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We've all grown up too fast.

The people who like to blame the technology
They like to blame the wells of unending information at our very fingertips

But we know deep down that isn't it.

When we're caught doing something, there's always one phrase that comes up.

"They're just a kid!"

As if we don't think about what we do before we do it
As if we don't know right and wrong

As if we're blind.

On the walk home with a tainted mind
Swimming with false facts and horrible emotions

I realized something.

Yeah, we're kids.

We're kids who know about murder and rape.

We're kids who're raised by alcoholic families.

We're kids who get battered and bruised by the ones they love.

We're kids who long for the feeling of a razor blade.

We're kids that fall in love too deep.

We're kids who want to know the feeling of a rope around our throats.

We're kids who know the bad of the world from an early age.

That's a curse, if anything.

But we're also kids who know the beauty of the world.

We know what love is. We know how to treat people right. We know what's right and wrong because we've seen so much wrong from the people who raised us that it's hard not to see it.

We see it.

We're not blind.

We're kids that know.

We're kids with wisdom.

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