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You hadn't seen your cousins in a while. Come to think of it, you hadn't seen them since halfway through your pregnancy. This meant that you were very excited for them to meet Ethan and Arthur.

They had all grown up a lot: Charlotte was now sixteen and was the dictionary definition of a typical teenager.

Chloe was fourteen but, unlike her older sister, was still excitable and enthusiastic about everything.

Abigail had just turned twelve but looked so very young for her age that you found it hard to believe.

Finally, there was the new addition the family, Matilda, who was nearly three.

You were all meeting at Bondi. This included your Aunt, your Uncle, your cousins, Harrison, Chappo, the twins and yourself.

You hoped the weather would hold up as you weren't quite sure if all eleven off you could squeeze into your moderately small apartment.

"You ready Christopher?" You asked Chappo who had arrived earlier at you apartment to assist in getting the boys ready because he knew how much of an ordeal the task could be.

"Oh gosh please don't get me started on that." He sighed, rolling his eyes before taking Arthur from you so you could put you jumper on.

"I won't. I've made that mistake before!" You laughed.

"I thought maybe they'd forget to tell Matilda, but nope!" He responded.

"You know two years ago when we all spent Christmas together?" You enquired.

"Yep..." Chappo responded.

"Harrison.... refers to that as.... Christophermas!" You stumbled over your words as you laughed.

"What did I do to deserve the 'chap-eyes'?" Harrison asked you brother after he entered the room to be met by Chappo's stare.

'Christophermas.' You mouthed to your husband.

"Come on Chap you have to admit it's pretty damn funny. I was so proud of that wasn't I baby?" He questioned you to which you nodded in response.

"I'm only joking! That is brilliant!" Chappo laughed and a look of relief spread over his features.

"Shall we go?" You enquired, taking Ethan from Harrison. You thought it was so odd how, since having the twins, it felt weird not having a baby in your arms.

"Yep!" Chappo agreed before opening the door with his baby free hand.


You had been at the beach with your family for around an hour now. After playing with the twins, the three older girls had gone for a swim (between the flags as their three lifeguard relatives had ordered them). Chappo and your uncle were talking about this program on TV they were both really into and finally, your Aunt was holding an exausted Arthur whilst you, Harrison and Matilda were entertaining Ethan.

It was so cute how Matilda had so many questions about the babies. She was so curious and simply adorable.

"How does he reach?" She enquired with her eyes fixated on Ethan.

"Reach what?" You asked.

"The sink when he washed his hands after he uses the potty." Matilda explained and you and Harrison both had to restrain yourselves form laughing at the small child's enquiry. 

"Well Ethan is a baby so he doesn't use the potty, he uses a nappy." Harrison informed her and she responded with a disgusted face. Her features soon lit up as an ide a popped into her head.

"Don't worry (y/n) and Harrison, I can teach him!"

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