18 - The Yule Ball

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Draco's POV:

        I'm waiting by the doors for Serena. I finally got the courage to ask her to come to the Yule Ball with me and thank god she hasn't said yes to anyone else yet. When I saw her going into the library, I grabbed the chance. And here we are now.

        "Hey, Draco." a voice says behind me. I turn around and I see Serena in a red dress. I am blown away by how great she looks. "W-Wow. You look great." I say. "Thanks!" She beamed.
(This is what she wore: )

          I take her hand and we walk into the Great Hall

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I take her hand and we walk into the Great Hall. Heads turned and everyone stared at us. I knew what they were thinking. What would a Slytherin be doing with a Gryffindor at a ball? We head over to my friends and she didn't mind because she was on pretty good terms with Blaise after the whole macaron thing.

"Draco! What are you doing with her?!" Pansy whines. "She's my date to the ball," I say. "But she's a Gryffindor!" Pansy shrieks. Serena speaks up. "You know I can hear everything you say right? So what if I'm in Gryffindor? So quit acting so high and mighty because if you were that important, you would be Draco's date. But your not." She starts walking away and I follow after her.

"Oh, you look gorgeous!" Professor McGonagall says to Serena with a hint of pride in her voice. "Thanks, auntie," Serena replies with a smile. "Is this who I think it is, Georgie?" Fred asks. "I don't think I know her," George answers teasingly. "Oh, shut up you two," Serena says. Then the Great Hall falls silent again and directs their attention to Krum's date. I look and I don't think it's someone I know. "That's Hermione. I did her hair and makeup." Serena says to the twins, who were just as confused as me. There's no way that that girl is the mudblood Granger. Then, Professor McGonagall called for the champions. As the champions left, tables and food began to appear. "Er, do you want to sit with my friends?" I ask. She raises an eyebrow, "Depends. Blaise, sure. Pansy, no." "We can sit with Blaise and his date," I suggest. She nods and we head over to Blaise's table. His date was wearing a green, knee-length dress. "Nice dress," Serena says to her. "I like yours too!" she says to Serena. "Serena, this is Skylar. She's a Slytherin. Skylar, this is Serena McGonagall." I say.

After a while, Dumbledore got up and told the rest of us to get up too. He waved his wand and the tables disappeared. Now, the Weird Sisters were playing music and people started dancing. I look at Serena who holds out her hand. We dance for a while and I feel like I could do this forever. Diggory comes over and starts talking to Serena. "You sure can dress up," he says. Then in a low voice that I can barely hear, he says, "I figured out the second task. I'll tell you about it later."

"You wanna go somewhere more peaceful?" I ask her, planting a smirk on my face. She nods and lets me guide her. I bring her to the Astronomy Tower. She looks around and lets out a sigh of relief. "Oh, these heels are killing me. I've had them on for hours." She says, slipping them off. I laugh. I notice that it had started snowing outside, so I say, "It's snowing outside for you. The first snow of the year and I get to see it with you." She looks at me and laughs. "Who knew Draco Malfoy has a romantic side?" I pretend to be offended and I say, "I can be very romantic if I want to." "That's good to know," she says. I sit on the floor and look outside. She sits down beside me and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Did you know, I've liked you since I first met you," I say finally. "I'm starting to think I like you back," she mumbles. My heart swells and even though it's freezing, I feel warm inside. She cuddles up next to me and says, "You're not that bad Draco. You're no longer a git." "Am I still handsome?" I ask, thinking back to the day I made her drink a truth potion. "Definetly." she answers in a tired voice. "We should get back." I say, but when I look down, she was already fast asleep.

I wake up and I notice that Serena is still sound asleep, her head in my lap. Shit. I must've fallen asleep too. I try to move a little because my leg were getting sore. She wakes up. Guess she wasn't in a deep sleep. "Draco?" she asks. "Yeah?" "What time is it?" "I don't know. Around ten?" She sits up straight. "Shit. Shit. SHIT. Draco, we have classes now!" she says while panicking. "Yeah, but I'm sure Trelawney wouldn't mind. How about you go to your dorm and get changed? And then we can meet in Care for Magical Creatures." I suggest. She nods, slips on her heels, and hurries back to her dorm.

I walk into my dorm and I change into my robes. I come back down into the common room and Zabbini is there. "Skipping classes again?" I ask. "No, I'm checking on you. Where were you last night?" he asks. "Astronomy tower. I fell asleep there with McGonagall." I say. Zabbini looks at me with wide eyes. "Don't you dare tell anyone about that." I threaten him. "Okay, chill. I didn't think you seriously liked her. I thought it was a joke." he says. I glare at him. "We have Care of Magical Creatures now, let's go." I say, heading out the door. Zabbini obidiently tails behind me.

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