5 || acid fog

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I WASN'T ABLE TO GET MUCH SLEEP. My mind was racing. I was exhilarated to be on the ground, but my mind was plagued with worries of whether I would ever see my friends on the Ark again. In the very scarce time I was able to get some sleep, I was burdened with nightmares. I would get them on the Ark sometimes, too. It was always of my parents, telling me how everything — their deaths, was my fault. Then I would see them getting sucked into space, and my mind would force myself awake. 

I gave up on rest after a few attempts, and decided to go outside, where the sun was beginning to rise. I looked around, and saw a few delinquents sleeping next to the fire, and others getting started on building the wall. Many of the Hundred were having trouble sleeping because of Jasper's constant painful moaning and groaning. I didn't care, though. He could groan all he wants as long as he didn't die. I finally spotted a familiar face, Murphy, throwing knives at a tree.

"Hi, Murphy," I skipped up to him.

He seemed somewhat startled by my voice, before looking down and realising it was me. "Oh. Hey, kid," He greeted. "How come you're up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep," I pursed my lips.

"Nightmares?" I nodded. "Don't worry, kid, I used to get them too," He comforted.

Murphy seemed like a nice boy. Around his friends he acted all high and mighty but around me, he was gentle and kind. I think he's scared. Scared of something. I just don't know what. Himself? Failure? I'm not sure, and I don't really want to pry.

Jasper's painful groaning could be heard throughout the whole camp, he was driving people insane. I didn't care though- as long as he doesn't die, he can groan all he wants.

"You got any family up on the Ark?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

"None. My parents got floated and I got locked up. You?" I responded. Of course I had Sinclair and Raven, but he was asking about blood relatives.

"My dad got floated and my mom..." He seemed like he was trying to find the right words. "...lets just say she didn't take my father's death very well. She died."

I pursed my lips, feeling sorry for the boy. 

"You should tell Bellamy," Murphy randomly said, swapping the subject. 

"About your parents dying?" I scrunched my brows, confused. 

"About your nightmares," He elaborated. "He cares about you. A lot. Maybe he can help."

"Oh... Yeah, maybe I will," I replied. "I'm really sorry about your parents."

I felt bad for Murphy, I know what it's like not having parents. "Wanna give it a shot?" Murphy offered his small knife to me, switching the subject.

I shrugged. "Sure."

"Now what you're gonna wanna do is hold it like this," He showed me how to hold it, demonstrating with one of his other knives. "and then aim for the spot you want, and throw." He explained as he lodged his blade into a tree, hitting it slightly off center.

It seemed easy enough. I held the knife like Murphy showed me and narrowed my eyes to aim for the middle of the tree. I drew the knife back just behind my ear before releasing it with a flick of my wrist. The knife spun a few times before sticking into the tree, right in the middle.

"Shit. Nice job, kid," Murphy seemed surprised. I smiled proudly.

Murphy and I threw knives at trees for a while (which I was surprisingly good at) before everyone else had woken up. After Atom snitched about my little expedition the day before, Bellamy wouldn't let me out of his sight, not for a second, unless I was with Octavia or someone else he trusted me to be around. 

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