Chapter 21

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~~hi, sorry this chapter took longer than normal 

Thea Hayden 

I woke up with a really bad fucking headache but it was all worth it when I saw my braided boy lying next to me while his face was snuggling my shoulder. I decide not to move because he feels so warm, I look over at the present he gave to me and my heart skips a beat. I can't believe he did that for me. He fucking went to go see my aunt to get an idea on what to get me, I'm going to have to go all out of this birthday . I don't even know when that picture of me was taken but I look really young , I cannot believe I have a baby picture of myself and it's all because of Harry.

I feel Harry shift a little bit so I turn my body to face him completely . I want make him feel good like he made me feel good yesterday. Yesterday was one of the best fucking days of my life. I make the choice to get up and straddle him in his coma like state before my confidence goes down the toilet . I take my hand and I brush his face in small strokes and I push some flyaways from his braids out of his face. He's mumbling something so I bring my ear to his mouth to understand him,"No, stop. I'll do it." He's so cute when he's asleep. "No, I want this in my life.." he trails off and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. What does that mean?  I brush it off and start to leave sloppy tender kisses on his chest and around his collarbones. 

I feel his arms shift and he unconsciously starts tracing my spine up and down. I continue leaving  kisses all of his chest and stomach and his eyes slowly open. "Morning princess." he says in his raspy morning voice which I've grown to love. "Morning cutie." I say and peck his lips

"Cutie?" he questions while he continues to stroke my back. "Yeah, you look like a little cutie when you're asleep with your braids and without but extra fucking cute with them." I add

"Oh , I can be many other things too. " he says then takes me by the hips and is suddenly on top of me and starts kissing me . I grab his hips and push are centers together and we both groan at the action , "Nope,nope I have other plans today ." he says and my heart sinks 

"W-what do you mean you have other plans?" he gets off me and I sit up

"We are going to 75, for hangover food.''

"I hate you." he really had me worried there 

"Yeah, doubt you'll be saying that when I'm making you cum later." 

"Fuck off, green eyes."

We got to the diner and it's actually pretty cold out today. We ordered burgers and disco fries , we are eating way too fucking much but who gives a shit . 


"Yes princess." he says while shoving his face with fries. 

"Um- I have a question ." 

"Well ask away."

"It's about your family ..." I trail off and he freezes. He clears his throat and asks , "What about it?", "Well I mean I feel like in know nothing about them and you know my whole life story."

I don't know why I decided to bring this up now but it's been bothering me I guess he knows pretty much everything about me and I know nothing about him . "I guess you're right princess, what do you want to know ." he says surprisingly , I really wasn't expecting that to go off that easy. 

"Well what about your parents ?" 

"Well my dad passed when I was about 4 or 5 and my mum uh she's something ." his dad passed that young, jeez 

"How did he pass?''

"Heartattack ." he deadpans 

"Harry, I'm so sorry ." I say and play my hand on his , "Can I know about your mom or..." 

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