chapter 11

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Edward's pov 

I push Louis off of me as soon as I realize what's happening. Louis stares at me with a confused look on his face "You will never talk about this you get that! It meant nothing ok slave" I yell at him. He nods quickly and runs out of the room leaving me alone with my thoughts. 

After thinking for a while I get up from the bed with a groan, I know that I didn't have to yell at the boy but we kissed... And I liked it. This just can't be happening. 

I go to Marcel's office in need of the smart guys point of view on this. "Marcie" I knock on the door, no answer. Weird. I open the door to find Harry asleep in the chair behind Marcel's desk with a blanket over him. The weird thing is that the blanket is from the storage room behind the kitchen. "He put it over me if you wondering. I was still kind of awake when he came into here looking for Marcel and when he saw me he ran off but then came back with a blanket. He put it over me while mumbling something about making us happy" Harry smiles softly while wrapping the blanket around his shoulders and getting up. 

"So what are you doing here Eddie?" I look down at my feet "I did something dumb I think" 

"You really did" A voice yells from the other side of the door which causes me to groan. 

"Ron stop eavesdropping and go do your job" I hear her snicker "Will do all mighty captain want me to suck your dick too while I'm at it?" I rip the door open and grab Ron by her throat "Watch it you bitch! I will whip you again" She starts smirking "Will you then also sell me? Or rape me? Or keelhaul me 'Captain' " she practically spits out the captain part. 

"Maybe I should you weak bitch" Her face drops for a second "weak? I will show you weak"  She pulls one of her knifes out and moves it over my hand that is holding her throat leaving behind a nasty cut. 

"Oh you shouldn't have" I pull out my sword with a smirk, she rolls her eyes and also pulls out her sword which still has some blood patches on it. "Come on then Captain" I tale a step forward and swing my sword at her legs but she gracefully jumps over it and kicks me on my hip while doing it making me stumble a tiny bit. 

I take another swing this time to her thigh and this one cut through the flesh of her thigh but she doesn't even flinch. I take another step forward for another swing when I feel myself falling down to the ground "You kicked me in the fucking balls!" she just shrugs and throws away my sword and places her knife in my neck "You know captain! I went to see Louis every night he was always so worried about disappointing you and you must have noticed that ever since Louis is free on this ship that stuff is easier. He gets but at midnight to make sure everyone is asleep and cleans the kitchen and even preps breakfast for Niall, your clothes are always clean and he even takes care of you. Even though you actually killed him! He might have forgiven you but I haven't he doesn't deserve this! And here you are kissing him, giving him hope and then just kicking him in the face all over again. You disgust me Edward." With that the knife gets pulled away and Ron walks off after giving me a disgusted look. 

I see the crew all staring at me with big eyes "Get the work god damn it or I will kill all of you idiots" "Eddie calm down" Harry places a hand on my shoulder as an attempt to calm me down. "No can't you see Harry I'm a horrible human! You heard what Ron said and she's right. I called him a slave again Harry. I-I promised him" a tear escapes my eye which I immediately wipe away. 

"Yeah I must admit that that's really fucking stupid Eddie but you like him right?" Harry asks while pulling me up and guiding me back to our chamber and for the first time I notice that he actually cleaned it and made out bed. "H-he really does clean after us" Harry nods "he told me that he just felt the need to take care of us to show he's worth keeping around" 

I feel even worse after hearing that " oh my I must have made it worse! Harry what do I do?" 

"Talk to him, confess how much you- we care about him" Harry says before leaving to room to do god knows what. 

I've been looking all around for Louis but I'm just unable to find him. I finally decide to check the kitchen finding Zayn, Liam and Niall chilling there and Marcel just reading a book not bothering to look at me "Marcie-" "He's at the pull you jackass" he says without looking up. I nod and give the other boys a look but they look at me with so much anger on their faces, why is everyone so angry? I shrug it off and make my way to the pool. 

I swear you could hear my heart breaking in new England. Sitting there is Louis with a rope loosely tied around his neck and to the pole, he obviously did it himself. I can see tears running down his face and he also took off the shirt I gave to him. 


"Yes master?" 



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