Thea Hayden
We ended up up watching all the movies which I enjoyed way too much . I pretty much recited every single line in the movie, Harry just thinks I'm secretly in love with Brad Pitt and George Clooney. Which I'm not, I mean Bard Pitt is a pretty fine looking ass man but I just really love the movies. We had three bags of popcorn and introduced Harry to the amazing combination of popcorn and m&m's . We ordered pizza and Chinese food we ate a lot fo it actually which was surprising. I got soy sauce on his boxers and had to change back into my black lace underwear I was wearing earlier. I apologized several times , he didn't care he just suggested that I sleep with no underwear on. We fell asleep around 4:30 in the morning , we had a really nice night.
I woke up around 11 to see Harry's arm draped over my side. I rolled over to face his and his lips were parted with a crease in his forehead while he was mumbling something I couldn't understand. He looked like he was having a really intense dream, but he looked adorable.
I lifted up my hand to put a loose strand of his hair behind his ear and he shifted a little bit. I pulled my hand back then I slowly brought it back to his face and stroke his cheek softly. I pulled back because he looked like he was getting restless and to my surprise he mumbled, "Don't stop." "What" I whisper
"Keep doing that, feels nice."
"Okay baby." I say which makes him perk up
"What'd you say?"
Shit, did I just call him baby?
"Nothing"I play off
" You called me baby." he says while smiling uncontrollably
" No, I didn't."
"Yes, you did." he says while sitting me up putting his hands on either side of my head so he's hovering over me.
"I think you're dreaming green eyes." I say while ironically looking into his green eyes as he looks into mine.
" It does seem too good to be true." he adds while slowing bending his arms so he could peck my lips and I give in. " Okay, okay . I admit it , I called you baby."
"I fucking knew it. " He says while smiling and slowly moving his eyes down to my boobs.
"Hey, eyes up here mister." I state and grabbed his chin forcefully
"Sorry, what do you expect me to do when I'm on top of you and you've got no bra on while wearing a white shirt."
"Sorry baby."
He groans and falls back on me with he face in the crook of my neck, "And she does it again." I feel his voice vibrate against me , he starts leaving sloppy kisses on my neck and trailing up to me ear and he whispers,"What do you want to do today princess ?" then nibbled my ear and I grab his hair and let a a low moan.
I hear Harry's door open and I look over to see Louis standing there and he yells ,"Oi, fuck I didn't know she was staying ." and slams the door behind him .
We both start laughing uncontrollably , he snaked his arms around my back to hug me and I arch my back so he could.
"I'm hungry." Harry said while kissing my neck again .
"Want to go down to the dining hall or 75?" I ask as I hug his neck .
"No, I don't want breakfast food."
"You want a burger or something? 75 is a diner, they got burgers and shit. Plus, I get free fries and milkshakes for working there"
"No, don't want that kind of meal." he says which confuses me
"What do you mean? You want the leftover rice or something , from, last night?"
"Nope, try again."
What does he want, I'm confused.
Oh shit , he wants that....
"Oh , you want?"
"Yes, I want. I miss how sweet you taste ."he says that then Louis comes bursting in as Harry groans
"Fuckers, you want tacos? I just bought while coming home and they gave me extra."
"Sure Louis, we'll be up in a minute." I say and he closes the door
Harry groans and mumbles, " I guess tacos work for now." He gets up and finds me a pair of sweatpants in his laundry basket and throws them at me.
"Lou is not seeing you in that underwear, only I can."
"Oh really ?"I question
He ignores me and walks out of his room , I put on his sweatpants and I follow him.
Louis hands us his extra food and Harry sticks his tongue out at me. I laughed and did the same. He's so cute, I can't take it.
We sat on the couch and ate our food while the office was on. "Thea, are you okay?" Louis surprisingly asks
"As good as I can be , I guess. Harry cheered me up though."
"Really? Harry? We are talking about the same Harry right?"
"Oi, I'm right here wanker." Harry says while smacking Louis shoulder .
"Jeez, alright you cheer her up. I get it you're pussy whipped. " Louis says while starting to laugh uncontrollably and so do I .
"Hey, you're supposed to be on my side princess." Harry says while glaring at me
We sat their laughing and talking for the majority of the day , it was nice getting to know Louis. I got to learn more about Harry too.
Louis has a younger sister Lana and his parents are filthy fucking rich. He also went to juvie for 6 months when he fist got to the U.S. so he supposed to be a senior but he decided to rob a frat house, so that is why he is a junior. He is actually an art history major which surprised me , he also seems to really like Catherine which is good because I would fuck him up if he hurt her.
I found out that Harry's birthday is January 5th, he's tuning 21 in a few months. I'm only 18, turning 19 on halloween. Louis lost his shit when he found out my birthday was on halloween and insisted that the whole building have a giant Halloween party in my honor of course , I agreed because he seemed really fucking excited. Harry didn't talk about his family at all, I don't even know if he has parents or siblings all I know of is his little cousin Kara he told me about last night. I did find out that he is majoring in law and plans to go to law school after he graduates and that his middle name is Edward, he found out that my middle name is Elizabeth and said that he is going to tell his cousin tonight because she'll agree even more that I'm a princess but he said that after Louis went to bed.
"Do you want to stay again tonight?" Harry asks while throwing away our napkins and plates from earlier
"Would that be okay with you?" I really want to stay but it's not like I don't like one floor down , I don't want to impose.
"It would be more than okay."

Fanfiction"Don't be like that princess ." Harry says while grabbing my chin aggressively . "Be like what ?" I dare to ask "Don't be the girl that says she doesn't give a single fuck when in reality she does ." Thea Hayden moves back to New York because her...