34: Snow War 2: Electric Boogaloo

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*Logan POV*

Monday afternoon. Gym class. Virgil is unnoticeably absent. As far as I can tell, Remus, Janus, and I are the only ones who have actually noticed. 

"Alright class, since we actually got snow this year we're going to be having that snowball fight all of you are talking about. Ice, yellow snow, and melting are all off-limits," the teacher says.

We all nod.

"Now, get in your snow gear. We aren't using temp manipulation today," he says.

We all stand still.

"NOW!" he shouts.

We all scramble to the locker rooms to grab our snow gear. 

"We're lucky it actually snowed this year," Patton says.

"Yeah, usually we get frost and that's it," Roman says.

"Looks like we'll have to put off trying to make snow again," Cass says.

"How would you do that?" I ask.

"Oh, it's kinda hard. Basically, we have to balance water at the right temperature and molecular state. And since every snowflake is unique it makes things even harder," Roman explains, his back turned to me.

When he turns around and sees me, he adds "But I'm sure you'd be able to do it."

We both give each other cold looks as we get our snow gear on. Soon, we exit the building and make our way to the fields, where many snow forts stand.

"This is so exciting! We've never gotten to do this in class before!" Patton says excitedly.

"Yeah, be ready. We're prepared to win," Remus says.

"Oh screw off, Duke," Roman snaps.

"Says the guy who wishes he got screwed," Remus retorts.



"Remus, if you keep talking to them they're going to find out our plan. So shut up and let's go," Janus interjects, grabbing Remus by the arm and dragging him away.

Remus blows a raspberry in our direction as they walk away. Roman looks just about ready to kill him.

"Ro, you gotta stop getting so riled up with Remus. Don't you two live on the same street?" Patton asks.

"We do. Is that supposed to make us friends?" Roman asks.

"No. But the fact that you have a short temper and the ability to make things explode, I would consider trying to keep your anger under control," I say.

"I hate to say it, but I agree," Patton says.

Roman scowls.

"Fine, fine. Whatever. Let's just win this game," he says.

We walk to our small fort, to the side of the main one.

"Alright, class! Since it's just our year right now, let's keep damage to a minimal. Think of this as a scrimmage!" A girl shouts from the centerline.

We all shout in agreement. We are given two minutes to make any last-minute preparations, and because this is gym class we are given a flag to hide, instead of letting this be a free-for-all. 

"We need to hide it in a more secluded area and have guards posted in different places as diversions," Roman says.

"No, we need to put it at the very top and have half the team guard it there!" Vick says.

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