<<Norton x Andrew>> Mr. Snowman

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"Heads up!" Norton yelled as he threw a snowball at his friend, Mike. Sadly, he missed and hit Andrew by accident. The poor man was just making a snowman behind Mike. Norton quickly ran towards the guy and apologised.

"Oh, it's alright!" Andrew said and brushed off the snow on his head. "Is there a snowball fight goin' on, Norton?"

"No, I just wanted to fool around with Mike," explained Norton sheepishly, still a bit embarrassed on how he missed Mike. Now he's just blowing raspberries at him. Norton just rolled his eyes and ignored his friend. Then he heard a soft giggle from behind him. It sounded really adorable, Norton must admit. "You see, I'm now not on good terms with Mike and a little bored."

"Well, what are you going to do then?" Andrew asked, still making his snowman.

"Eh, I don't know? Compensate you, I guess? For the accidental snowball incident just now," Norton suggested.

"Huh, that's a good idea, actually."

"It is?"

"Yes," Andrew said, now facing the man, mimicking the movements of a thinking man – rubbing his chin and all that. "Norton, be my Mr. Snowman, please."

"Nothing I can't do," said Norton, smirking, earning an eye roll from Andrew. "So, how exactly?"

Andrew said nothing but just took off his thick, black coat and dressed Norton in it. He then whispered to his ear, "For extra warmth, hon", causing Norton to blush a lot, because of the closeness and the sweet, soothing voice of Andrew's. He was about to question what the man was up to, only to find out that Andrew was pouring snow all over him. Then Andrew gave Norton a carrot, and told him to keep part of it in his mouth, the pointy part facing outwards. Andrew also lent Norton his dark sunglasses. Andrew looked at him, satisfied with the look.

Then Andrew closed in to Norton, took out the carrot and gave him a light peck on the lips. Norton felt his face burning up, fast. After the short but sweet kiss, Andrew gave Norton the carrot back, but his mouth was opened too wide from the surprise, causing the carrot to drop out. Andrew just simply winked at him and walked away, leaving a flustered Norton, still covered in snow. 

P.S. They r alr frens b4 this happened, dun worry, they aint strangers

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