Part 22: The Minister

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I am the Minister of Magic.

I speak for justice.

I speak for truth.

I speak for the purity and innocence of humanity.

Yes, I am the Minister.

The one who goes beyond for her country.

The one who dictates right from wrong.

The one who makes the final decisions.

Yes, I am the Minister.

And I fight for what's right.

And I make sure everything's fair.

And I won't rest until the job is done.

I am the Minister.


"Anyone?" I call the everyone in the building as I look over Draco's pathetic form. Rage has long since consumed me. Frustration, he has implanted into my soul. Yet loyalty to him beckons me back always. "All opposed?"

No one says anything and I don't know if it is because they are nervous to voice their opinions in front of me or because they don't have one. Finally someone speaks.

"I...I am opposed." I turn and Harry steps forward from behind the pillar. "Minister, what you've said is true. Mr. Malfoy is guilty of all those charges...but all of you here in this room- just witnessed him singlehandedly end a war- that we as Aurors and politicians have been trying to do for months now. I know fully well that Mr. Malfoy is the least reliable when it comes to fairness and justice. But in his current actions, I would say it is more unjust punishing him- than it would be putting him in Azkaban or killing him. He's changed. For the better I believe. So I find him not guilty on all accounts- And I plead for his return to the Magic a Ministry member."

I try to hold back my smile as Harry finishes.

"Anyone opposed to Mr. Potter's plea? " I ask and no one says anything.

"Well, Mr. Malfoy- it seems you have once more found an ally. As Minister of Magic- I am required to take all statements and facts into consideration before making my final decision." As I say this, I can hear everyone inhale sharply- waiting for the fate of the man before them to be determined. "I, Hermione Jean Granger, Minister of Magic- hereby find you- Draco Lucius Malfoy...innocent upon all charges and would personally like to welcome you back to magic realm. Don't make me regret my decision."

I extend my hand and he takes it. Looking deep into my eyes, he seem surprised at my decision. Nodding my head, I release his hand and head towards my office. I watch as Ron furrows his brows as he slinks away back towards his office. He needs to grow up. Getting to the elevator, I put in my code and it rises to my office. Stepping out, I take a moment to myself.

That could have gone worse. More of my people could've been killed. Draco- could've been killed. I'm so glad he had a plan, but that Magic....those spells he knows- they...they scare me. Duplicating people, transfiguration like that- evaporating a huge amount of people. Mass control...what was all that and more importantly- how does he know it. I know it isn't uncommon for wizards and witches to learn how to create their own spells, but no wizard or witch alive would be able to make any of those in such a short amount of time.


Turning around, I find Draco standing just inside my office entry way. His black attire against my white office makes him seem even more pale.  I know what he wants.

His wand.

A wand I broke several laws to obtain.

A wand that could and has destroyed a lot of people.

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