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I pushed through the brush, following Hawk's signal. Anakin walked behind me with Rex and a squad of his own clones.

"I can handle this on my own." I had protested.

"I'm not going to take that risk." He had reasoned. "Besides, I can't let you get all the glory."

We trekked through the thick forest. The base was located about thirty clicks from the outpost. It was sure to be well-guarded.

We met Hawk on the edge of the trees by a low hill. "That's not a hill." He explained. "They camouflaged the base. The front door is on the other side and seems to be the only way in. No droids outside."

"Which means they're all waiting for us inside." I deduced.

"Most likely." Hawk confirmed.

I thought for a moment. "Was Tech able to get the blueprints from the droids data base?"

As if on cue, Tech approached from among the trees. "Unfortunately, no. Everything was encrypted. If I messed around too much with its circuits, the security system would've fried him."

I nodded. "Looks like we're doing this the hard way."

Anakin smirked. "You mean the fun way."

I rolled my eyes. "We'll take point and cover the clones once Tech gets the door open. Then it's just a matter of getting to the reactor, which will be difficult without knowing the layout of the base."

"My guess is it'll be near the center of the building." Tech suggested. "That way it would have the most protection from an attack."

I nodded. "Alright. Hawk gather the men. We have a base to take down."
"Cameras." Tech pointed out the device mounted above the door. "As soon as we go for the door, they'll know we're here."

I grinned. "Which means, they'll probably open the door for us." I looked at Anakin, who nodded to say that he was ready. "Okay, boys." I gripped my lightsabers. "Follow me."

We charged towards the door. As expected, the doors opened and droids came flooding out.

"Well, they saw us." I deflected a bullet away from Hawk and back into the droid.

"We can take 'em." Kickback mowed down a dozen droids with his machine gun.

I deflect bolt after bolt back at the incessant droids. "I don't doubt that."

The droids had circled us, which made the cover I provided almost useless. I leapt into the crowd of droids, slicing them cleanly in half and chopping through their skinny necks. Anakin had followed my lead, single-handedly taking on a squadron of droids. When the chaos subsided, our group stood over the scrapped remains of almost a hundred droids. We walked towards the still-open door.

Anakin and I led the way into the hall.

"This is where the fun begins." Anakin's voice echoed down the hall.

As if they'd heard him, three destroyers rolled into view. They stopped, shields raised, facing down the corridor towards us.

I raised my lightsabers. "You just had to say something, didn't you."

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