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"Ned!" I walked towards the old lawyer.
"Oh, my dear, is it truly you?" He asked happy.
"What are you doing here?" I couldn't help but chuckle.
"Well, I've come to speak to your husband." He answered and he smiled.
"Oh!" I gave him a big hug and I saw Jamie sitting up while covering himself with the blankets. I noticed a small bobble where he sat and I smirked a little.
"It's a feast for the old eyes," Ned pulled me away from him. "Pardon me I'm..." he sounded emotional. "I'm a trifle overcome,"
"You look exactly the same. What is your secret?" I asked him and he laughed.
"I never married," he laughed and we walked arm in arm towards the couch.
"Ned meet Jamie and mine Daughter Eilidh Fraser," I looked at Eilidh and Ned smiled.
"Oh I met the young lass," he sat down on the other chair and looked at us. "I'm here for bussines."
He took out some papers and I sat down next to Jamie while Eilidh wiggled herself in between us.
"Well with the return of the first Mrs James Fraser. The Engagement with Laoghaire MacKimmie is invalid," he started. "Loaghaire has made a complaint to the Justice of the peace, for distress and loss of Support."
"Why?" I asked and I looked at him and then to Jamie. "She shot Jamie,"
"Indeed," Ned agreed. "And in the Highlands, as we know, the Disarming act means owning a firearm is a criminal offense. Now, where is the weapon now?"
"She took it with her," I answered immediately.
"Nae," Jamie looked at me. "Young jamie scouk it in th' stables efter she dropped it 'n' forby ye, eilidh 'n' th' five holes in mines arm. We hae na prove tae steid it in her hauns,"
"Well, if it proceeds to trial and you're summoned to court, she may be indicted," Ned told us. "We could arrange for the weapon to be turned over to the British,"
"'n' whit wid happen tae her?" Jamie asked.
I almost wanted to say that it would rest mine case of what would happen to that Witch. But then I remembered that she had childeren.
"If found guilty, she could be transported to the Colonies, Virginia most likely." Ned answered.
"Hand the weapon over to the British," I said straight away and Jamie looked at me with a stern look. "What?"
"Nae," Jamie stood up while placing the blanket like a kilt around him. "Na, a wullnae caw th' gun ower,"
"But she must be punished for this. She nearly killed you and if you weren't there me and Eilidh," I looked at our daughter.
"Yer richt. She deserves punishment. Bit nae her girls." He looked also at Eilidh. "Thay lost anither chaynge o' a faither. Thay wilnae lose thair mither." He looked at Ned. "Whit does Laoghaire waant?" He asked.
"Well, I believe her chief desire is to have you castrated and your Bollocks mound on her wall," Ned joked and I perked up while Eilidh giggled. "But I suspect that she may be amenable to alimony,"
"But there weren't wed yet," I protested and I looked at Jamie.
"Howfur muckle?" He only asked and I raised my eyebrows.
Ned only smiled and signed something on the paper.

"Twenty poonds? that's twa year' wages!" Jenny roared when we told her the news.
"'n' ten poonds a year," Jamie added. He stood now fully dressed in te living room.
His fever was thank the lord gone.
"Tae maintain her household fur th' girls 'til they're properly wed," he said and I saw Jenny look in disbelieve to me and Ian.
"I wanted to send that bitch to America," I holded up my hands. "They are not wed yet so she actually can't lay claim on his money in my eyes."
Jenny gave me a smile and I noticed that Eilidh stood up with a yawn.
"I will bring you to bed," I looked at her and then to Jamie. "Figure this out Jamie," I pressed a kiss on his cheek and Eilidh gave him a firm hug. "I meet you in the bed." I said goodbye to Jenny and Ian and walked up the stairs. I arrived upstairs and I heared the discussion go further in Gaelic.

I decide to let Eilidh sleep in our bed tonight so when Jamie bended forward from his side to kiss me he was suprised to find Eilidh in the middle.
"Whit?" He asked a bit suprised and a bit disappointed.
"Eilidh is sleeping here. So beter keep your hands to yourself and your not aloud to have any fysical movement with your arm." I sat up. "Speaking of it. How is it?" I moved mine head forwards to his wounded arm which rested in a mitella.
"Fine," he huffed and carefully placed the blanket over it and also over Eilidh. By which he pressed a kiss on her fiery red hair.
"And did you figure a way out?" I asked then and he took a deep breath.
"Micheal is aff tae swim tae selkie island. Picks up th' treasure. Whilk ah then gie tae Laoghaire 'n' hopefully that is that." I know that was the end of the story and I didn't ask further.
"Sleep well then," I dived deeper on the blanket.
"Skye?" He suddenly asked.
"Hmh?" I looked at him from under my eyelashes.
"Dae yi'll waant mair childeren wi' me?" This question took me by suprise and I shot up.
Our only child stirred in her sleep and I looked at her making sure she was still fast asleep.
"What? Why are you asking this?" I shook my head.
"Sae th' answer is na?" He asked a disappointed.
"Yes," I said quickly. "I mean no. The answer is not no but also not yes. Jamie we have so much to figure out. A child is not mystical solve everything,"
"That wisnae how come ah asked it." He fired back.
"Then why are you asking it?" I looked at him.
"Because," he looked at Eilidh. "Ah missed yer foremaist pregnancy. Ah missed hers 'n'..." I stiffened even more when he talked about mine first pregnancy with his child.
Which I lost after carrying it for two and half months, unknowingly. Even tho it was now almost 15 years ago it still was a sensitive subject.
"A'm waantin' anither bairn. A bairn that is a symbol o' oor reunion. A bairn that ah kin see graw in yer belly 'n' see grawin up ootdoors o' it." He finally proclaimed.
"Oh Jamie," I laid my hand on his cheek. "As you said to me in Le Havre that many years ago. If God blessed us already with one child. He can bless us with another," He smiled.
"Aye, he will," he pressed a kiss on mine lips and then pulled me down to lay in bed.
And with our daughter between us we fell in sleep.

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