Chapter 92: Punished

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Kingdom of Mistral

Oscar's Farm

The opening starts with Oscar sitting on his bed in his room, reading a book by the light of a lantern before he hears his aunt.

The opening starts with Oscar sitting on his bed in his room, reading a book by the light of a lantern before he hears his aunt

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"Oscar, supper's almost ready!" His Aunt called, breaking his concentration.

"What're we having?" Oscar asked.

"Doesn't matter! You're eating it!" His Aunt replied.

"I never agreed to these terms!" Oscar said jokingly.

"It's part of the "living under my roof" contract! Read the fine print, then come wash up!" His Aunt explained.

Oscar closes his book and stands up. He is walking toward the door when a voice resounds, causing him to pause.

"We have to leave." Ozpin stated mentally, only for the exact opposite to happen as Oscar continued to walk towards the door.

"Oscar. Oscar!" Ozpin shouted as Oscar is about to grasp the door handle, but holds back at the last second.

"I've decided you're not real, so you might as well give up." Oscar replied, questioning his sanity a bit as he talked to the voice in his head.

"I understand how you're feeling. I went through the same panic and confusion." Ozpin explained.

Oscar turns around and looks at an open book on the floor. He bends down and shuts it, talking aloud as he puts it and the one next to it away on a shelf.

"It's not real. It's not real. It's not real." Oscar chanted as he stands up and looks at his reflection in the window.

"I can assure you, you are perfectly sane." Ozpin replied with assurance.

"I'm talking to a voice in my head." Oscar countered.

"I didn't say you were normal. I said you were sane." Ozpin replied as Oscar continues heading for the door ignoring him.

"There's quite a significant difference between—" Ozpin began until Oscar shouted.

"Shut up! You think this is funny? It's not." Oscar cried.

"We are in complete agreement on that matter, I promise you. Believe me, I wish this weren't the case. But as I've told you, our Aura, our souls are combined." Ozpin explained.

Oscar looks up at the ceiling without really focusing on anything but clearly showing his disgust.

"I'm done talking to you." Oscar replied.

"Have you ever been to Haven?" Ozpin asked.

"I told you I'm not going, and I told you I'm done listening." Oscar said, showing Ozpin has had this talk before.

"Do you think you could describe the headmaster's office?" Ozpin asked, knowing it's time.

"No. Why would I know that? I've never seen—" Oscar began, but was cut off.

RWBY: Heroes UnitedWhere stories live. Discover now