33. Denounced

106 18 376

Lena Matthews

"Boo!" I jeered at the TV screen. I even tossed a kernel of popcorn to emphasize my point.

"Really?" Jacob asked, offended.

"Yes, really!" I laughed. "I mean, what is he thinking?"

"He's thinking-"

"That was a rhetorical question!" I exclaimed. "Stephen Gray is the most endearing and idiotic character on Spellbound. You're not changing my mind."

"You think I'm endearing?" Jacob asked.

"I said your character." I corrected matter-of-factly. I grabbed a small handful of Jacob's popcorn spitefully.

"You know you have your own bowl for a reason." Jacob pointed out.

"Yeah, decorational purposes." I teased. I hadn't planned on spending the entire day with Jacob, but one activity blended into the next and neither of us wanted to say goodbye. The hours had melted away a lot faster than I had expected.

"Don't let my popcorn thievery distract you from the real matter at hand here. Stephen Gray is dumb for thinking that burning the book is going to break the curse." I added.

"Come on, just because a solution sounds simple doesn't mean it won't work. Everyone else is overthinking it." said Jacob.

"But did it work?" I asked smugly.

"I'm not answering," said Jacob. I looked at him knowingly. "Fine, it didn't work. So what?"

"So there goes your entire point!" I said, laughing.

"Whatever." said Jacob. "Next episode."

"So, how was it?" Kiara asked teasingly

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"So, how was it?" Kiara asked teasingly. She had volunteered to walk home with me from the Academy since I was still avoiding Aurelie and Finn. I had accepted, even though I had a feeling that Kiara just wanted to tease me. It seemed like my suspicions were correct.

"It was good." I said, refusing to divulge any more information. "Have you figured out how you're going to sneak Aaliyah and Jerome past the gate?"

Kiara groaned. "You're no fun." she complained. "I'm the reason you got to go out with him."

"And you're the reason half the school thinks I made out with some random dude in the auditorium." I added.

"Are we going to keep bringing that up? I was doing my job! Besides, helping with Jacob cancels it out. PENDAS, or whatever it's called." said Kiara.

"PEMDAS." I corrected. Kiara rolled her eyes.

"I knew that." she retorted.

I wanted to say something else, but held it back. Even though Mrs. Pearce had the upper hand on both Kiara and Taylor, I had a hard time separating them from every bad thing they did. I wished I could forgive both of them, but it was difficult.

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