Volume 0 Chapter 8

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Y/n Perspective:
As we kept descending, loud screeches of what I assume are thrall can be heard until we finally reached the ground.

As I get up from my landing, I look around and feel as if I had went back in time.

Y/n: "Wait, I've been here..."

Stranger gives me a confused look

Stranger: "What?"

Y/n: "This place, the Stills, I've been here before, two years ago in my dreams. The night before the town was attacked, I had a strange dream where I woke up right here, and followed what looked like towers of light until I reached the end. From there, I walked through the exit and ended up in another area."

Stranger stared at me with her eyes narrowed.

Y/n: "What do you think that means?"

Stranger: "I...may have an idea..."

Y/n: "What is it?"

She doesn't say anything for a while. Then, shakes her head

Stranger: "There is no use thinking about it now, not here in enemy territory."

*Sigh* She's right, as much as I want to know, I need to keep my head in the game. I can ask these questions later, not when a thrall is sprinkling salt on my body.

Y/n: *Sigh* "You're right, we need to keep our focus."

She nods

Stranger: "Since you've been here before, do you think you can lead us to the exit."

Y/n: "If my memory serves me right, then yeah."

Stranger: "Lead the way."


Dark. It was all dark. I woke up in a dark space, calling out to see if anybody was there. Nothing.

Then, there were whispers. So many whispers, all saying words that I couldn't understand.

Eventually, the words from the whispers began to turn into English. I began listening, all of them saying the same thing.

"It's him"

"He lives"

"The one"

They just kept repeating these words. What do they mean by cursed? Who?
Then suddenly, all of the voices went quiet. It was so quiet I could hear my own heart beat.

Then, a deep voice started talking. Causing me to shake and sweat in fear.

???: "Ah, my greatest creation lives. Shame, I would have enjoyed seeing you form into perfection. But alas, my son will put you out of your misery."

Y/n: "What are you talking about? Who are you?"

???: "It does not matter, this is where your story ends. Goodbye, Y/n Rex.

I then see a hand from a figure reach out from the darkness, a hand that was so unreal, yet familiar. I then saw the figure behind the arm.

 I then saw the figure behind the arm

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