You Might Be Surprised

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Erwin Smith, Hange and Mike surrounded the house, listerning in to what was happening inside. They heard how Levi took down the other solders with ease. Hange winced as she smelt Gareth James's blood, knowing that he was most probably been killed... 

They had promised to protect him but she knew that had been a lie just to get him to copporate with them without using any force. 

Mike looked impressed at what he was hearing "You're right, he is good" 

Erwin nodded curtly back, knowing he had made the right choice. A small smile appearing on his face. 

They waited for Levi to step out of the shop. 

"Will he come quitly?" Hange hoped. 

Erwin said, his eyes narrowing "No, he'll put up a fight, I know his type" 

He turned to Mike, ordering "When he comes out I want you to test him, use your human strength only. I want to see how strong he is. I'll step in if I need to" 

Mike snorted, rolling his eyes "Like you'll need to" 

Erwin smiled, that sly smile of his as he said just as Levi stepped outside of the shop, knife in hand "You might be suprised" 

Mike looked more focused as he fixed his gaze on Levi and jumped from the top of the roof, landing almost right in front of Levi, drawing his two swords. 

He caught Levi by suprise, the street rat dropped his knife as Mike used his strength to push the young man to the ground. 

Mike's eyes widened in suprise as Levi gave him a strong rough shove, pushing the taller and heavy man from him then scrambling for his knife. 

Mikes eyes narrowed as he went for him with his swords, aimning to knock him out but Levi was expecting this and with a strong angle of the wrist and his dagger, Mikes left sword was sent flying. 

Another suprise. 

Mikes lips curled into a snarl, there was no way this human kid was getting the best of him!

Levi flipped the knife in his hand to face correctly and went for Mike, aiming to kill. 

A look of raw rage and determination and something else on his face that shocked Mike, that can't be...

The look in Levi's eyes distracted enough for Levi's knife to find his weak spot, slamming into the left side of his chest. 

Mike's eyes widened in pain and suprise. 

Levi stepped back in pure shock when Mike didn't go down like a normal human would...Just stood there... 

Levi looked at him suspisiosly  but before he could think more into what had happened he was suddenly slammed into one of the houses walls, a force so strong Levi had to blink stars from his eyes to focus again and struggled getting up. 

He tensed in shock at what that powerful force was. 

Commander Erwin Smith stood in front of him. 

Erwin looked Levi up and down, taking in everything that he'd unable to see far away or from the pictures. 

He was shorter than expected. He was caked in blood that was not his own. A odd deep fresh cut on his cheek, Erwin wondered if Mike had got him by accident.  An almost animalistic look in his eyes. He looked lean but a tad on the thin side and his face more gaunt looking, only the efforts of past starvation. 

And his skin very pale and sickly, the affects of not seeing any sun light all his life. 

Though despite all these flaws... 

Erwin was impressed. 

"Levi, we've gone so much trouble to meet you. I'm Commander Erwin Smith" Erwin stated. 

"I know who you fucking are!" Levi all but snarled. 

His eyes flickering from Erwin to Mike then Hange who were behind Erwin, looking ways to escape, not really liking his chances if a fight broke out. 

Erwin raised his eyebrows at his attitude, that defiantly needs sorting out he thought. 

Levi was backed up into a corner, his heart thudding hard with adrenaline, his flight or fight instincs kicking in, something about these people around him made these instincs even more dominating inside him. 

He ignored them, mainly to the fact he still had no idea which one to do. 

Fight or try and make a run for it?

Both were tempting and not tempting at the same time. 

But he decided to ask the burning question on his mind before he decided what to do, he needed the answer!

"What do you want from me?!" Levi snapped. 

Erwin leaned down to Levi's hight a little bit then said smiling "I'm glas you asked..." 

Levi decided right then he defiantly did not like the look in Erwins eyes....

The meeting of Erwin and Levi finally.

Hi please let me know what you think in the comments below or vote? It would mean ever so much to me. Hope you all had a good day :D

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