The Ed

By HansWatson_

177 1 0

⚠️Do not read. Trigger warning. If you're interested. Just wanna let you know, I write in dwibahasa. More

177 1 0
By HansWatson_


It's 11:30pm and I can't breathe properly. I feel sad out of sudden and my right hand started to shaking. I feel something heavy in my chest. My mind feel mess. When can I live normally like other people :') it just undiagnosed and I kept thinking that I just fake it. I really need help :')
I keep getting anxious every time I ate something. I only feel okay & worth when I'm hungry.


Pukul 11:30malam, aku tak boleh bernafas dengan baik. Aku rasa sedih secara tiba-tiba dan tangan kanan mula menggeletar. Rasa ada sesuatu berat di dada. Fikirkan rasa bercelaru. Bila aku boleh hidup macam orang biasa :') perkara ni tak di diagnosis dan aku kerap fikir aku palsu kan apa yang aku rasa ni. Aku sangat perlukan bantuan :')
Aku akan resah gelisah setiap kali makan sesuatu. Aku rasa tenang dan berharga bila aku lapar je.

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