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Amber began sorting her clothes into her suitcase, Marshall had invited Amber on a weekend away. It would of been stupid for her to decline, so of course she accepted.

Delphine and the house staff had agreed to watching the kids while they were away. It didn't take much convincing with the workers, Marshall offered them double pay for the next week, and they were more then happy to care for them.

Marshall hadn't disclosed anything to where they were going. It couldn't be too far though, they were only going for the weekend. Amber didn't think Rose really wanted to be left with strangers, but over the last few weeks she had become quite close with Hailie and Delphine, so she didn't mind as much.

They weren't going by plane this time, Marshall had decided they could go on a road trip. Amber more then eagerly agreed, but she hoped they weren't going to be in a car for too long.

Amber and Rose began walking to Marshall's house. It wasn't far at all, only a minute or so away. She noticed Rose was a bit upset so she stopped on the sidewalk and crouched down to her level. "What's up honey?" Amber asked her, rubbing her shoulder kindly.

"I- I don't know- guess I'll just miss you." She mumbled, averting her gaze. Amber smiled at her, and pulled her into an unexpected hug, "Don't worry about it, Delphine will be there.. and so will Hailie. It'll be fun!" She reminded her, cheering her up a bit more.

Rose nodded, and continued to follow Amber down the road, a bit more upbeat then before. As they approached Marshall's house, they noticed Marshall loading his trunk with bags and other things. To Ambers surprise, it was a different car to usual, it was bigger and was a snowy colour. He must of bought a new one, she thought.

Once Marshall noticed them, he waved to them. Amber smiled back, and Rose gave him a small wave. Rose walked into the house after noticing Hailie smiling through the window, leaving Marshall and Amber alone.

He took Ambers luggage, and placed it into the trunk, and shut it tight. "I'll go say bye to Rose, then we can get on the road." Amber said, walking into the house, Marshall following behind probably going to say bye to Hailie.

"Be good Rose, and be nice to Hailie." Amber instructed Rose in a Mom voice, Rose smiled back and nodded. Marshall did a similar thing to Hailie, but in a dad voice. It was if they were together.. Amber brushed off the thought, and climbed into the car.

"So where are we going?" She asked him in hope to find out. "Not too far.. a couple hours away." He said, not letting anymore information go about the information. As Marshall drove, Amber scrolled through her phone for things that were around two hours away.

But then she found something, and she audibly gasped. "What's wrong?" He asked her, she looked down at her phone again, then quickly put it away. Surely we aren't going there.

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐘𝐒 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐃 [𝐌.𝐌]Where stories live. Discover now