Chapter 6

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Thankfully, that day was a Saturday so they got to spend the whole day cuddling in bed. Kuroo taking it easy also kept Kenma less worried. They ended up falling asleep after watching Netflix and eating junk food all day, practically in the same spot that they had been in the whole day.

At 5am, Kenma suddenly woke up to loud, dry coughing coming from Kuroo's side of the bed. It was muffled, as if Kuroo was trying to suppress it. As Kuroo was coughing, he realized Kenma was awake and, desperately, he said

"Help- I- I cant breath-"

Kenma, who was scared and had no idea what was going on as he just woke up, got a burst of adrenaline and in that time, he thankfully called 911. They came after 5 minutes and helped Kuroo out in an ambulance with a ventilator, Kenma still by his side.


Next thing they knew, Kuroo was in a hospital bed and Kenma was sitting next to the bed, leaned over and sleeping on his crossed arms. All Kuroo could think about in the moment was how Kenma had to help him, he was probably worried and that was the last thing Kuroo wanted.

When Kenma woke up, Kuroo was leaning back in his bed, staring out the window at Spring, there were flowers blooming outside, as well as trees with beautiful blossoms.

Kenma nudged Kuroo's leg with the top of his head and smiled faintly at Kuroo, even in such a situation he managed to be as beautiful as ever. Kuroo looked back down at Kenma and returned the small smile, Kenma looked much more comfortable than he was last night, hopefully his tiredness can cloud the truth for as long as possible. None the less, Kenma's hair looked so soft, even though he just woke up. Kuroo couldn't help but run his fingers through it, he had to take advantage of the time he still has.

Kenma was surprised by this sudden action by Kuroo, but it was oddly nice and relaxing. He just closed his eyes and felt Kuroo's hand go through his hair and it was like that could go on for an eternity.

This perfect moment was quickly shut down by a doctor walking in. Kenma looked embarrassed, but at this point he was more worried for what was to come than if the doctors saw how they were dating.

"Good morning, I hope you guys are doing ok. I have some bad news for you Kuroo... do you want your friend to stay to listen too?"

"Sure, whatever you tell me he can hear too, you don't have to ask that again but that you for your consideration!"

"Of course, it's just policy, but, there's no better way to put it, Kuroo, you're gonna have to stay here in the hospital until we can cure you. Your condition is getting worse faster than we anticipated, there are some treatments that may work for someone in as good a shape as you but I'm afraid you will have to stay here. I'm so sorry."

Kuroo and Kenma were speechless. To Kenma, he was nervous about Kuroo's conditions. How much time did he really have left? He never got a solid answer. And what's this about a cure? He was riddled with questions.

For Kuroo, all he heard from that is he will never be able to show up at Kenma's door again, never be able to go to dinner or sit by him on his bed while he did homework.

To be blunt, they were both devastated. This bad news was sure to be the first of many bad things coming from this hospital, and neither of them wanted to be here, even if they knew it was for the best.

"Thank you for letting us know. Is there anything else you need to tell us?" Kuroo suddenly sounded cold, it's almost like that time back in the car, like he didn't even try to be his charismatic self.

"That's all, I'll let you guys have some time alone."

Once she left the room, they just looked at each other, tears starting to well in both of their eyes. At once, the both broke down into tears and Kuroo fell into Kenma's lap and they just cried.

Kenma who was now sitting on the bed with Kuroo held Kuroo's head in his lap and just cried silently with him.

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