[34] Call

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"Who is this?"

Silence follows over the line, making Aido and Takuma look at each other in confusion. Why isn't Niko answering?

"OI?" The angry male voice calls over the phone. "Is this one of those prank calls?"

Silence again, apart from a small noise that comes from Niko's end. The male obviously takes in a large breath of shock, not expecting what he heard.

"Niko?" He much calmer this time, his voice immediately softer, almost sounding like a different person. "Niko is that you?"

Silence again.

"Niko where are you?" They make sounds a little desperate, as if he has spent the last two weeks searching for her relentlessly, he probably has.

Aido looks over to Takuma and raises his eyebrows, wondering who it is. Takuma pulls a piece of paper across Kaien's desk and scribbles on it.

Ayato, the cheating boy.

Aido nods, realisation flashing across his features.

"Niko if you tell me where you are I can come to get you," Ayato says, calmer than before.

Silence once again no sound comes through the phone for a while, everyone is slightly confused by the silence from Niko's end.

"Who are you talking to?" A third voice comes over the phone that makes everyone suck in a deep breath.

Did Niko get caught? Or was it Ayato?

"No one, Hinami," Ayato says away from the phone a little.

"Who's on the phone?"

"No one Hinami, leave me alone."

The line went silent.

"Niko?" Ayato asks into the phone, confusion obvious in his voice.

The line goes dead, a loud beeping sound travelling through the line and onto each end. Aido's eyes go wide.

"Hinami was the girl that Niko was complaining about, maybe he is cheating on her!" He exclaims, looking at Takuma.

"That is a possibility, but it would seem instead of making Niko happier I've upset her more." Takuma sighs.

"You didn't upset her Takuma, Ayato did." Kaien places the phone down, crossing his arms slightly. "At least we know that Niko isn't telling people where she is. So she isn't lying to us. We got two good things out of this."

"Takuma, I would appreciate it if next time you would just ask," Kaname says to his friend, making said friend sweatdrop a little.

"Ahe, yes Kaname. I'm sorry."


I sigh and put the phone down, walking out of the office and closing the door quietly. We have class soon and I need to make it look as if I haven't been sobbing hysterically on the phone at my boyfriend.

I can't believe he is with Hinami, bleh. Little bitch ruining the moment. As if I'm going to talk to Ayato when there is a chance that little shit is listening in to our conversation. I huff and head to my dorm so I can wash my face and clean myself up a little bit.

Maybe I'll wear my hair down to cover my face a little, that might be a good idea. I can move my fringes in front of my eyes a little. I sigh loudly again. I forgot I even had fringes, I always do.

I enter my dorm and head straight for the bathroom. I stare in the mirror for a moment before turning the tap on and splashing the freezing water onto my face. I shiver slightly at the feeling but just keep doing it and so the blood rushes from my face and then back to it so the colour of my face evens out.

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