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Y/n pov

It had been a while since I was captured by them. I cant tell what they are, but they dont seem human. After all, humans aren't stupid enough to use a human as bait, to draw out the dragons. It's suicide! Not only would they most likely kill the person their using as bait, they would kill the person, or people. If the girl was pretty, the dragons would carry her off somewhere, and my village noticed that, so attractive girls were taught how to fight most, along with survival skills. speaking of survival skills...

I grabbed the chains above my head, and lifted myself and turned myself around, planting my feet on the wall. I noticed something interesting. They're chained with a lock, not only around my wrists, but also at the top. If I can climb up, I can not only get free, I can have a weapon to defend myself. My knapsack is in the corner of the room, out of my reach. Yes I have a bow and arrows, and daggers, but those will run out eventually, while I can whip with the chains, and dont have to worry about running out.  There's about 2 feet of chain, and its easy to climb up. I just have to be careful. If I fall, it'll break my wrists, then I'll be stuck. But I'm gonna try. 

I climb up so I'm semi leveled with the top locks, and feel around in my pockets. Did they take it? I feel around, and my hand finds what I'm looking for. Perfect! I have a small lock picking tool I made when I was 10/11. It works wonders, and doesn't look like much. They must have thought it was junk, and left it. I pull it out of my pocket, and slide it into the first lock. It takes me a few seconds, but I hear the lock 'click'. I smile to myself, knowing I got it. I pull the lock and it comes off. I do the same to the other, and I fall to the ground. It's not a bad fall, just a few feet, but it still hurt. I get up, and run over to my knapsack. Nothings missing. Good.

Because I'm breaking out. 

I wrap the chains around my arms, and go to the door. I pick the lock on the door, and place my lock picking tool back in my pocket. I look out the window in my cell. Nobody's near. Now's my chance! I open the door, closing it behind me, so people will walk by thinking I'm still in, and I run. I run until I find I'm on the roof of the place I'm in. I had a few run ins with some species, but I couldn't recognize them immediately. I beat them and kept running. When I got to the top I saw something horrid. The land was covered in fire, lava and magma, any trees were dead, burnt shrubs. The air smelt strongly of fire, smoke, sulfur and brimstone, and the sky was a deep crimson red. I knew then where I was. I was in the demons territory. 

It was worse than I imagined! Almost everything was either dead, or on fire. The air was sour, and foul, and that explained why they wanted me. Demons and dragons had been at war for centuries! Demons knew how dragons liked taking pretty girls, this was a lure for them. I was a hostage for the demons. Like hell I'd let that happen. I noticed some people walking in the distance, and from what I could see, they were armed. I waited, to see what they would do. 

The demons didn't seem to notice the people on attack until they were halfway through their territory, then charged, but it was very clear that they were unprepared. They started fighting, when I saw someone familiar. 

It was the dragon king, Bakugou.

If he's here, then these must be the dragons! I'm in the middle of a battle between the dragons and the demons! I need to get out of here, so I make a break for it. I look at the fall, and see it's about a 100 foot drop. If I jump, I'll die, but I look around. I have some arrows, and I go for it, and hope for the best. I jump. I fall to the hill area of the fall, and dig it into the hillside, slowing down my fall, and I came to a complete stop 5 feet off the ground. I left the arrow, and dropped down, landing on my feet. The fall hurt a little, but I ran. I was almost out of the territory, fighting the demons who were in my way with the chains. I was at the border, when I felt a sharp pain in my leg. My eyes went wide, and I turned around to see a arrow in my leg. I see a demon soldier with a crossbow. His crossbow is loaded again. He fires, the arrow landing right in my stomach. My eyes went wide, and blood gushed from the wound. The last thing I saw before I passed out, was someone running at me, but I didn't see their face. 

After that, everything went black.

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