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When I woke up it was morning, and Fred was gone
Where did he go? He told me he wasn't going to leave
I knew it
I rushed out of bed and ran for the hospital door, but when I opened it I ran right into Ron Hermione and Harry
"Electra!" Hermione said hugging me
"You're awake finally" Ron said
"You should be in bed still" Harry said concerned
"I'm fine where is Fred?!"
"We just passed by him he was getting you breakfast" Ron answered
Thank Merlin
"Are you getting dispatched today?" Hermione asked
"I hope so I need to be ready for our quidditch match Monday"
Harry laughed
"That's my chaser!" He said hugging me
"Can we sit down and talk about what happened?" Hermione asked
"Let's wait for Fred he will want to hear the details too, well actually I told him some so I can get you all in on what he knows and then we can discuss everything else after"
I brought them to my bed, and Hermione summoned some extra chairs for everyone to sit on
"Did he tell you about how some of us got caught by Umbridge last night trying to get to you" Hermione said
"No...what happened??"
"Well Fred took off once we figured out where you were from the map. We all raced after him, and when we were about to exit to the grounds Umbridge and Filch caught us. Hermione Ginny and Lee distracted them, while Harry myself and George ran passed them and towards the whomping willow. Fred got passed before they showed up and he was already inside the willow tree when we arrived. We tried going in after, but once the willow has been stunned it takes a bit to re stun her...it didn't take long for Fred to come back out with you in his hands in your fox form" Ron explained
"Transforming into my animagus was my only option, dangerous wizards now know what i can do"
"Dangerous..?" Hermione asked
I explained to them what happened, what Fred already knew. How my mother betrayed me, and how Barty almost apparated with me
"Bloody hell" Ron said running his hand through his hair
Must be a family thing they all do when they're upset
"I'm glad you're ok..sorry about your mum" Harry said patting my shoulder
Hermione was holding my hand throughout my story, and stroking my arm with her other hand
"You shouldn't have gone alone" she said
"I know..."
"So why did you??" She asked annoyed
"Hermione leave her alone" Ron said
"No it's ok..it was dumb I know. I'm sorry I just was hoping that once I saw my mother..she would be well.."
"I know" Harry said holding my shoulder
Fred walked into the hospital wing with George and Ginny behind him
"Good morning love, I brought you breakfast and well they wanted to come see you"
"Are you feeling better?" Ginny asked
"Gave us a scare little one" George said patting the top of my head
"I'm ok thank you for worrying over me but I'm better" I said trying to smile
I caught the rest of the group up with what happened, and they told me how Umbridge wanted to give them all detention but Professor Dumbledore came to the rescue and excused her and Filch
"I'm glad you all didn't get in trouble"
"We wouldn't have cared if we did" George said laughing
"I know but I'm so stupid—"
"You're not stupid" Fred interrupted
I didn't say anything back
"Now what do we do about your mum and Barty..." Hermione asked
We all sat in silence, not really sure what to do about those two
"Well for now it's quidditch and D.A meetings, I'll worry about those two in between"
"We will worry about those two, this isn't on you only love. We want to be there for you" Fred said holding my hand
"Should you tell Sirius?" Harry asked
"Christmas is in a month I'll tell him then...I don't want him worrying. He would show up here and hunt for Barty himself"
He cares so much for me
"Well here is your breakfast, eat up so you can get released!" Fred said excitingly
I smiled and downed the breakfast that he brought me, warm oatmeal with berries on top..my favorite
I was released but Madame Pomfrey suggested I go to Dumbledore's office right away, he wants to know what happened during that night too
I said goodbye to my friends and Fred escorted me to his office. I explained to Dumbledore what happened, I've had to explain it so much but each time I find my hands shaking
This wouldn't end unless he was caught and dealt with, I'm living in fear of him finding me again
"As long as you stay in the castle they can't hurt you" Dumbledore said
"I don't want to live in fear" I didn't, I wanted to think of my future with Fred and professional quidditch. I wanted to worry about passing exams not being captured
"I don't want you to either but be cautious is all. Hogsmeade is still an option for you to go to, but stick with friends don't go off on your own again. As for your mother and her eyes darkening, I do wonder if she was under the imperius curse..if she was ok then suddenly aggressive that is a possibility"
"You think so?"
Maybe there is hope for her...
"It's possible...I will try to find out as much as I can, and if anything new happens to come your way come to me"
"I will I promise"
We left his office together, hand in hand but quiet
"Freddie are you ok?"
"Please don't be fearful" he said looking into my eyes "let me take on your worry. I promise you on my life I will not let anything happen to you when I'm around. And since I plan to be around for a while, nothing bad will come your way"
I smiled up to him and gave him a kiss
"I love you let's go practice some quidditch yeah?"
He smiled
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