𝟬𝟯𝟮. 𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲

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molly's pov

i arrive at the sway house and call nick as i'm making my way up the driveway. he answers the phone quickly. "molly, hey, i'm excited to see y-" i interrupt him right away "i'm not coming. fuck you." i say before hanging up the phone and blocking his number. i'm done letting myself be manipulated and hurt by him when i have someone who cares about me, who i can trust. from now on i'm focusing all of my energy on kio. nick is in the past. kio is all i want, all i need.

i walk into the house to see the boys all over, some in the kitchen, some in the main area, some in their rooms and others outside. i see bryce, "hey, do you know where kio is?" i ask and bryce nods his head, "he's in his room i think playing a game, i don't know which one, just- video games, like usual," bryce chuckles. i thank him and head towards kio's room.

"hi baby," i say, sitting in front of him. "baby?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. "so we're doing pet names now?" he says, a smirk appearing on his face. "i think we are," i say as he smiles at me. i lay my head in his lap, scrolling through instagram as he plays the game. after a while i get tired of just sitting there in silence. i stand up and crawl into his lap, straddling him, i wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my torso, continuing the game. "who are you playing with?" i ask him, "vinnie and a few of his friends." i continue the conversation, just wanting attention. "well, um are you gonna be done soon? i'm kinda bored." i say shyly. "oh- yeah, i'm so sorry i didn't even realize i was ignoring you." he says, "just let me finish this game and then we can do whatever you want." i smile, and climb off of him. "okay, i'm gonna go hang out with everyone else, come find me when you're done." he nods his head, still keeping his eyes on the game.

i sit down on the couch next to bryce, sighing. "oh, hey." he says "i thought you were hanging out with your boyfriend?" he says in a mocking tone. i roll my eyes as he laughs at me. "okay, first of all he's not my boyfriend- yet." bryce smirks at this. "and second of all, i wanted to but he won't get off the fucking game." i say, frustrated. "i'm sorry molls, that must be annoying," he says to me. i pause before saying "i mean that's just how boys are i guess. it's not a big deal, i just wish he would spend time with me." bryce raises an eyebrow.

"so make him." he says seriously. "what?" i look over at him confused. bryce sighs. "tell him you're gonna leave if he doesn't pay attention to you. or start crying and make him feel bad. oh! tell him you're gonna go hang out with your ex, he'll stop playing right away." my eyes go wide as bryce says the last sentence. did nessa tell him my original plan for today? no, she wouldn't do that to me. just a very ironic coincidence. "bryce-" i start to reject his insane idea, but then i pause for a second as i start to get an idea of my own. "i know exactly what i'm gonna do," i say, smirking. "thank you for the help bryce, i love you!"

i quickly get off the couch and head back to kio's room. his head turns toward me quickly as he hears the door open. "oh, you're back already. hi, i missed you," he says dryly. i can't tell if he means it. i need to have more confidence in myself, especially with what i'm about to do. he does mean it, he's just distracted. i tell myself this as i walk towards him.

"i missed you too," i say standing close to him. he's still in the same position as he was when i left, sitting in his gaming chair, eyes glued to the tv. "you're not done yet?" i ask him. "no, soon though, like 20 more minutes," he answers me. "...okay, that's fine," i say, slowly getting on my knees in front of him.

he doesn't notice i'm even there until i start to unbutton his pants and pull them down. "w- what- what are you doing?" he says, looking down at me. "just keep playing the game," i say softly, "that's what you wanted, right?"

his eyes go wide as i start to pull down his boxers, revealing his dick. i look up at him innocently before pulling my hair back and licking the tip. he lets out a groan and i smirk before taking his length into my mouth. "oh, fuck!" he says, finally i have his attention. "yo, bro are you okay?" i hear through kio's headphones. my eyes go wide and i chuckle, continuing what i'm doing. "i- i'm fine! let's just fi- finish this- this game." he stutters, looking back down at me. he puts one hand down, tugging at my hair and keeps the other hand on the controller.

he came in my mouth, trying his best not to moan. "shit!" he yelled out, leaning his head back in his chair. "kio? what the fuck is going on?" i hear vinnie say. "n- nothing, bro i- i'm fine," he says, watching me in awe as i swallow the liquid and lick my lips. i suck the rest off my fingers, looking up at kio the whole time. "shit, i died! i- i'm gonna go vin, we can play later." he says quickly, before taking off his headphones and throwing the controller to the side. he reaches down and grabs my hips pulling me off the ground, i'm barely standing for two seconds before he lifts me up and throws me onto the bed. "my turn."

- 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲

umm i feel like this is a lot better than my last smut chapter. i was cringing sm while writing it but i'm proud woohooooo. anyways i hope u enjoyed this okay bye <3 i still have lots of inspo so lemme go write more for u guys.

(word count 1,070)

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