7 - Christmas Break

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Draco's POV:

"Malfoy!" I hear someone yelling my name behind me. I turn around and see McGonagall out of breath from trying to keep up with me. "What?" I ask. "Hold on. Let me catch my breath first." She says. I wait. "Ok. So. Are you staying here for Christmas?" she asks. Does she want to spend time with me? "I haven't decided yet. Why?" I ask. "The project. Neville and I wanted to work on it over the break, but we weren't sure if you and Pansy were staying or not." She says. Oh. The project. "I'll stay to work on the project, but I'm not sure about Pansy," I say. "Right. Pansy. It would be really nice if you can convince her to stay because otherwise, we'll have to reschedule it." she says. "I'll talk to her. When is this thing happening?" I ask. "How about next Thursday in the library. I'll let you know the time," she replies. I nod. "So-" I start before I was rudely interrupted by a Hufflepuff. "McGonagall!" he yells. McGonagall turns around and smiles. "Hi, Cedric!" she says. Then she turns to me and says awkwardly, "Well, I have to go now. Bye."

Serena's POV:

I say goodbye to Draco and head towards Cedric. "Heyyy, Ced." I say. "Nicknames already? What's your nickname?" he asks while laughing. "Er, I've never had a nickname before. People always either called me Serena or McGonagall." I say. "Hm, ok then. No nickname for you then." he says. I laugh. "So, what were you doing with Malfoy?" he asks. "Oh, I have a project I have to work on with him. So I was just asking him when we should start it." I say. "You wanna hang out?" he asks. "Sure! What do you wanna do?" I ask. He thinks for a while, "Wanna go swimming in the lake?" "Are we even allowed in the lake?" I ask. "Sure we are." he says. "Ok then. We'll go." I say slowly. Cedric raises one eyebrow and says, "Why do I feel like there's a but coming?" "But, I'm not getting in the water. I'll just dip my feet in." I say while laughing. Cedric smiles and says, "Fine."

That whole week, I met up with Cedric at the lake and Cedric kept trying to convince me to get in, but I didn't. One weird thing was that whenever I was hanging out with Cedric at the lake, Draco was always there watching from the distance.

It was Thursday, the day before Christmas. I walk into the library with Neville and Draco is already sitting at a table. "So, Pansy bailed?" I ask, pulling out the chair next to him. "I don't know." Malfoy said. "What's this project about again?" he asks. "We have to do a presentation explaining and showing four of the spells from the list. So I was thinking each person should do and explain one." I say."We can start it now and then check each others?" Neville asked. "Yeah. That'll work." I say. "We should all say which one we're doing so we don't accidentally do the same ones." Malfoy says. Wow, so he does have good ideas. "That's a good idea. I'll do accio." I say. "I'll do aguamenti." Neville says. "And I'll do alohomora." Malfoy says. "Started without me?" someone says. "You're late Pansy. We weren't going to wait all day for you. It's a miracle you even showed up." I snap.

"It's Christmas Eve. Who the hell arranges a study session on Christmas Eve?" Pansy says while sitting down next to Draco. I roll my eyes. "Draco, you can explain to her what we're doing." I snap. "Are we going on a first name basis now?" Draco asks, smirking. "I couldn't care less what you call me." I say. "What if I called you babe?" Draco says, showing his famous smirk again. I feel my face turn red as I turn to Neville.

I check the clock. 5:31 p.m. "I think that's all. We've finished most of the stuff anyways." I say. Pansy gets up quickly and leaves. I wait for Neville to finish packing up his stuff. "Wait, McGonagall. Can I speak to you privately?" Malfoy asks. I glance at Neville, who shrugs and then I say, "Okay, I guess." Neville leaves and Malfoy pulls out a tiny box. "This is for you. It's for the ten galleons I owe you from the bet. So I guess we're even now." he says. I look inside the box and I see a pretty gold bracelet with a red and a green charm. "Wow, this is so beautiful. Is the red and green for Gryffindor and Slytherin?" I ask while admiring the gift. "Um, yeah. I guess so." Malfoy mutters. "Thank you." I say. Draco turns to leave. "Draco, wait!" I suddenly say. Draco turns around and raises an eyebrow. I say, "What you said earlier-" "Was a joke." he interrupts. "If that's all, then Merry Christmas. Bye." he finishes and leaves the library.

"Hey Fred! Hey George!" I greet them happily. "Someone seems happy it's Christmas, right Georgie?" Fred says. George and I laugh. "Wanna open our presents together?" I ask. "Sure." George answers. "Okay, I'll go get mine!" I say as I get up and head toward my dorm. I grab my presents and head back down into the common room. Fred and George already have their presents in front of them. "Open mine's first!" I say, handing them each a wrapped present. "Okay, here. Fred and I both contributed." George says, handing the present to me. I open the box excitedly and I see a box full of random items. "Those are all of our successful prank items that haven't even been released to our shop yet!" Fred says. "Wow, that's awesome. Thanks, but you guys are going to have to show me how to use them." I say, giggling. "YOU DID NOT!" George shouts. "What?" I ask. "LOCK PICKERS! WE CAN BREAK INTO FILCH'S OFFICE NOW!" Fred shouts. "I was worried you guys wouldn't like it because you guys can use alohomora. Guess I worried for nothing." I say. "Oh, Filch had Flitwick put some charm on his office door so we couldn't open it with alohomora. We were wondering how we could sneak in without breaking a window or door for a while now." George says. "Thanks Serena!" Fred says.

I open the rest of the presents. Ron got me chocolate frogs. Hermione gave me a baking book and Harry gave me a baking apron. My parents sent me a letter saying that their gift was too big to tansport so they kept it at home for me to use during the summer.

"Who gave you that?" George asks, eyeing the bracelet on my wrist. "Draco. Why?" I ask. "Malfoy?!? Maybe Fred's suspicions are right." George exclaims. "What suspicions?" I ask, now confused. "I think that Malfoy fancies you. I mean, he's always staring at you in the Great Hall and he always seems to be near you!" Fred says like it's the obvious thing in the world. "There is no way the Slytherin Prince would fancy me!" I say. "I don't knowww." George teases. "I'm going to give Cedric my gift." I say, picking up a gift wrapped in Hufflepuff colors.

I walked out the portrait hole and see Cedric already standing there. "Hey Ced. I was just heading out to look for you!" I say. "Oh I was waiting for you. The Fat Lady wouldn't let me in." he says. "Oh. Were you waiting long?" I say while heading down the stairs. "Not really. I got you a present." he says, handing me a box. "And for the future, in case of emergency, the password is Fortuna Major." I whisper. I give him my present. "Bet you've never had macarons before. It's a muggle desert. Made them myself." I say proudly. He takes one and eats it. "Wow, this is really good. Really sweet." he says, chewing slowly. I open the present he gave me. A book about Quidditch. "Thought you might need it when cheering me on next week." he says. "Wow, this is great." I say while quickly flipping through the book. "Glad you like it. I didn't know you liked cooking." he adds. "Well, I really like baking. Fred and George snuck me into the kitchens to make the macarons. They might've ate a few." I laugh. "Wanna do the usual?" he asks. I nod.

We're at the lake and Cedric is in the water. I'm sitting at the bank with my feet in the water. Then someone walks up behind me and says, "Enjoying pool time with Diggory?" "Leave us alone, Malfoy." I snap. "Is that your friend?" Cedric asks. "More or less. It's more on the less side." I say. Malfoy rolls his eyes and says, "Try not to drown her, Hufflepuff."

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