for her performance. On the first day, he told himself to not be too hopeful because it would take Yoon Seri 9 hour 30 minutes from Incheon to reach Sheremetyevo International Airport (yes, he checked). Not mentioning if she had to sort out her work too before she left.

But by 2nd day, he found himself restless because he hadn't heard anything from the hotel front office despite him telling them to call his room immediately if there was a guest looking for him. He considered buying a local mobile phone and called Yoon Seri, but decided against it. It was too risky. Even with his status, he wouldn't be able to completely shake the possible trace his country put on him while he was abroad.

So when he had breakfast with Seo Dan on the 3rd day, she couldn't help asking him.

"No words yet, Ri Jeong Hyeok-dongmu?" she asked over her pancake breakfast. He didn't know Seo Dan was a sweet tooth.

He shook his head, and said in lower tone, "It might take time. I don't know if the credit card works or not," he hesitated, "But if it does, she should know where I am now"

Seo Dan nodded and continued eating her breakfast. Jeong Hyeok looked at her, and tried to gather the courage to ask her a question he'd been meaning since the day she offered him the pamphlet.

"Can I ask you something, Seo Dan-dongmu?" he asked. She looked up from her plate and tilted her head for confirmation. "Sure" she said.

"Why do you want to do this?" he hesitated, afraid he might be invoking something unpleasant, "Helping me? You know I don't deserve this, least of all from you, after all I've done to you"

She seemed surprised by his blunt question, and decided to take her time answering. After sipping her tea, she finally answered.

"Please don't mistake this by thinking I still harbored some feelings for you," she stated clearly and stared at him with her trademark glare (one that shot laser, according to Seri), "because I don't"

"But I don't like having debts," she continued, "Yoon Seri-ah had helped me get my revenge. His second older brother is still in prison, I'm assuming?"

Jeong Hyeok nodded. Yoon Se Hyeong was still serving his 7 years incarceration under charge of accessory to double murder and kidnapping. His father didn't see it's necessary to intervene with the penalty seeing it's good to teach his family a lesson.

"And besides," she added softly, smiling softly to Jeong Hyeok, "It's not like I don't know what it feels like to miss someone I love. I won't wish it to anyone, even you"

Jeong Hyeok looked at his former fiance, and finally, after all this year he looked at Seo Dan as more than just a stiff North Korean princess with amazing cello talent. He finally saw Seo Dan as the woman that she was. Then he smiled his gratitude.

"I can't ever thank you enough for this, Seo Dan-ah" he said to which she smiled back.


After breakfast, both Jeong Hyeok and Seo Dan decided to start their day and pick up their stuff from their room. Seo Dan would have a final rehearsal for her performance tomorrow, while Jeong Hyeok would undergo the first rehearsal session for his number on the try out. So he was surprised when the concierge called him when they went out from the restaurant.

"Mr Ri Jeong Hyeok?" the concierge asked him politely to which he nodded, "There was a gentleman asking for you in the front office. You said to contact you immediately if there is someone looking for you?"

Jeong Hyeok was surprised and exhilarated at the same time. He then looked at Seo Dan who was also looking at him, and together they walked to the hotel lobby.

In the lounge area in front of the concierge, there were a couple of men in formal suits sitting together. One of them was of Korean descent, the other one was a Russian. They looked up and smiled at him once he approached them.

"Mr Ri Jeong Hyeok?" the Korean man approached him for a handshake, while the other man stood up as well, "We are instructed by Director of Russian Chamber Music Institute to personally give you this invitation to join tonight's performance at his residence"

Then he proceeded to give Jeong Hyeok an envelope. It was thick and clearly made from high quality paper, "If you'd like to read it now, Sir? So I could give the Director your RSVP?"

He quickly opened the envelope, and on the thick paper, there was a single word printed in Korean letter: " Jiknyeo".

He looked up sharply, and the man was still smiling politely. Realization dawned up on him and he couldn't help praising Yoon Seri for her tactfulness; they could never be too careful.

"There was also a card for RSVP the invitation, Mr Ri," the man indicated Jeong Hyeok to open another paper from the envelope and gave him a pen, "If you could sign yes or no that will be great"

Nodding, he immediately wrote on the blank piece of paper and gave it back to the man. On the paper, he wrote " Gyeonwu". That made both men smile and bowed down to him.

"We will pick you up later today here, if you don't mind Mr Ri," he said, "Would 6 PM be okay with you?"

"Sure, I should be finished with my activities by then" he replied. Then both men bowed again and left the lobby.

"What is going on, Jeong Hyeok-dongmu?" she asked, not quite understanding what was going on between Jeong Hyeok and those strange men.

But Ri Jeong Hyeok smiled warmly at her and said, "I'm going to meet my Switzerland tonight".


At 5.50 PM, Ri Jeong Hyeok was already ready in his room. Rushed back from the rehearsal, where he tried his best not to totally mess up his first try at a Russian ensemble, he took a shower and dressed in her favorite cream sweater, blue pants and suit to keep up the pretense of attending a music event. He was thinking to bring some change of clothes, just in case, but decided against it. It will be suspicious to bring an overnight bag in what was supposed to be a formal night.

Then by 6 PM sharp, he was on the concierge waiting for his pick up. Then he saw the two men he saw earlier walking towards him, and they smiled at him as well.

"Are you ready, Mr Ri?" the Korean man greeted him, and continued when Jeong Hyeok nodded, "I'm sorry if I wasn't polite before. But my name is Kim Hyun Bin, and this is my partner Nikolay Rubinstein"

"Glad to make your acquaintance" Jeong Hyeok greeted back.

"We parked our car in the basement since it was hard to find a parking spot outside," Mr. Kim said, "If you don't mind waiting at the basement lobby with me, Sir? Mr. Rubinstein will take the car to us to save time"

"Sure, no problem" then he walked with them to the lower part of the lobby.

Sure enough, a fancy looking black sedan came up and picked them up at the basement lobby. The windows were tinted so black, it made it even harder for him to see outside Moscow at January night.

"How long will the drive take, Mr Kim?" he asked the Korean man who sat beside him in the backseat. Mr Rubinstein was on the driver seat at the front. "Around 90 minutes Mr. Ri. It might take a while, so you could relax for a little bit" to which he nodded.

He decided to sit back and enjoy the view, as much as he could from the black tinted window. He had never been to Russia and was quite curious to see what the country looked like. After about 30 minutes, they reached outside Moscow and went on to what seems like interstate highways.

After a while, something in him felt uneasy. He looked at Mr Kim who sat beside him, looking outside with polite detachment and Mr. Rubinstein who drove in the front. Then from the side mirror, he saw two other cars similar to theirs following their car. Frowning slightly, he discreetly took a better look at his two entourages.

They were both tall and well-built, and wore warm black suits with ties. The suits, though look formal, look flexible indicating they were designed for movement. And when they turned to an exit from the highways, both of the identical black sedan were following as well.

"Where are you taking me?" he decided to be direct when he saw the road they turned was getting sparser and had more trees and vegetation. There was no way for him to run anyway.

Mr Kim still smiled at him politely, but with a guarded expression, "I'm taking you to where you're supposed to be Mr Ri Jeong Hyeok. Do not worry" then went back looking outside the car.

Around 30 minutes later, he finally saw a big house in front of them. The house looked so modern, it felt out of place in this Russian rural area. The cars, including one he was in, immediately went to the basement garage and he was escorted by Mr Kim and four other men from other cars once he was out of the car.

He was brought to a room on the 2nd floor. The furnishing was modern and luxurious, but cold; devoid of any personal belongings. He was told to wait in the room and he heard the door click behind him. He immediately went on about the room and to the window, pulled the curtains open. He saw only the light of houses from afar, probably about 20 minutes away. And the window was made of thick glass, with clear film on the outside he doubted anyone outside would be able to see in. The only way in and out was from the door he came in.

Then the door was opened and someone he was least expecting came into the room.

It was Yoon Seri's father.


Yoon Jeung Pyeong ordered Jeong Hyeok to sit after the younger man greeted and bowed deeply to him. He looked at the young man who looked definitely nervous and surprised in seeing him instead of his daughter. The man looked fine and well-kept, definitely a picture of a son of a wealthy family as his background check told him.

But Yoon Jeung Pyeong had to be careful. This young man, who had become his son-in-law, apparently, was not just a son from any prominent family; but a prominent family from North Korea. He was a son of the Director of the General Political Bureau of Pyongyang and was a former elite troops himself. Hence the safety measure he had taken in order to make sure no surveillance was put on Ri Jeong Hyeok; both for him and Yoon family safety.

After some time being stared at, Ri Jeong Hyeok dared himself to look up and about to say something when Seri's father beat him to it.

"I guess you are surprised to see me instead of my daughter," Yoon Jeung Pyeong started, "I hope the ride wasn't too jarring"

Jeong Hyeok shook his head politely, "It's not an issue, Sir" then added hesitantly, "If I may know what happened to Yoon Seri, Sir?"

Seri's father now glared at him, as if surprised the younger man dared to speak. Then he took something from the envelope he brought and put it on the coffee table in front of Jeong Hyeok. Confused, Jeong Hyeok took the envelope and pulled out the content.

It was a photo of him and Seri on the stairs of the church where they were getting married.

"I think you are the one who has to explain to me, young man" Seri's father said with a stern voice and his face showed deep disapproval.

Finally knowing why he was brought there, he immediately stood up and walked over to Seri's father's side. He then took to sit on his knees, and bowed down until his forehead touched the carpeted floor.

"I apologize for my impudent, Sir. It was never my intent to disrespect you" Jeong Hyeok said while still bowing.

"You mean marrying my daughter without even telling me, her father?" he asked in a heated voice, "Or disgracing my daughter by having an unregistered marriage with her?"

"No, Sir! That was never my intention" he looked up from his bow, but still seated on his knees. "I love her, Sir, so very much that I want only the best for her. But I also cannot bear to not be tied to her in every way that we can, so we did everything that we could and have that unregistered wedding"

"Yes, because of your nationality," her father said bluntly, "Do you know how much that inconvenienced my daughter? Were she picked any other man, she won't have to deal with any of these gruesome business of sneaking around and endangering herself"

Ri Jeong Hyeok could only close his eyes in agony, and now fully understood where Yoon Seri got her cold logic. Everything her father said about him was true, and something he always hated himself for putting Yoon Seri in danger.

Seeing that the young man was lost on words, Yoon Jeung Pyeong continued with his tirade, "I want you to leave her alone," he added when Jeong Hyeok looked at him in alarm, "This marriage is unregistered, so no need to get a divorce or anything. Just don't ever come back to her and go back to the North. I'll take care the rest"

"But, Sir.." Jeong Hyeok started, but was interrupted by Seri's father.

"That is not a question, young man," he said, piercing him with his laser eyes, "I won't jeopardize my only daughter's safety for the sake of immature love. Leave her alone and give her time, she will move on with her life"

Before answering, Jeong Hyeok once more bowed his head until it reached the floor. "I'm sorry Sir, but I would like to disagree" he said from the floor. Then raised up his head and looked at Seri's father directly.

"I have tried to leave her, made her believe that I only used her so she would hate me, made it easier for her to walk away" then he added, "But that almost got her killed. I don't ever want to experience that again, Sir, I hope you understand". Hearing that, Seri's father's scowl was getting more pronounced.

"I understand that you won't see anything bad happen to your daughter, Sir. If I were in your shoes and my daughter is in the same condition, I would've done the same thing you do now", then he added, "But Sir, I love her so much, and I'm selfish enough to believe that she loves me too. Our lives had changed after we get to know each other. And being in each other's life, no matter how short each of duration is, has changed us for the better"

"Loving her, is the best thing that ever happened in my life after I lost my older brother. She brought me hope and made me want to plan for our future." Jeong Hyeok dared to glance at Seri's father. He never knew a jaw could be so tight like that. Then added, seeing that the older man didn't wish to reply, "I know I could only offer her so much, and I will be forever grateful that she was willing to take my hand for it, Sir. I would never disrespect her and disregard her wish on that"

Silence was prominent among the two men after that heartfelt declaration. Jeong Hyeok once more dropped his gaze to the floor, didn't dare so much as took a breath as he felt Seri's father gaze piercing through his bones.

"What if that is her wish, to be separated from you?" her father said, "What if she had found another man in the South and wished to be with him instead? Will you let her go, just like that?"

Without hesitation, he answered, "Yes, Sir. If that is her wish, then my feelings and wishes are not relevant anymore," then he took a deep breath and looked Seri's father right in the eyes, "If she wished for a happy and safe life with another man, I would wish her nothing but happiness and I would stay in the North until the end of my day so we won't cross path ever again"

Seri's father kept silent again and looked at the young man kneeling on the floor beside him. After a while, he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. Handing it to Jeong Hyeok, he said,

"This is what happened to Seri," he said sternly, "Now tell me, what should a father do if this happens to his daughter?"

On his hand, Jeong Hyeok held a sonogram picture and on the top it was printed: 'Ms. Yoon Seri, 22 weeks'.


Jeong Hyeok felt tears fall involuntarily to his cheeks and his hands shook a little bit. He never looked at a sonogram picture of a uterus before, but he had seen various other examples of broken bones x-ray on his military days so he had some clues to figure things out.

"Is she alright, Sir?" he asked tentatively, "and the baby?" his fingers outlined the glob of white matter on the picture that had to be the baby. His baby.

Seri's father took his time to answer, but when he did, his tone was softened for a fraction.

"She is thriving," he hesitated, then added, "And the baby is fine too, given the circumstances"

He shot a glance at Seri's father, and asked, "What do you mean, given the circumstances, Sir?"

Seri's father let out a big exhale and his posture relaxed for a bit. He then took another look at the younger man kneeling beside him. He looked like a mess. His tall built now all but hunched and his eyes red from unshed tears. Nothing like the proud soldier he saw on his background check folder.

"She developed a condition called Hyperemesis gravidarum," he decided not to beat around the bush and got to the point, "It caused her unable to keep any food intake. It got worse after her flight back from Switzerland, and she's been in our home care ever since. And on strict bed rest as well" he added.

If Ri Jeong Hyeok didn't know what hopeless felt like, this would surely have taught him it's bitter taste.

"She is..suffering because of the baby?" he stuttered. The thought of Yoon Seri, who was by his standard already bone-skinny getting even skinnier because she was carrying his baby; because of him, made him sick.

Seri's father hesitated before answering, "It is a serious condition, but not dangerous given the intensive care that she received. And the baby is also thriving, the doctors gave no concern. So it is indeed unpleasant for her, but not life threatening"

He let out a big exhale, but still couldn't release the constriction in his chest. Not knowing what to do, he collapsed back on his bottom and put his head between his knees. Everything he did, in regards to Yoon Seri, always resulted in pain and sorrow for everyone involved; including himself.

He tried to do the right thing and let Seri get off the hook, but it almost cost him her life. He fought all of his instinct to keep Seri safe and kept meeting her in Switzerland despite risks of being caught by his government, but now resulted in this. Yoon Seri lied in bed sick, carrying the baby of a man who couldn't even be by her side. Without even thinking, Ri Jeong Heok cried in earnest, lamenting the love of his life who had to suffer because of him.

In all of his long life, he could count on both hands the occasion when he saw a full grown man cry. This was one of those rare occasions, and Yoon Jeung Pyeong was not equipped to handle this. He had sons, though he couldn't say he was proud of both of them (one left his company to be managed by strangers, and the other one was incarcerated for trying to kill his own sister), but he had seen them cry and none of those occasions had softened his heart. But Ri Jeong Hyeok, a man grown up in a much harsher country than his own , brought up in a military family and was an elite troop himself; now cried in earnest because his daughter was lying in bed sick carrying his baby.

He knew he should be mad, mad for the man who had inflicted pain on his dearest daughter. But he couldn't bring himself to, because he too saw how Seri had changed after that disastrous accident that left her stranded in the North and unfortunately brought her together with Ri Jeong Hyeok.

Yoon Jeung Pyeong couldn't praise himself for being a good father, because he knew for a fact that he wasn't. He raised 2 sons so weak, one left the company he inherited him to be managed by sets of strangers, the other one was in jail for a crime he couldn't even think of. But Seri, his only daughter, was his proudest achievement.

While it was true that Seri was born out of his legal marriage, he never once thought of her as less deserving of his love than his other children. And she was everything he hoped she grew up to be; smart, fearless and cunning. Ever since she was little, she never backed down from challenge and criticism never let her down; in fact she thrived in criticism and used it to prove herself to others.

He knew she must have had a hard time among her own family, especially from his wife who must have been devastated by his affair. If there was something he regretted doing so deeply, it was to violate the trust his wife had given him. Though he didn't love her as much as he did Seri's biological mother, his wife had given everything she had to him. She had given him 2 sons and took care of his family while he poured himself to grow the empire he was inherited with. So he did what he could do, with the time that he could afford to. Pouring Seri all of his love and time he could manage, and begging for forgiveness from his wife with hope that she could love Seri as much as he did.

Of course things didn't go as he hoped for, and he could only watch in despair as his family was falling apart. But then after the accident that happened 5 years ago, and Ri Jeong Hyeok entered his family life, he found his family started to come together. Despite Se Hyeong's incarceration, he saw how his wife became closer to Seri, and even Se Joon and Do Hye Ji flocked to them as well. And the change in Seri was also palpable.

While Seri was accomplished in all of her endeavors; study, works, her striving companies, but he couldn't lie to himself and say that she was happy. After she moved out of the house, they barely ever had any conversation with each other if not for business purposes. And the news coverage he saw of her was only of her accomplishment in business or snippets of her fleeting love life. But nothing about her hanging out with friends and her reputation among her employees was also not the greatest.

But in the last 5 years, he saw considerable changes in his daughter's life. She smiled more often, and laughter came easily. She visited him more, often came to see her mother and went out with her. He knew of her yearly visit to Switzerland and the arrangement she made with Ri Jeong Hyeok; he even saw it personally that her involvement with the North Korean man was covered under radar; he had his own subtle method for that. He kept his silence through all of the ordeals, but when his wife came with news that Seri needed to be hospitalized due to complicated pregnancy, he couldn't keep his silence anymore.

And now, seeing the man who he deemed to be the cause of her daughter's problem; he couldn't help seeing himself in Ri Jeong Hyeok. Only this time, this young man decided to fight for his dreams and love, something he failed to do and had finally cost him his family.

Seeing that Ri Jeong Hyeok was not on condition to think clearly, he decided to give the younger man a break.

He stood up, and put his hand on Ri Jeong Hyeok's shoulder. With the softest voice he directed to Jeong Hyeok today, he said.

"It's already late, why don't you go and sleep upstairs," then added, "We can talk about your travel to Seoul tomorrow"

Hearing this, Jeong Hyeok was snapped from his pity fest and looked up sharply towards Seri's father.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but what do you mean by my travel to Seoul?" he asked in a deliberate tone.

Yoon Jeung Pyeong was startled at the defiant note on Jeong Hyeok's question, and asked in disbelief, "You're not thinking of abandoning my daughter while she's stuck in bed carrying your baby, are you young man?"

Looked like he was being slapped, Jeong Hyeok shook his head and hastily said, "No! Of course not Mr. Yoon..I'm dying to see her again. That's why I'm here in Russia, hoping her plan works and she will be notified of my whereabouts"

"And I will give everything to be with her during her pregnancy, but, Sir..I.." he found himself hard to state that fact.

"But you what?" he challenged Jeong Hyeok's reasoning, "Is this because of your ex-fiance whom you've traveled with here, eh young man? Is that the case?"

Widening his eyes in disbelief, he shook his head until he felt his neck was about to come loose. "No, Sir! Definitely not. Seo Dan is my sponsor for this trip. If it weren't for her, I won't be able to participate in the music festival", then he added, "I have never and will never do that to Yoon Seri, Sir, I would die before it happen"

"Then why? What's more important than the fact that my daughter, your wife, is carrying your baby?"

Ri Jeong Hyeok once again bowed down until his forehead touched the floor.

"There is nothing I want more than to spend the rest of my life with your daughter, Sir," then he added, "But I cannot do that to my parents. My mother, my father, and everyone around me who will have to pay the price if I defect"

Then Jeong Hyeok raised his head and looked directly at Seri's father, "You must know by now that my father isn't just a somebody in Pyongyang. My disappearance will be noticed immediately, and you also must know that in my country, that means death. I can't do that to my father who has raised me and provided for me in any way that he can."

Seri's father kept his silence and looked at him with an unreadable expression. Both men looked at each other until Seri's father said.

"You know you're in no position to make any bargain and request, Mr Ri Jeong Hyeok," he said harshly, "I can take you to Seoul right this second with or without your consent"

"I know that Sir, and there is nothing I can do about it," Jeong Hyeok said with resigned note, "But I cannot do that to my parents who had lost a son, and left them with the only son who can only bring them trouble not joy"

Yoon Jeung Pyeong closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He then walked towards the door, and gave instructions to whomever behind the door.

4 men in suits who were escorting Jeong Hyeok from the car came into the room, pulled Jeong Hyeok into a standing position. They then forcefully directed him to exit the room, walked upstairs into another room then locked the door behind him.

As with the seating room he was with Yoon Seri's father, the room he was locked in was also luxurious but cold; not unlike a sanitary hospital room he used to stand by Yoon Seri. Instead of a seating area, the room had a decent queen sized bed that looked comfortable, a small working area with a desk and a chair, and a door that seemed to lead to a bathroom. He went to the window and found that the window was all glass and not a crack in the surface. The only way in and way out was through the door he was coming in.

But he found that he had no energy nor will to escape. He was too busy wallowing in his thought he almost missed when someone, a man he hadn't seen, came into the room and put a tray of food on the small desk beside the bed. The food smelled so good, it was warm soup with bread and other fixings; but he wasn't feeling hungry.

He pulled out the sonogram picture that fortunately wasn't taken back by Mr. Yoon and stared at the shape of white glob that would be his baby. He couldn't believe that this baby was alive inside his wife at this moment and was growing bigger even when he was oblivious she even existed. Jeong Hyeok found himself conflicted. Because having a baby with Yoon Seri was truly a dream he never thought would come true, but then he remembered that his Yoon Seri now was hurting and sick from carrying his baby. What kind of man he would be if he felt happy over his wife's suffering?

Then there was Seri's father's threat to bring him to Seoul. Which should be a blessing in itself, because what he wouldn't give to go to Seoul and be with Yoon Seri and raise their child together. But then reality washed over him and made him remember where he was coming from. His departure to Seoul would be a mutiny; a crime deserving a whole family being executed without even a trial.

With his worst nightmares that seemed to bleed into his waking world, he spent the night awake and had no clue as how he should move forward.


He figured he finally dozed off on top of the bed comforter, when someone came into the room and gently woke him up. It was Mr.Kim who picked him up from the hotel last night. He politely told him that the bathroom had been made ready if he wanted to wash up and that Mr. Yoon would be waiting downstairs to have breakfast together.

Thinking it might be best if he looked somewhat decent before meeting his father-in-law again, he took the offered shower and changed into the fresh clothes he was provided. He was then escorted into a formal dining room where Seri's father was already seated and was reading a newspaper.

"I hope you have a good rest, Mr Ri Jeong Hyeok," Seri's father greeted him, without putting out the newspaper, "Go on and take a seat. You didn't eat your dinner, you must be famished"

He then took a seat right across Mr. Yoon and soon a maid was putting plates and food in front of him. Feeling awkward because Seri's father continued ignoring him and reading his newspaper, he started to sip his coffee.

"You missed your friend's performance last night," suddenly Seri's father talked, putting down his newspaper, "I heard she got a standing ovation"

Surprised by being talked to, Jeong Hyeok quickly replied, "I'm sure Seo Dan would put on a good performance. She was exceptional in her talents"

"Did you two play together, in Pyongyang?" Seri's father asked casually, while starting to pick on his breakfast. Jeong Hyeong suspected Seri's father was investigating his relationship with Seo Dan again, so he decided to go with the truth route.

"No, Sir. I'm part of the Orchestra in Pyongyang, while Seo Dan is more involved into Solo or Chamber Music," he added, "She also went to school here, hence her connection enabled me to participate in the event"

"Are you trying to secure a performer spot for next year? Is that why you're joining that audition?" Seri's father asked.

"Yes, Sir. That was my plan," he said while starting to eat his breakfast. This somehow felt familiar, as if he was taking breakfast with his own father and being inquired of his plan for the future. "The more I get exposure to international music society, the more chance I can get to go outside the North"

Seri's father nodded, and continued eating his breakfast while occasionally asked about Jeong Hyeok's career in music and what made him choose that career instead of following his family footstep in the military. He also told Jeong Hyeok that he had plans to expand Queens Group business to Russia and some parts of Central Asia; as the economy was thriving in the region.

Both men tried their best to put Yoon Seri out of the topic of their conversation, and Jeong Hyeok found that he enjoyed talking to Seri's father. Once the older man stopped labeling him as a sorrow-maker for his daughter and threatened him to defect to the South, that was. Seri's father was smart and sharp, a quality Jeong Hyeok fully understood had been inherited by Seri. But he also had lived almost twice as Jeong Hyeok was, so his insights about the world he found to be fascinating; especially for a North Korean like him whose world stopped at their borders.

But he sensed that the atmosphere was getting right to business once they finished their breakfast. Seri's father cleared his throat, and looked at Jeong Hyeok with his piercing eyes.

"So you have made your decision, that you won't come with me to Seoul?" he asked sharply.

Jeong Hyeo dropped his gaze to the table, but answered clearly, "I'm sorry, Sir. But I just can't do that to my father. Even someone with his position won't be spared with this kind of mutiny..and.." then he was interrupted by Seri's father.

"I understand Mr. Ri," Seri's father said, his tone softened for a little bit, "I really do, and I appreciate how good of a son you are to your parents. But.." he said in sharp tone, "I'd also like to know what is your plan with my daughter and the baby"

Jeong Hyeok took a bit of time to answer, "I will find my way out of Pyongyang as soon as I get back, Sir." he added, "I've been working my way for a semi permanent appointment in Switzerland as you know. I'm already negotiating to extend it into a permanent position as the North cultural envoy."

When Seri's father didn't look convinced, he added, "But if that didn't work I will find another way, Sir. Though you might not believe it, there are ways to securely travel outside the North and I will exhaust all of the opportunities that I could get. I promise I will be there for Seri and the baby, as much as I can"

Seri's father looked at him with eyes he found similar to his own father; piercing as if they were trying to scan his insides.

"Two months, Mr Ri," he said, "You have two months to come to Switzerland"


"By her 7th month, Seri should be safe for travel," he added, "We will bring her to Switzerland so she could get the best medical care there. She said she wanted to give birth there and it is better for her to get away from Seoul during this time"

Seri's father then took a mobile phone from his pocket, and gave it to Jeong Hyeok.

"It's a safe phone, you can use it to contact Seri during your stay here in Russia," he said, then added when he was about to say his gratitude, "Please don't mistake this as I'm giving you my blessing. You still have a long way to prove yourself deserving of my daughter" he said with a stare that he thought could cut ice.

Jeong Hyeok bowed his head, "Yes, Sir. I won't let you and Seri down"

"If in two months I don't see you in Switzerland, I will go to North myself and drag you to my daughter," Seri's father said, then added after a bit, "You've seen what my youngest son could do. Don't tempt me to show you what I can do"

If Jeong Hyeok never thought the former chairman of Queens Group was frightening, he surely was now.

Seri's father stared at the young man bowing down to him, and took a deep breath. Then he said, "Right. I think you better go back to the hotel. I don't want you to miss the audition for next year festival if it's good for my daughter"

"Thank you, Sir," Jeong Hyeok stood, then Seri's father added, "Mr. Kim would take you back to your hotel."

Jeong Hyeok proceeded to walk out with the said bodyguard, when Seri's father talked.

"It's a boy," he said, shifting his gaze to Jeong Hyeok with a ghost of a smile, "They found out the sex of the baby yesterday. You're going to have a son"

Jeong Hyeok felt his breath was taken away. A boy, a son of his own. Speechless and with tears forming up in his eyes, he didn't say a word, until Seri's father added.

"You better come to Switzerland with a good name suggestion," Seri's father added, "Seri and her mother already have a list of the top 10 boy's names"

Then he smiled at Ri Jeong Hyeok, "I have 15"


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