1x13: The Parting Ways

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Sage, Jack and the Doctor all stood at the control panel of the TARDIS, with their hands moving over the controls.

"We've got incoming!" Jack yelled.

Suddenly, a Dalek missile strikes the TARDIS, making the Doctor and Sage grab onto the control panel to keep holding on, but nothing happens.

"The extrapolator's working. We've got a fully functional forcefield. Try saying that when you're drunk." Jack explained.

"And for our next trick." Sage muttered, as she pressed a few buttons and suddenly, the TARDIS comes to a stop. Sage walked over to the doors and opened it. "Rose, get down! Get down, Rose!" She shouted.

Rose ducked down and Jack comes from behind Sage.


The Dalek fired but missed both Sage and Jack, so Jack brought out a modified Defabricator and took out the Dalek.

"You did it!" Rose shouted as she ran towards Sage and hugged her tightly. "Feels like I haven't seen you in years."

"I told you we'd come and get you." Sage whispered to Rose, in her ear.

"Never doubted it." Rose said, letting Sage go.

"I did. You alright?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Not bad, been better."

"Hey, don't I get a hug?" Jack asked, pouting as he walked towards the women.

"Oh, come here!" Rose laughed as she pulled him in for a hug.

"I was talking to Sage." He joked, but was hit lightly in the chest by Rose. He hugged her anyway. "Welcome home."

"Oh, I thought I'd never see you again." She said, pulling away to see the Doctor waiting in the TARDIS doorway. She ran to him and hugged him.

"Oh, you were lucky. That was just a one-shot wonder. Drained the gun of all it's power supply. Now, it's just a piece of junk." Jack mumbled as they all walked into the TARDIS and shut the door.

"You said, they were extinct. How come they're still alive?" Rose asked.

"One minute they're the greatest threat in the Universe and the next they vanish out of time and space." Jack adds.

"They went off to fight a bigger war." Sage said. "The Time War."

"I though that was just a legend?" Jack asked, surprised.

"Sage and I were there. The war between the Daleks and the Time Lords, with the whole creation at stake. Our people were destroyed, but they took out the Daleks with them. We almost thought it was worth it." 

"Now, it turns out they died for nothing." Sage finished off for the Doctor.

"There are thousand of them now. We could hardly stop one. What're we doing to do?" Rose asked.

"No good stood around her chin wagging. Human race, you'd gossip all day. The Daleks have got the answers. Let's go and meet the neighbours." The Doctor said, walking out of the TARDS, followed by Sage.

"You can't go out there!" Rose shouted, worried.

"Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!"

The group of Dalek's shot at the two last Time Lords but the rays are stopped by the forcefield extending from the TARDIS.

"Is that it? Useless! Nul points. It's alright, come on out. That forcefield can hold back anything." The Doctor explained.

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