Chapter 34

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Lauren leant over a rack of freshly made dresses in the centre of the room, her chin pressed against the cold metal as she watch her girlfriend stitch a garment over a random models thigh, her crafting ability second to none as she detail the fine lace over a design mistake Sam had admittedly caused

"You should put a flower there too"

Lauren hum in a sweet tone as Camila's eyes glance up with a smile, her hand pausing as she thread the needle through into the dress standing up to grab for a box of mismatched materials, she hand the contents over to the raven haired beauty still benched from her usual duties

"You choose.. whatever flower you think will go best mami"

Lauren smiled like a child on Christmas as the woman in front knelt back down to sew, she trusted her girlfriends judgment so passionately that even just a small idea was admired with the same level of consideration as some of her best designers..

Lauren's hand sift through the various discarded flowers before lighting up like a bright shining star, her small gasp of excitement glimmering as she pull out a very particular white flower laced with delicate looking string that she knew instantly Camila had made, she reached down handing over the piece Smiling back as the woman's eyes lit up

"You have a really good eye Lo.. this will be perfect!"

"Thanks! Hey, since you still have me benched like a looser can I go sit in your office?"

Camila laughed subtly as she lift her head to nod, her eyes rolling over the girls now returned to normal body that she was happy to say hadn't strayed from the 3 meal per day deal.. she was her usual self again, confident and chirpy..

Lauren walked herself over into the office while Camila continued to work quickly joined by Fallon who perch on the chair beside her body, the sharp clap of her heels eliciting the girls concentrated attention

"So just to let you know... there's a model downstairs crying..."

Camila rolled her eyes up into the woman's stature huffing slightly as she part her lips to speak

"Did you make her cry?"

"Uh.. rude! No!... well.. I mean I didn't think crying was a reasonable response to what happened but I guess-

"Fallon! what did you do..."

The girl paused her stitching hand to look up at the woman with a tilted unamused head as she gulp back with a guilty face, her entire demeanour cocky yet hesitant on admitting her fault..

"Well one of the girls was about to shoot and threw a tantrum because her dress was the wrong colour so I told her to grow some balls and do as she was told..."

"Ok... and then...?"

"And then I threw a shoe at her..."

Camila instantly rolled her eyes standing back up onto her feet tapping the models shoulder to indicate her finishing the addition before standing with folded arms looking down in her newest assistant who showed no signs of regret in her outlandish reaction..

"Fallon, bitch how many times no throwing shit at my models? Do you know how much they cost me?"

"W- you've got money short skirt don't act like you couldn't just buy another one!"

Fallon defended in the weirdest way possible.. Camila only scoffed back as she place the needle down onto the counter beside her

"I could buy a thousand more if I wanted but that doesn't give you permission to knock them down like fucking skittles!"

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