im here

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* In the O.R *

No ones POV:

We put her under, and started, Meredith and Link went down to check up on everyone else.
" suction " Jo said
Jackson was helping Jo, and teddy was monitoring her heart amelia went in to check on a post-op patient and she said that she will get a head C.T later on but if she gets a blown pupil page her immedietly.
After 10 minutes, she started to go into V-FIB. "starting compressoins"  Teddy said, and then all of the electriciy went out,and everything was dark and then the monitors came back on but not the  . They luckily packed extra flash lights from the last time that this happened. Jackson ran and got the flash lights and handed one to all the O.R nurses. Jackson got the paddles, " CHARGE TO 270, CLEAR!, CHARGE TO 310, CLEAR! " Jackson yelled as teddy is starting comprressions again. * flatlines *.
* Amelia walks in * " oh no..." amelia says as she looks at us. " CHARGE TO 350, CLEAR!, ONE MORE TIME TO 400! CLEAR!" Jackson yelled. They all looked at Alexis, Tedfy started compressions to see if anything changes.
They all stopped as the flatline monitor kept beeping. Jackson grabbed her hand and whispered "come back, come back, come back" to her. Jo looked at Amelia then at Teddy.
Teddy opened her mouth and said " Time of death 22:45pm. " she said as aggresivly droping all her stuff and ripping off her mask. Amelia, Jo and Jackson all stood there in scilence.

POV: Alexis
I passed out while they were rolling me.
I was in a dark corner, and there was this light, a big bright shinny light, and a hand, it was like it was reaching out for me, to come and save me from the dark.
I heard a familiar voice, it was sweet and soft, the kind of voice that made me feel safe. " mommy? ! whispered feeling a light wind pushing me up, like I have wings. I saw her face and it made me so happy, then a bunch of other people came and stood behind her. " MOMMY!, IM HERE " I couldnt run,
" You cant move untill they called time of death on you, baby " she said with tears coming down her eyes.
I felt electricity going through my body. I know what what Jackson was going through his mind. We were close, We were together for about 6 or 7 months I  think. It felt like we knew eachother for 1 year now.
And finally i heard Teddy's voice, Time of death and i was free,
I ran tumbling and gave my mom a big hug. " Im here, im here" i said to her while crying my tears out.
I heard my brothers voice, " alexis, is that you?" he said ias i ran to him then my dad, grandparents and i jumped when i saw my best friend Angie.
I was so happy, I forgot what happiness felt like and I cant belive that I was here, I was finally here with my family.

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