Chapter 27 : Nightmare In The Cellar

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<Third Person POV>

Ayumi and Conan stood in their place not knowing what to do. As the door open, Conan drag Ayumi to hide behind the locker in the corner. At the door, came in a woman wearing a long dark green dress with a long grey hair.

She walks inside the room bringing a tray of food and put it in front of the cell all the while Conan is looking from behind the locker and covering Ayumi's mouth to prevent her from screaming or making any noise.

Conan : Food?

The Woman : Another nightmare, eh....? Poor thing. But that was all five years ago. Hurry and forget about it. Once someone's dead, they'll never come back....

Conan : Someone's dead....? Five years ago....?

Conan thought and then remember about the homicide that's happen in that very mansion.

Conan : They aren't talking about the owner of the house who was murdered five years ago, are they....? Then, those two must be....

Conan then take a good look at the two people face and figure seeing a similarities from the picture he found in the study room.

Conan : I see, now it's all coming together.... The secret of this house and the truth behind the case....

The Woman : Well it up....

The woman said to the man in the cell as she pushes the tray of food into the cell. The man then throws the food away.

The Woman : I'm not keeping you locked up here to torment you.... I'm only thinking of your future....

Conan : I see. Then the killer was....

As Conan was peeking and hearing the conversation of the two people, Ayumi who was staying beside him accidently touch a broom behind her with her feet making the broom falling to the floor making both Ayumi and Conan panic.

Before the broom could fall to the floor making a noise and shows their hiding place, Conan reach out his leg catching the broom stick. Ayumi and Conan heave a sigh of relief as Conan then take the broom quietly and lean it back on the wall.

But then, the pail on the locker started to move from the move they accidently put on the locker making it fall to the floor and a loud sound of the pail falling on the floor can be heard throughout the room. This gain the woman attention as she turns to where Conan and Ayumi are hiding. Conan and Ayumi then froze in their place behind the locker.

The Woman : Well, it seems there were more little rats hiding about than the other two I found earlier.... Come out now....! You can't hide any longer. Well....

The woman said walking to the locker slowly while holding a knife in her right hand. Before she could come close, Conan open his mouth.

Conan : Heh.... We can't hide any longer....? I should be saying that to you oku-san....

Ayumi : C-Conan-kun?!

Conan : I saw it in the study.... The photo of you and the owner of this house, who was murdered five years ago. And right beside you were probably your son! Yes, THE MAN INSIDE THE CELL!! His appearance has changed completely, but the mole under his eye hasn't changed a bit! I could tell something was strange the moment I set foot in here! I'd heard that the rest of his family moved out after the case. But the water and electricity to this mansion were never cut off....

Erena : Is he wrong? As he said, the water and electricity to this mansion were never cut off. No one would pay the water bills of an empty house just for the fun of it. And then that entrance, hidden in such an inconspicuous spot surrounded by those old bricks, the wood on the door looks brand new in comparison. It was probably made after the murder, to serve as an entrance and exit, away from the prying eyes....

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