My Brothers Best Friend

By Live_for__love

6.1M 109K 23.3K

Calebs POV I let go of her hands, and let mine go to her waist, making her breath hitch. Taking a step close... More

My Brothers Best Friend *
Teachers now days *
Detention *
Ms. Danger*
Clubbing *
Wakey wakey
Like me? Like me not?
Looking Fine
A delinquients kiss
'Point Made' *
An agreement
Jude's return
The devil knows all
youDevil knows all prt 2
Point one Chastity
Game on
Recruiting Reinforcements
Let the games begin
Phase 2
Final prank
final prank prt 2
suspension? or perfection?
Definitely perfection
Contest! (not part of the story)
In heaven
Not so high and mighty now
AN: InStAgRaM pAgE
Im done
Falling hard
Not that dumb
The first kind of dates are the best kind of dates
The first kind of dates are the best kind of dates Pt. 2
Holly balls we're screwed
The love i now have the chance to have
The reveal
Apparent Homewrecker
Cover Problems a/n
Homewrecker prt. 2
Definetly jinxed
Doubtful Little Monster
Black Widow or Cat Woman?
*Q and A*
new story!!!!
Vodka Therapy
Shield Me
The Start of their Future
Do Me the Honor

***SEND EM IN!***

63.3K 541 17
By Live_for__love

Okay guys not a chapter im sorry. ..but I'm writing it don't worry , only a few chapters left and them I'll start on a new writing venture!

But first.....

Next chapter is a Q:A!!!! SO comment any questions you have, and PLEASE keep making covers I love song the things you guys come up with!


-No town i live in will be given out, state and country is okay :)

-i wont give my full name, just my first

-everything else is fair game! This includes age, love life, questions about characters  etc.

Thank you my lovelies! Xoxoxoxoxo

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