He tried. He tried so hard to control it. To turn invisible by will. But there was something holding him back, a fear preventing him from achieving his goal.
When it seemed like everyone was moving forward, he was stuck, holding the group back. Disappointing them.
His head hurt after hours of focusing. After hours of seeing the disappointment visible on the man's face. The man dressed in black made no attempt whatsoever to hide his anger and Taehyung found himself shrinking under his hard gaze.
And as he felt like giving up a hand landed softly on his shoulder.
"Come on, you can do this. You've done it millions of times before."
Namjoon gave him an encouraging smile.
Taehyung smiled back only to realize that Namjoon couldn't see it, 'cause he had in fact managed to turn invisible.

FanfictionBTS x reader ~ They called you monsters. Freaks. And little by little you started to believe in it. Letter by letter. Word by word. Monster. ~ Disclaimer: - I don't own BTS. In this book, they're fictional characters and any occurrence similar to re...