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- Edited -

Everyone in the crowd started cheering and clapping, and of course I was crying non stop. I did it, I finally came clean.
I smiled widely at the audience and took the mic again.

My hands were shaking but I didn't care. To see that standing audience in front of me had taken my breath away.

"Thanks so much for listening. And thank you James for giving me this space, I love you man."

James came to where I was standing and pulled me in a hug. When he separated from the hug he took the mic.

"Please give it up for Harry Styles everybody!"


I returned to the dressing room still feeling the excitement from the previous event, I wasn't crying anymore, but still I felt the emotion in my skin.
I sat down, trying to catch my breath a bit, and turned my phone on again. I wanted to see the repercussions, I wanted to see if it had worked.

First thing that appeared on the screen were several messages from Louis.


"What is happening?"

"Harry, please answer me."

"Don't be impulsive!"

"No, Harry please don't."

"What are you doing?!"

"Harry, don't."

"OMG, what did you do?"

"Harry, we need to talk."

"Ok, please come home now."

"I need to talk to you."

"I'm not mad, ok?"

"I'm actually so fucking proud of you right now."

"But please come home."

"Hazz, I know you're reading this messages."


"What is going to happen after this?"

"It scares me."

"Do you have anything else planned?"

"Harry answer me."

"God, I hate you."

I smiled at that last message and responded to it.

"No, you don't."

"And yes, I'll be home tonight."

"Don't panic."

"I'll explain everything to you."

I entered Twitter and everything was burning, It made me glad to see that Niall and Liam had tweeted something, supporting me on my speech earlier.
A lot of people of the industry were also showing their support. It was a nice feeling.

James entered my dressing room minutes later. He was as excited as me. He hugged me once more and we talked a bit.
After that I needed to head home and face my husband. I knew it was going to be a long night.

I changed my clothes and called a taxi to take me home.

When I got into the house, Louis surprised me by taking my cheeks and pulling me into a passionate kiss.
When he took some distance from my lips he whispered.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too. But I thought you wanted to talk." - I said with a smile on my face.

"Yes, we'll get to that."

With that said he wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in my neck, pecking on my skin sweetly. I surrounded him with my arms and started making traces in his back over the fabric of his shirt, and somehow it felt like everything was going to be fine anytime soon. Just me and him, like the old times.

His arms were now around my neck, running his fingers through my hair and keeping me close.

I gave in when I nuzzled my nose against his neck and breathed in his scent. This was all I ever needed.

Eventually we separated from the each other and he pulled me by my wrist to the living room to sit down on the couch.

"Tell me everything, leave no details behind."

"Sure." - I took some seconds to think how to start. - "the night I read those papers I knew we couldn't live like that and we needed a way out. So I burnt my head thinking until I had an idea. The contract said that we couldn't speak, right? " - Louis nodded - "but they wrote everything like we were united, as in one person. The contract said that WE couldn't talk as a couple. But they didn't say we couldn't talk separately. Therefore, I could do it on my own.
I talked to my lawyer and sent him a copy of the contract, I was right, Lou. But, he also gave me the advice to read, instead of only speak, because it'd be more excusable. The contract didn't say anything about reading, did it?"

"You're a genius, baby."

"I didn't finish." - I laughed. - "But thanks. I already knew that."

"I take back what I said, you are an asshole. Continue."

I laughed and took his hand in mine, kissing his palm sweetly.

"Ok, so when I got the letter done I started calling people, who I knew would help me, because they care about you and me. Almost everyone was on board when I explained the plan to them. My goal always was to expose them, and to ask them for a price to all our rights, a logic one. And I'm sure that after all of this they will want to sell everything to us, so we stop making bad publicity to them. So, to sum up, a lot of people were involved, I organized it. And now we have to wait for them to call us, so we can settle a price. Because I'm sure they are going to offer that."

"What do I have to do? I want to help, I feel like you've done all on your own."

"I'm sorry I left you out. You don't have to do anything. Just sit and wait, Lou."

He leaned towards me and pecked my lips.

"I love you, Harry."

"And I love you." - I said.

I cupped his jaw in my hands and joined our lips into a deep and longed-for kiss.

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