Vote, follow, comment and all that good stuff! Enjoy!"Yukio!" Rin called. His brother looked at him questionably.
"I've been thinking about it, he's gonna come live with us! " Rin smiled. Yukio's eyes went wide.
"It kinda makes sense in a way. I mean, the old man raised us, knowing we were half-demons. So it'd be like returning the favor. From now on, (Y/N), me and the little guy are gonna be a family. So now you're gonna be an uncle! " Rin grinned. Yukio froze.
"Have you completely lost your mind Rin?! " He exclaimed.
"If you're worried about Mephisto, I can take care of him. " Rin smiled. You were blushing furiously at the thought.
"That's not what I'm worried about! " Yukio shouted. Cheng then appeared from the smoke, while wearing a smirk. He then popped a candy into his mouth. You all heard a loud noise, as you looked up you saw a huge demon being devoured by coal tars.
"They're eating it. " Yukio said. Coal tars were then flying all over the place.
"Rin! (Y/N)! " Shiemi called. You all looked over to her direction.
"You found Usamaro! Thank goodness! " She shouted as she ran towards you.
"What's happening with the barrier? " Rin asked.
"Yeah, why are there so many demons out here? " You asked.
"The last I heard, they only got one more to replace. But get this, right now the whole city's being evacuated!" Shiemi exclaimed. You all went wide eyed.
"Everything's being overrun by a hoard of coal tars. They want all the exorcists to meet at Headquarters! " Shiemi said worriedly. Coal tars were flooding the area. You all then began going up the stairs. The city streets were crowded with people and traffic. You grabbed onto Usamaro's sleeve and Rin grabbed your hand. You were all walking towards headquarters. Usamaro was looking around as he noticed a family with a small boy crying.
"Don't cry, you're supposed to be the big brother." The mother smiled. As you were all walking, Yukio noticed two small boys that were about to be attacked.
"Those kids are gonna get swarmed! I'll catch up with you later! " Yukio exclaimed as he ran.
"We're coming with you! " Rin shouted, you nodded.
"Rin! (Y/N)! " Usamaro whined. Rin and you stooped down to Usamaro's level.
"It's cool Usamaro. You go with Shiemi and we'll see ya later, Kay? " Rin smiled while grabbing his shoulders. You nodded as you ruffled Usamaro's hair.
"Yeah, well meet up with you. Take care, Usamaro. " You said as you kissed his forehead.
"Lose the worried face, we'll be fine! " Rin smiled as he pinched his cheeks.
"Take care of him Shiemi." Rin said as he grabbed a hold of your hand and ran towards Yukio.
"Sure. Come on, let's go. " Shiemi said as she took Usamaro's hand and began walking. More coal tars were flooding the area. Over at HQ, everyone was trying to find a way to solve the current situation.
"Come back inside Usamaro. It's dangerous out here. Nee, we're going to need more Una Una." Shiemi said. Usamaro continued looking out the balcony. He saw the entire city being enveloped by the small demons. Usamaro began to climb onto the ledge.
"Usamaro! No! " Shiemi exclaimed. Usamaro had jumped onto the top of a nearby building. As he began to head towards the direction you and the others are in.

I Promise (Rin Okumura x Reader)
FanfictionWhat happens when you and Rin need to take care of a demon together? This story takes place in the Blue Exorcist Movie. *Will be rewritten*