Piers PoV
It's been three days since we've been in this house, so far no accident or inconvenience has happened here, which is quite a pleasant change for me, I'm standing by the window right now trying to light a cigarette, Kathrin has just entered the room and brought some flowers, we are waiting for Zen to wake up
Zen: Ahh
Kathrin: (In Keidran) Hi! The infamous brother, finally awake.
Piers: (In Keidran) we were already worried about you
Kathrin: (In Keidran) You look more cohesive. Nice to finally get to know you personally. I'm Kat.
Piers: (In Keidran) and I'm Piers
Zen: (In Keidran) Uh ... Zen. So ... what's the pity?
Kathrin: (In Keidran) Well, you'll be glad you haven't lost your leg yet, Piers saved her, he also gave you something to ease the pain
Kathrin: (In Keidran) But ... I'm afraid you won't be dating so soon. You have an infection and a fever.
Piers: (In Keidran) For your health, I recommend you stay calm
Zen: (In Keidran) That explains the headache. How long have I been out?
Kathrin: (In Keidran) During the day! Miss Raine kept signing up for you.
Piers: (In Keidran) Whatever Miss Raine gave you, it was so strong we couldn't wake you up
Kathrin: (In Keidran) You ... you've actually been out a few times, but you haven't been ... well ...
Zen: (In Keidran) Hm? I don't remember that. I didn't do anything weird, did I?
Kathrin: Uh...
Piers (In Keidran) honestly
I remember exactly one moment that I will probably never forget, Kat then brought more blankets for Zen, Zen woke up for a while and buried his head in Kat's bust
Zen: (In Keidran) Ah ... more pillows ... thank you Raine ...
Kathrin: I'm not Raine and they're not pillows!
end of flashback
Kathrin: (In Keidran) N-no! Nothing! (Humanly) ... but now I have a T-shirt for sure!
Zen: (In Keidran) Anyway thank you.Kathrin: (In Keidran) Piers and the others are the ones you should thank. Their magic dulls the pain. I'm just ... well, to be honest, with a sunken sewing room, I'm trying to stay useful.
Zen: (In Keidran) You were. I didn't just want this. I wanted to thank you for helping Natani.I became interested in this conversation, I pulled up my chairs and sat down next to Kat and we listened to Zen together
Zen: (In Keidran) Ever since our people died ... I've tried to be the brother my father told me. But I just ... I don't know. I'll still ruin it. Our minds are connected again, but ... Natani almost seems better because she was out of me.
Zen: (In Keidran) I think it helped, because one day other people can open up. Especially when it comes to ... You know ... the girl side. "The girl is talking."
Zen: (In Keidran) It's not exactly something I qualify for. So ... you have my thanks. I'm glad Natani has found friends to lean on when ... you know, I burn my leg and I can't lean on it.
Kathrin: (In Keidran) ... We're happy to help.
Zen: Oh, good. My dear brother has arrived.
Kathrin: What?
Piers: where?
Zen: He's on the other side of the door trying to come up with pranks.
Natani: Pfff, killjoy!
Zen was right behind Natani's real door
Natani: Hey, Piers, Hey, Kat! Nice shirt.
Kathrin: Well, that ... mind.
Piers: I always forget about it
Kathrin: Eheh ... Thanks, Natani. Zen looks good so far. Just a mild fever.
Piers: He should be lying for a few more days
Kathrin: I know it's been a while. I'll let the two of you catch up.
Piers: if you need anything, don't hesitate to call us
Natani: Thanks! **
Kathrin and I left the room, I said goodbye to Kathrin, when I think about it I always get lost here, Miss Roselin has to help me find my way, I pulled out my diary, and started making signs, I walked for a while until I heard screams
it was Karen, obviously afraid of something, as soon as she got closer I saw Madelyn running after her who was obviously upset about something
Madelyn: I'll teach you to call me a pint for Basitin!
Karen: I never said that!
as soon as Karen saw me she ran to me before I could react she tripped and grabbed my vest
Karen: help me
she tugged at my vest and found that she had somehow accidentally unlocked the stun grenade
Piers: wait, don't pull me for it
before I could stop it, Madelyn hit us and the grenade exploded, I didn't close my eyes or close my ears, the three of us lay on the ground for a while before we recovered, Karen was the first on her feet.
Karen: Wow, what was that?
Piers: I told you not to drag me for it
Karen: Especially since we're all fine I looked at Karen angrily, looked at me in fright and Madelyn and started running again
Piers: stop !!!
Madelyn: You won't run away from us
I chased Karen angrily with Madelyn, they were both faster, they finally got lost in the long corridor, I stopped and took a deep breath, Piers: Damn, you can't run for too long with full equipment I exhaled and continued walking, wanting to rest and go to my room
Timeskip 10 minutes later
after about a few minutes I finally got somewhere I know, Trace's headquarters is damn big
Reni: (thoughts) aaaa Mr. Piers, here you are
with my vest I came across Princess Reni
Piers: Hello Princess Reni, what can I do for you?
Reni: (thoughts) I'm just going to hear from our prisoner, he could wake up
Piers: That's great, but how can I help you?
Reni: (thoughts) I heard you know Keidran's language, there must be at least two for questioning
Piers: I understand you just need help with the interrogation, right?
Reni: (thoughts) right, if you could follow me
I nodded and went with the big dragon to the cellar where our prisoner was, when we got there, we heard screams
Karen & Madelyn: Statue! It's back!
Reni: (thoughts) What's going on here in the world?
Piers: what statue?
Karen: Reni! Piers!
Madelyn: Oh, thank God. It's just a dragon.
we found Karen and Madelyn holding each other in fear, but as soon as they saw us, they were relieved
Karen: I didn't know you were back, Princess! Karen got angry and hugged Reni
Reni: (thoughts) I ... just got back. I came to check on the prisoners. But what are you doing here on behalf of Nora? Dungeons are not a place for children.
I saw blood flowing from Madelny's nose
Piers: Madelyn, what happened to you, you're bleeding
Madelyn: It's okay! Yeesh. I'm Basitin, believe me, it's nothing.
Madelyn: We were attacked ...
Reni: (thoughts) What ?! Attacked ?! WHO? When?! Wolves attacked the manor ?!
Madelyn: What? No, it was -
Reni: (thoughts) Did they get prisoners ?! Where is?! If he got out, I have to ...
Reni immediately went crazy, looking around for traces of an attack
Reni: (thoughts)... to...
Reni calmed down when she saw our prisoner reaching through the lattice for the hen
Brutus: (In Keidran) Come on, magic chicken ... Come on, Brutus ...
Brutus: (In Keidran) ... Hey.
when he noticed that we were all looking at him, he began to pay attention to us
Karen: Hi!
Piers: Hello
Reni: (thoughts) Oh thank God.
Reni: (thoughts) Wait, are you awake ?!
Brutus: (In Keidran) ... You're not going to eat me, are you?
Reni: (thoughts) What ?! Well, no!
Madelyn: (in Keidran) But she could, if you don't speak!
Reni: (thoughts) what! Madelyn decided to take matters into her own hands and began questioning
Madelyn: (In Keidran) So who do you work for? Where? What's his plan?
Brutus: (In Keidran) U-uh ... I work for the boss ... Clovis. And the rest ... I don't know?
Madelyn: (In Keidran) Don't play stupid! You need to know something! What is your rating? Brutus stood up and began to tell us
Brutus: (In Keidran) Rank? Well ... I'm Brutus! Boss' bodyguard! And ... I - I do whatever the boss says! He likes that I don't bother with questions. In fact, he once told me when I was drunk that I was the wolf he loved best! Although he later made me swear I would never tell anyone, he did.
Brutus :. . .
Brutus: (In Keidran) Oops.
only now did I realize he didn't have pants, and Madelyn probably did
Karen: So? What he said? What he said ?!
Madelyn: Augh! I don't know! I couldn't pay attention. He's not wearing any pants!
Reni: (thoughts) All right, that's enough! You two can't just interrogate prisoners! I originally wanted to interrogate here with Piers, but it'll be better if we go back upstairs now
Reni: (thoughts) Meanwhile, I'll escort you three back to the estate.
Reni: (thoughts) ... and maybe he'll find some pants.
Piers: I'll look for them
we all stumbled back upstairs, and Karen began to explain to us what had happened
Karen:... Then I tried to turn it around and the big stupid lizard almost squeezed me! _Er... _ no offense.
Reni: (thoughts) None. You two are very lucky to have survived the stone guard!Karen: I think it was partly our fault that we sniffed where we shouldn't.
Karen: And speaking of which, Maddie! Didn't that weird door open? Did you see what was there?Madelyn: Oh yeah! I almost forgot.
Madelyn: I was quite disoriented, but I saw it. It was ... something.
Piers: can you remember the shape or the color, for example?
Madelyn: A bright red glow and ... I swear I saw ... what was that?
Madelyn: I ... I don't remember.
Piers: Maddie! Your nose is bleeding.
Madelyn: Hm?
Madelyn: Well ... yeah. I think that stupid rock beat me up a little bit than I thought.
Piers: Show me I'll treat youMadelyn: No, it's good, I've had worse
Reni: (thoughts). . . . .
Reni: (thoughts) Would you mind if I looked at myself?
Madelyn: What?
Madelyn: Wow, that's weird ... Well? Do you see that?
Reni: (thoughts) I ... I'm sorry, I'm afraid not. I saw the door and the fight ... But you ... you ... it must have been pretty dazed. I couldn't see it either.
Karen: Wow, man! The whole problem for nothing.
Madelyn: All right. the girls started to leave, Reni and I stayed slightly behind
Piers: So what did you see?
Reni: (thoughts) ... It was exactly as I thought, the memory was removed. And not just the memory, but even the thought of trying to go back. Neither of them will think of it.
Piers: Wow, how is that possible?
Reni: (thoughts) That's dark magic.
Piers: Do you think Trace would use black magic to hide something?
Reni: (thoughts) Definitely where black magic is there you need to be careful
Reni: (thoughts) (Something sinister ... I can feel it.)
we continued down the hall until we came across Maren and Syth, both in swimsuits
Karen: Hi, sister!
Maren: Karen. I hope you don't stick to trouble? Karen: No! she had not fought a stone lizard at all a moment ago
Karen: What about you? Are you going to spend a day on the beach with Syyyythe?
Maren: I don't like the way you said it, but yes.
Madelyn: _ Naked!
Reni: (thoughts) Well, you two seem to have found your friends, so I think it's time to leave for now, Piers I need to talk to yo--
Karen: Wait, Reni! Piers! Come party with us!
Reni: (thoughts) ... please?
Karen: We're all going to a magical beach! You two should also come! It will be fun.
Reni: (thoughts) M-I ...?
Reni: (thoughts) Thank you, b - but I would only be the third round. Besides, I can't -!
Karen: Come on, come on! The prisoner is going nowhere. Why not rest for a while?
Reni: (thoughts) No, I don't think I can, literally. My ... um ... hips don't fit in a human door like that ... I tried.
Karen: Oh. Right. But yes? I've heard that even little dragons can turn into animals. Just turn it into something smaller! Like a horse or a cat or... oh! Puppy! Can you be a puppy ?!
Reni: (thoughts) I'm becoming a dog!
Reni: (thoughts) Strangers are trying to caress me. It's very embarrassing.
Reni: (thoughts) But ...Reni thought deeply
Reni: (thoughts) I think I could try ... um ...Karen: I'll be right back! I have to change. Change? You mean your form, right?Karen: If...
Piers: God, why?
Maren: Well, when the dragon goes, you Piers can go too, that's your name, right?
Piers: Exactly, and I don't think I would be useful herewhen I said this, Syth walked over to me and smiled at me
Syth: Don't you want to come or are you scared?
Piers: What are you trying to do, man?
Syth: I'm just trying to find out if you happen to be gay
Piers: What ?!
Maren: Syth, leave him alone
Syth: Come on, Maren, how well you know himI really thought I'd shoot him on the spot, but I wasn't going to ruin such a beautiful day
Piers: Do you think I'm gay?
Syth: You try to avoid a beach full of girls in swimsuits
Maren: SYTH !!I wasn't in the mood to argue
Piers: fine, I'll comeI left angrily and heard Syth laugh softly, then I realized he had literally persuaded me
when I changed into a swimsuit I felt great, you can't even imagine what a relief it is to take off all the equipment and protectors, when I was just in a swimsuit I took a towel and went where I left Sytha and Maren, on the way I met down the hall the one with the red hair and Rain, they were in a swimsuit too
Piers: hi
red: hello, I guess you're going to the beach too
Piers: exactly
we walked down the halls together and on the way I saw a knocked out door like a grenade
Piers: Wow, what happened here?
Rain: that's a long story ..... look over there
we walked through the door and were greeted by a large and large beach, I feel like we were teleporting to tropical islands
Red: Hey!
Red: We did it! And it looks like everyone else did it. I apologize for waiting.
Piers: Did we miss something?
Maren: Well, you didn't miss anything.
I went through the group and joined Trace and the others, we started talking
Piers: I feel like we're missing someone here
Karen: Piers is right, I don't see Reni anywhere
Reni: Um ... I'm here. K
aren: What? What -... Reni?
Reni: Hi ... we all turned around and saw Reni in her human form, for my piece it's pretty weird when I see a girl without ...... certain female parts
Reni: This ... is the current version of my human form. It's still work in progress!
Karen: Woah, that's great! I thought dragons could only turn into animals?
Reni: We can be human, even if it's hard not to look away in some way. Most just not out of pride. I mean - yeah ?! Karen walked over to Reni and began to push her finger where her breasts were supposed to be
Karen: You forgot two things.
Maren: Karen! Border!
Reni: Oh yeah ...
Reni: Well, I've thought of other sizes in the past, but I'm not a mammal, so I could never tell if I was right. Besides, being on two legs is pretty weird without being too heavy.