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HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021 according to the Gregorian Calendar people! Did Y'all see the TPWK music video? I'm still screaming. Anywhooo, carrying on.


"Fuck!" Derek had sputtered almost a thousand curses and groans throughout the day. "My head feels like it has a tiny goblin inside that's trying to break free.

Suzy snorted. She rolled her eyes before leaning sideways adjusting the cape sorta thing that was attached to her dress. She had managed to stumble and almost faceplant multiple times today when her legs got caught up in the flowy linen. Wishing multiple times that she had foreseen this complication of the beautiful dress she had chosen for herself and the other bridesmaids, she went back to focus on the job at hand.

 Wishing multiple times that she had foreseen this complication of the beautiful dress she had chosen for herself and the other bridesmaids, she went back to focus on the job at hand

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"You should have thought about it before you drowned yourself in booze last night." Suzy sneered, "What the fuck were you thinking!" She lightly slapped Derek's arm.

"Ow!" He winced, "I wouldn't have done that if I was thinking!"

The scowl on her face was almost permanent, as she adjusted Derek and his lopsided bow-tie. The guy was an utter mess and it took Suzy most of the morning to help him deal with his hangover and get his ass to the chapel in time. Since the previous day, she had been running around like a headless chicken, trying her best to make sure everything went fluidly and trying to solve every roadblock along the way. But Derek and his cranky hungover self were just adding to her long list of difficulties.

"You better behave yourself or else I will personally drag you to Mt Everest and throw you off the tip." She reprimanded him before handing him his jacket.

"I think I need another aspirin. Fuck!" Derek complained as he pushed his arms through the sleeves of his tux. "I am never ever going to touch alcohol ever again."

"I just helped Lea calm down after her breakdown over her shoes," Suzy folded her arms, tapping her foot restlessly, "I can't handle you being a drama queen too."

"I thought you were my friend." He pouted, feigning hurt which only made Suzy roll her eyes for the umpteenth time.

"I am. That's why it is my job to tell you to cut the bullshit." She replied, "I thought you were already over her."

"I am!" He insisted, "It just... It brought up some memories and I don't know what came over me."

"I get it." She said. If there was anyone who understood what Derek was going through, it was her. "If it is any consolation, she looked pretty bothered to know that you were my plus one too."

"She did?" Suzy's heart ached a little seeing Derek's eyes widen and the tiniest of the smiles on his lips as a sign of fleeting hope.

"Yeah." She nodded, "She was giving me the stink eye throughout the night."

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