Who He Gets Jealous Over

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Scott: Dave Franco; you think Dave is the best looking guy ever and so naturally, Scott gets jealous and claims that you love Dave more than him - which isn't true! - but he manages to live with it because the films that Dave star in are really good.

Stiles: Bob Morley; Stiles gets very jealous of this certain Australian. You think he is perfect and you're always fangirling over him which makes Stiles really self conscious. You tell Stiles you love him, not Bob, and he forgets about it.

Jackson: Jensen Ackles; Jackson is always jealous about Jensen because you just love the Supernatural star; you believe he's the most gorgeous man to walk this earth and, with Jackson being Jackson, he gets jealous very quickly.

Derek: Henry Cavill; Derek gets jealous easily so whenever you even mention Henry, Derek gives you the silent treatment. It's not your fault that Henry Cavill is so beautiful and that you have a massive crush on him!

Isaac: Thomas Sangster; you love that English actor. Man, you really love him, and Isaac knows this...which makes him jealous. Isaac wants you to love only him but with Thomas being so damn adorable and hot at the same time that just isn't possible.

If you don't know who these guys are then I advise you to Google them because DAAAMMNNN

- Leigh x

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